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CBD and Pain: All your questions answered!

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Home » CBD and Pain: All your questions answered!

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CBD and pain. arthritis, migraine pain, How long does it take for my CBD to work? What is the best CBD balm…Can CBD help period pain? We answer all your questions! Welcome to The Real CBD.

Righteously a very hot topic! Because many studies find that CBD hemp oil can be very effective for pain relief. But as we indicated in our prior blog about pain and CBD oil, there are many different forms of pain. In this article, we answer all your burning questions (according to the stats of Google that is!). We also explain why certain solutions or CBD products are more effective for certain types of pain. If you don’t find an answer to one of your questions in this blog, please reach out to us. Our certified people are more than willing to help you in your quest for the ideal CBD product. For now…let’s head over to the Q&A!

How long does it take for your CBD product to work?

There are a few factors that play a role here.

Method of consumption

This means which way you choose to take the CBD. Vaping is by far the quickest way to get the benefits of CBD. It is instant as it goes through the lungs straight into the bloodstream. But it is not everybody that likes the idea of “smoking” CBD. It can be hard if you are a non-smoker to get to terms with vaping or smoking CBD, even though it is a healthy option.

The second fastest and also the most popular is oil in tinctures. You put the drops under your tongue and leave them in your mouth for a minimum of 1 min. This part is the most important. Once you have swallowed the drops you lose up to 70% of the effect through the digestive tract. When you keep the drops in your mouth, the membranes uptake the CBD directly into the bloodstream. Therefore you will get greater benefits. Feeling the benefits can be from 30 min to a few days. All depending on the product and your own unique DNA.

In the belly button?

A surprising way to use the oil tinctures is in and around the belly button. It is called the Pechoti method (Ayurvedic) and works through the gland we all have behind our belly buttons. If you want to know more about this method click here

Topical use (on the skin) is also a possibility of using CBD. It is mostly recommended for skin conditions or sports injuries. It can have an immediate effect; or it can take from 30min to a few hours before you feel any difference.

Eating CBD is the slowest form of ingestion. It can take from 2 hours to weeks before you feel any effect.

Bio-Availability of the CBD

This is very important. Bio-availability means how well the body can uptake the CBD depending on the particle size of the actual CBD. Each method of consumption varies in bioavailability.

CBD extracts have a particle size of about 2000 micrometers. As it is mostly CBD extract which is used in full spectrum products – you won’t find any mainstream CBD products with smaller particle sizes = better bio-availability. However, The Real CBD has a patented water-soluble CBD powder available, which is probably the most versatile FULL SPECTRUM CBD product on the market. The particle size of the CBD is 89 micrometers – almost the size of a NANO particle.

If you want to know more about the CBD powder:

The endocannabinoid system

Our body is an independent entity capable of receiving certain information from the outside world through the senses and then interpreting and elaborating on it in the brain, to finally allow the rest of our body to interact with such data.

We could say that the endocannabinoid system is an intercellular communication system. It basically is a neurotransmission system, although it is much more than that, as it can also be found in other organs and body tissues than the brain. Our endocannabinoid system is as individual as our DNA and explains why CBD products work differently for people.

What CBD oil is best for chronic pain?

What you need to know

Most pain stems from inflammation of some kind – and CBD could help fight inflammation. The best cannabinoid to fight inflammation is really CBDa, the acid form of . So any product high on CBDa (but not ONLY CBDa) could be a great product to fight your inflammation, which then eventually gets rid of your pain.

Pain from nerve damage! There are over 100 different forms of nerve damage and it is estimated that approximately 5 million Europeans suffer from peripheral nerve damage. This is a disease that becomes increasingly common with age. Also, almost 70% of people with diabetes suffer nerve damage.

Research into CBD oil for nerve degeneration diseases is in its relatively early stages, but most of it is pointing to positive results. As researchers conduct more large-scale clinical trials, results are expected to demonstrate powerful and effective treatment of these diseases with CBD oil. Choosing a product can be very difficult as we all have a unique endocannabinoid system. Generally our motto “Start low and go slow” is the safest and best way to test if CBD would help your chronic pain if it stems from nerve damage.

If you have a specific nerve degenerative disease like Parkinson’s-, Alzheimer’s– or Huntington’s’ disease, please contact us for a free personal consultation at [email protected] or +34 640221562

What is the best CBD cream (balm, salve, lotion, or patch) for pain?

The-Real CBD-Combopack-27

Topical CBD products can help address pain or inflammation that’s at a specific area of your body, such as on the joints. The product won’t enter the bloodstream. So a topical CBD product isn’t designed to address systemic problems, but it may help directly on the skin. An option from the conventional CBD balms and creams is a CBD pain Patch

Reliable products don’t just mask pain or inflammation as some over-the-counter topical pain relief creams do. They actually can make the pain go away for a certain time period, says Matthew Halpert, an instructor of immunology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. This is because of the high concentration of cannabinoid receptors on the skin. Cannabinoid receptors are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, a body-wide system discovered in the 1990s that affects many important functions.

In a small study with 20 patients published in 2019 in Clinical Therapeutics, a CBD ointment used over three months for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and scars significantly improved symptoms and signs of skin disorders. As with any small study, larger studies could help confirm results.

