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Omega 3: Hemp oil – a better source than fish oil

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Omega-3: oil is a better source than fish oil?! Really? Let’s have a look and see if that is true. Fish oil has been known for years as a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Logical, because fatty fish is indeed super healthy for your brain, your heart and your blood vessels. But fatty fish is certainly not the only source of healthy fatty acids. What’s more, hempseed is a better, cheaper and vegetable source of omega 3.

Home » Omega 3: Hemp oil – a better source than fish oil

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1. What is omega 3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are several essential fatty acids that keep our cells supple. And since our body is made up of around 60 trillion cells, it is important to keep them as healthy as possible. After all, the better your cells function, the healthier you are.

2. Health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids

However, essential fatty acids are unfortunately not produced by the body and must therefore be ingested through food. Especially the three most important omega 3 fatty acids: ALA, DHA and EPA. If you consume enough of these three, you will enjoy considerable health benefits – read on!

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3. The 5 main benefits of omega 3?

  1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Omega 3 increases the good HDL cholesterol which serves as a kind of cleaning agent for blood vessels. It also prevents blood clots (thrombosis) and lowers the blood pressure if it is too high.
  2. Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory. There is a link between taking extra omega 3 and inhibiting inflammation.
  3. Stronger bones and joints. Omega 3 improves the amount of calcium in the bones, reducing the risk of .
  4. Decrease in anxiety disorders and depression. Studies show that people who take in enough omega 3 are less likely to be anxious or depressed.
  5. Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Ageing goes hand in hand with a decrease in brain capacity and a higher risk of mental old age diseases such as disease. The risk of this decreases due to a higher intake of omega 3.

4. What is fish oil?

Oily fish is a good source of these omega-3 acids. But to get enough in you should eat fresh fish twice a week, and very few people do that. Fortunately, there are supplements. This oil (also called cod liver oil) is sold in capsules or as oil that you take in on a teaspoon. Fish oil is a popular way to take in enough omega-3 fatty acids.

Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks to fish oil, which you do not suffer from with hemp seed oil. Side effects associated with fish oil are abdominal painnausea and heartburn. Not to mention the embarrassing ‘fishmonger’ with its fishy aftertaste.
Fish oil is also susceptible to oxidation, which actually simply means that fish oil spoils quickly. Many brands therefore supply fish oil with antioxidant protection. Nevertheless, there is a great risk that you will take rancid fish oil.

Another problem is that you don’t always get what’s on the label. Not all fatty acids are in it, or not in the quantity stated. The oil is not always sufficiently purified or the fish was not fresh.

Also, fish that is not caught according to all sorts of guidelines (such as MSC label) can contain too many toxic substances, heavy metals and plastic particles. Certain fish have been shown to contain mercury and other heavy metals and other contaminants. Not substances that you want to consume.

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5. Hemp seed oil

What many people do not know is that hempseed oil is a particularly rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, this vegetable source provides many other healthy nutrients and minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium. Hempseed oil also contains omega 3 stearidonic acid (SDA), an essential fatty acid that the body converts into EPA fatty acid.

In addition to omega 3, hempseed oil is full of other essential fatty acids. It contains almost 85% of all the essential fatty acids you need. This makes hempseed oil the most complete source of essential fatty acids. Hempseed oil also contains much less saturated (bad) fatty acids and is more easily digested by the body.

That is not all. Hempseed oil also contains a lot of antioxidants, bioactive enzymes and the highest phenol content found in vegetable oils. Phenolic compounds from nature can reduce the risk of , stop inflammation and fight free radicals. In addition, the oil has many vitamins and even almost all B vitamins.

6. No side effects

Finally, hemp seed oil is not only a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, but it also has the ideal omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. Omega 6 is also an essential fatty acid. Our body absorbs omega 3 and 6 fatty acids best when taken in a certain ratio. This ratio is 3:1. So three parts omega 6 and one part omega 3.

Hempseed oil has no side effects. Not only is it safer than fish oil, it is also safer for the environment. Hempseed oil does not require intensive fishing and it does not disturb ecosystems. Hemp plants are good for soil life and reduce greenhouse gases.

So do you want to easily add a good dose of health to your daily routine? Then get a bottle of hemp seed oil. It tastes deliciously nutty, contains no THC so you won’t get high from it, but it is very healthy!

7. More benefits of Omega-3

  1. Omega 3 reduces the risk of postnatal depression. Sufficient Omega 3 during pregnancy is good for the development of the child’s brain and reduces the risk of postnatal in the mother.
  2. Relieves menstrual pain. Several studies show that women taking omega 3 supplements suffer less from menstrual pain.
    Improves sleep. Studies with both children and adults show that omega-3 supplements improve the length and quality of sleep.
  3. Good for the skin. Fatty acids in omega 3 contribute to a good skin structure. DHA in particular helps to keep all cell membranes healthy. As a result, the skin remains beautiful longer.
  4. Better vision with omega 3. DHA in omega 3 is also an important building block for the brain and retina in the eyes.
  5. Omega 3 against asthma. The risk of chronic lung disease asthma decreases in children and young adults.
  6. Reduces the risk of certain forms of cancer. Research suggests that people who take in enough omega 3 are up to 55% less likely to develop colorectal cancer. Other studies suggest that sufficient omega 3 reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
  7. Reduced risk of autoimmune diseases. Studies show that sufficient omega 3 during the first years of life reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, but also multiple sclerosis.
  8. Slimmer with omega-3. Omega-3 improves digestion. Omega-3 also improves the body’s performance, making it easier to burn excess body fat.


What are the primary sources of omega-3 in hempseed oil and fish oil?

Hempseed oil provides omega-3 in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a plant-based fatty acid. Fish oil contains two other types of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are derived from marine sources.

Can the body use ALA from hempseed oil as effectively as EPA and DHA from fish oil?

The body can convert ALA, the omega-3 in hempseed oil, into EPA and DHA, but the conversion process is inefficient. EPA and DHA from fish oil are more readily available for the body to use without needing conversion.

Are there any additional health benefits of taking fish oil over hempseed oil?

Fish oil is often preferred for its direct supply of EPA and DHA, which are linked to improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and better brain function. Hempseed oil also offers health benefits like properties and skin health support but does not directly provide EPA and DHA.

What are the environmental considerations between choosing hempseed oil and fish oil?

Hempseed oil is derived from plants and is generally considered to have a lower environmental impact compared to fish oil, which involves fishing and the potential depletion of fish stocks. Hemp cultivation also benefits the soil and has a quicker renewal cycle.

Can I use hempseed oil and fish oil together in my diet?

Yes, combining hempseed oil and fish oil in your diet can be beneficial. Hempseed oil provides a good balance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and additional nutrients, while fish oil offers a rich source of EPA and DHA. Together, they can help ensure a comprehensive fatty acid profile.

The Real CBD with Hemp Seed oil and Omega-3

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