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Does CBD Ointment Get into Your Bloodstream?

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Does CBD ointment get into your bloodstream? In this article, we find the answer and all relevant information about and your bloodstream.

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In the ever-evolving world of wellness and health, CBD products have surged in popularity, promising a plethora of benefits without the psychoactive effects associated with its cousin, THC. Among these products, CBD ointments have become a go-to for those seeking relief from pain, , and various skin conditions. However, a question often arises: Does CBD ointment get into your bloodstream?

What is CBD ointment

CBD ointment is a topical product that infuses with cannabidiol (CBD) derived from the plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the other well-known compound from the cannabis plant, CBD does not produce a psychoactive effect. This means it will not make you feel “high.”People prize CBD for its therapeutic properties, which they find beneficial for a variety of health conditions

You can apply the ointment directly to the skin. It’s mainly used to potentially relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and soothe skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.The theory behind CBD ointment is that when applied topically, CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the skin. These receptors are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps regulate pain, itchiness, and inflammatory responses.

CBD ointment base

CBD ointments usually contain a base, like beeswax or coconut oil, which helps the skin absorb the CBD. They may also include additional ingredients such as essential oils or herbal extracts to support the product’s intended effects, like reducing pain or inflammation.

Since you apply CBD ointment directly to the skin, it acts as a localized treatment. This approach targets the area where you apply it, without significantly entering the bloodstream.This localized approach is one reason why people choose CBD ointment for relief from joint pains, muscle aches, or skin conditions, hoping to get the benefits of CBD without systemic effects.

Understanding CBD Ointment and Its Mechanism

Manufacturers infuse CBD ointment, a topical preparation, with cannabidiol (CBD) for direct application on the skin. Unlike CBD products you ingest, these ointments aim to provide localized relief by targeting specific discomfort or inflammation areas. CBD ointment works by interacting with the skin’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is crucial for regulating pain, itch, and inflammatory responses.

The Skin Barrier and CBD Absorption

The skin, being the largest organ of the body, acts as a robust barrier against external substances. Its outermost layer, the stratum corneum, is particularly effective in preventing the entry of foreign agents into the body. This protective feature, while essential for our health, also means that the absorption of substances like CBD through the skin is limited.

Research on CBD Penetration

Research into the transdermal absorption of CBD suggests that while the compound can penetrate the skin to reach the underlying tissues, its entry into the systemic circulation is minimal. A study published in the European Journal of Pain indicated that topical application of CBD could reduce pain and inflammation without significant side effects. However, these effects are localized, with little to no CBD entering the bloodstream.

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Factors Influencing CBD Absorption through the Skin

Several factors can influence the extent, to which CBD penetrates the skin, including:

  • The Formulation of the Ointment: The base in which CBD is dissolved can affect its ability to cross the skin barrier. Ointments designed with permeation enhancers can improve absorption.
  • The Concentration of CBD: Higher concentrations of CBD may increase the likelihood of skin penetration, though this does not necessarily mean higher absorption into the bloodstream.
  • Application Area and : Areas with thinner skin or damaged skin may allow for better absorption of CBD.

CBD Ointment and Systemic Absorption

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Topical CBD can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and possibly reach the peripheral nervous system. Generally, experts agree that topical application only allows a negligible amount of CBD to enter the bloodstream. This means that CBD ointments are unlikely to produce systemic effects or the ‘high’ associated with cannabis consumption.

Benefits of CBD Ointment without Bloodstream Absorption

The localized action of CBD ointments is beneficial for addressing specific areas of discomfort without affecting the entire body. This localized approach allows for:

  • Targeted pain relief
  • Reduction in inflammation and swelling
  • Alleviation of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis

Do any skin ointment get into the blood stream?

Whether a skin ointment enters the bloodstream largely hinges on its specific formulation, the active ingredients it contains, and the skin’s condition where it is applied. Here’s a general overview:

  • Transdermal Ointments: Manufacturers design some ointments, known as transdermal ointments or patches, to deliver medications from the skin directly into the bloodstream. These formulations penetrate the skin barrier for systemic treatment, rather than providing localized relief.
  • Topical Ointments: Most conventional skin ointments, however, serve for topical use and primarily affect the skin’s surface or upper layers. Typically, these ointments do not aim to enter the bloodstream but to offer local relief or treat skin conditions.
  • Skin Condition and Permeability: The condition of the skin can also affect absorption. Damaged or broken skin may allow for more significant absorption of substances than intact skin.
  • Active Ingredients: The molecular size, solubility, and concentration of the active ingredients in an ointment can influence whether they can penetrate deeply enough to reach the bloodstream.

What can you use CBD ointment for?

You can use CBD ointment for various purposes, mainly for its potential to offer relief from certain conditions without THC’s psychoactive effects. Here are some common uses:

  1. Pain Relief: It is often used to alleviate pain, including muscle soreness, joint pain, and arthritis-related discomfort. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD can help reduce swelling and ease pain.
  2. Skin Conditions: CBD ointment can be applied to manage skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and . Its and soothing properties may help reduce symptoms like redness, itching, and irritation.
  3. Inflammation: CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects can be beneficial for reducing inflammation in various conditions, not just limited to the skin but also in muscles and joints.
  4. Healing Support: There is anecdotal evidence that CBD ointment may support the healing of minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises, possibly by reducing inflammation and promoting recovery.
  5. Relaxation: Applying CBD ointment can also have a soothing effect on the body, potentially helping to relax tense muscles and provide a sense of calm.

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The Real CBD ointments


CBD ointment offers a promising alternative for individuals seeking relief from various physical discomforts without the psychoactive effects or the risk of systemic side effects. While it does penetrate the skin to provide localized benefits, the evidence suggests it does not significantly enter the bloodstream. This characteristic makes CBD ointment a safe and effective option for many, providing relief right where it is needed.

In the realm of natural wellness solutions, understanding the nuances of how products like CBD ointment work is crucial for making informed choices. By appreciating the localized effects of CBD and recognizing the limitations of skin absorption, individuals can better navigate the vast landscape of CBD products to find the relief they seek.

For more insightful information on enhancing your wellness journey with CBD and other natural remedies, explore our comprehensive guides and articles. Your path to informed wellness starts here.

FAQ-Does CBD ointment get into your bloodstream.

Does CBD ointment get into your bloodstream?

Typically, CBD ointment does not enter your bloodstream when applied topically. It interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the skin without absorbing into the system.

How does CBD ointment work if it does not enter the bloodstream?

CBD ointment works by targeting the cannabinoid receptors located in the skin. These receptors are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate pain, inflammation, and other skin functions.

Can using CBD ointment lead to any psychoactive effects?

No, using CBD ointment does not lead to psychoactive effects. CBD is non-psychoactive, and since it does not enter the bloodstream when applied topically, it will not affect your mental state.

How long does it take for CBD ointment to work?

The onset of effects from CBD ointment can vary depending on several factors, including the concentration of CBD and the individual’s skin type. Generally, users may begin to feel relief within minutes to an hour after application.

Is CBD ointment safe for all skin types?

CBD ointment is safe for most skin types. However, as with any topical product, it’s advisable to perform a patch test first to ensure there is no allergic reaction or sensitivity.

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