The effect of CBD may also vary from person to person. Some find it helps, while others don’t.

Does CBD work for arthritis pain?

Does CBD work for arthritis? Animal studies have suggested that CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, but these effects have not been validated in quality studies in humans. Anecdotally, some people with arthritis who have tried CBD, but not all, report noticeable pain relief. We can of course only speak from what our clients have said and shown us, but we do think that CBD products, it being oils taken via the mouth or balms or patches applied on the skin, work with most people suffering from arthritis.

We normally suggest a good full-spectrum 15% CBD oil high in CBDa to fight the inflammation and help ease the pain. If you want to tackle the problem from the outside as well, we recommend using a balm or a pain patch with CBD on the affected areas.

Does CBD oil work for Migraine pain?

can you take too much cbd?

Migraine attacks go beyond the typical – or allergy-related headache. Migraine attacks last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours. Even the most mundane activities, such as moving or being around noise and light, can amplify your symptoms.

Research on the use of CBD for migraine pain is limited. Existing studies look at the combined effects of CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a different cannabinoid. There are currently no published studies that examine the effects of CBD as a single ingredient on migraine. Still, some laboratory studies have suggested that CBD oil may help all forms of chronic and acute pain, including migraine.

Vaping high concentrations of a full spectrum (very important to include the trace amount of THC) when you feel a migraine attack appears to have been shown to help some people. With vapings’ immediate effect, you will feel the benefits very quickly.

Can CBD help with period pains?


It’s that time of the month again — time to call in sick, cancel plans, and curl up in bed with a hot water bottle. If this sounds like your monthly ritual, you are not alone. Up to 90% of reproductive-age women suffer from painful periods. Maybe you have asked yourself: Can CBD help period pains? More and more women are reporting that CBD and THC products are the best tools they have for treating painful periods.

Recently, scientists discovered that — similar to ex. paracetamol — CBD also inhibits the prostaglandin-producing enzyme. However — unlike ex. paracetamol — CBD prefers to inhibit COX-2 over COX-1, which means its anti-inflammatory benefits come without the gastrointestinal side effects. Not only does CBD inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, but both CBD and THC physically stop your DNA from producing so much of this enzyme in the first place.

By improving digestive functions and reducing inflammation and nausea throughout your body, CBD can help attenuate cramping and bloating. Better yet, you can proactively prevent these symptoms by taking drops a few days before you start your period. Even better, take it the whole month but up the dosage a couple of days before your period.

Is it safe to take CBD oil for pain?

Generally speaking – it is safe for most people to take daily CBD, but there are a few precautions you should be aware of before adding it to your daily routine.

If you’re considering using CBD oil, you should speak to your GP or other healthcare professional to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you to do so.
This is particularly important if you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, if you have any pre-existing conditions, or if you are taking any medication including blood thinning medication and calcium channel blockers. For more information about that click here!

Although the use of CBD is controversial, it seems to be tolerated by most people. It has, however, caused hypotension and light-headedness in a small number of people. As it does not contain large amounts of the THC part of the cannabis plant, the oil will not induce a ‘high’.

To make absolutely sure you are taking CBD. The right way, we recommend to “start low and go slow” – this means to start with a low dosage (small amount of drops) and slowly Increase the daily amount until you experience the desired effect.

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CBD and Pain – Overview

The Real CBD e Book

To sum things up then you can safely try and manage your pain with a CBD product. Make sure you get it from a trusted source that has lab reports on their products and are willing to help you find the correct strength and dosage. You should “start low and go slow” to find your sweet spot to help manage your pain. Once you have determined the dosage you can start easing off on other medication, maybe you take any over-the-counter painkillers. CBD cannot harm you in any way. At the beginning of your CBD journey, you could experience some light side effects. If you want to know more about them click here.  You have nothing to lose trying CBD – other than prescription medication you might be on and with a 100% natural pure product. You will thank yourself in a week or two.

If you are new to CBD and want to know more, you can learn all you need to know in our FREE E-book. One click and you will have a 20-page extensive E-book in your inbox. Click on the button below to download now!

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FAQ – CBD and Pain

How long does it take for CBD products to start working?

The onset time varies based on the method of consumption: Vaping offers immediate effects, oils under the tongue can take 30 minutes to a few days, topical applications may show results immediately to a few hours, and edibles can take up to 2 hours or longer. Individual experiences may vary due to personal factors.

What affects the effectiveness of CBD?

The bioavailability of CBD, which is influenced by the particle size and the method of consumption, plays a significant role. The Real CBD’s water-soluble powder with a particle size of 89 micrometers offers higher bioavailability. Your unique endocannabinoid system also affects how CBD works for you.

Can CBD help with chronic pain?

Yes, especially for inflammation-related pain. Products high in CBDa are recommended for their anti-inflammatory properties. For nerve damage and specific diseases like Parkinson’s, , or Huntington’s, personalized consultation is advised to find the most suitable product.

Is CBD effective for arthritis and migraine pain?

Anecdotal evidence suggests CBD can offer pain relief for arthritis through anti-inflammatory properties. Full-spectrum CBD oil, particularly with high CBDa content, is recommended. For migraines, vaping full-spectrum CBD at the onset might provide quick relief, though individual results may vary.

The Real CBD for Pain

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