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Can CBD help balance your hormones?

Naked torso with list of hormone names

When our hormones are out of whack, we feel like nothing is right. It’s interesting that something as small as a molecule can have such a big effect on how we feel. Hormones affect everything from hunger and appetite control to sex drive and fertility. They are called chemical messengers because they are made in the endocrine glands and travel to specific receptors in organs and tissues, where they change things by binding to receptors. If you know the basics of how the ECS works, you already know how cannabinoids work.

Cannabinoids and hormones both work to keep our bodies in homeostasis. So, is it possible that there is a link between hormones and cannabinoids? The answer is yes, which you probably already guessed.

Home » Can CBD help balance your hormones?

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How does CBD oil influence your hormones?

What is CBD

Research confirms a link between the endocannabinoid system and endocrine processes.

We know that the body’s endocannabinoid system helps keep things in balance. It makes sure that our bodies only work in a small range of conditions. This is called homeostasis.

The ECS is known to control many things, including , mood, memory, fertility, bone growth, pain, and immune function. CBD interacts with the ECS and a lot of other body receptors.

We still have very few human studies that show how this shows up in our different hormone systems.

CBD can have an effect on insulin, cortisol, and melatonin, which are all important hormones.

The connection between the ECS and the endocrine system

 Since the ECS and the endocrine system are linked, cannabinoids can also affect how hormones are made and released. This is especially true of CBD because it blocks CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBD can also change how sensitive hormones are when it binds to receptors. It can either be made bigger or smaller. CBD can also speed up the enzymes that break down hormones after they have done their job. So, we can say that CBD has something to do with how hormones work.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

All of us have been there. Your emotions are always going up and down because you’re stressed out, can’t sleep, and have hormonal . You start to wonder what’s going on, but then you realize it’s hormones. Both men and women can have hormones that change but in different ways.


This is because our endocrine organs and cycles are different. Almost all females with reproductive organs will have an imbalance of hormones at some point in their lives. Not to mention alone every month. This can happen at any time, but it most often happens during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and then menopause. Some women may even have imbalances that happen all the time.

When we think of an imbalance in hormones, we think of problems that many women around the world have and that are related to their monthly cycles. These are the signs of PMS:

  • Bloating and tummy pain
  • Mood swings
  • Breast tenderness
  • Food cravings

In some cases of hormonal imbalance, women can experience PCOS, which can include symptoms like:

Taking into consideration the above symptoms, it is not a surprise that women around the world are willing to try anything that would solve their problems. Luckily, there are several methods available. Some women visit the doctor and try hormonal therapies, while others believe that “food is the medicine” and try to balance their hormones with diet. We like nature and natural remedies, so we would suggest that you give CBD products a try.

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Major hormones and CBD

Let’s take a look at some of the major hormones in our bodies and how CBD affects them

Estrogen & CBD

CBD might reduce the amount of estrogen in the body, but more research is needed to confirm that.

Up until now, it has been known that CBD could affect estrogen levels because they are both broken down by the same enzyme pathway.

What we know is that CBD may have an effect on estrogen by making enzymes that usually break down estrogen work faster. This could be important after ovulation when progesterone levels rise to help the egg get fertilized.

Estrogen hormones directly affect fertility, sexual development, and the possibility of contracting a female-related illness like breast cancer.

CBD and Growth Hormone

The growth hormone (GH) is responsible for growth and development in our bodies. This is done through the signaling of cell reproduction and regeneration. Increased growth hormone could lead to stronger bones, more muscle mass, and more energy.

GH may change if you use CBD for a long time. A single dose has been shown to have no effect on GH levels. But it has been shown that other cannabinoids, like THC, can lower GH by interacting with the CB1 receptor. Since CBD also has an affinity for the CB1 receptor, this could mean it may affect GH as well. We still don’t know if CBD has a good effect or not because we need to do more research.

CBD and Testosterone

Along with oestrogen, testosterone helps bone mass and reproductive tissues in women grow, stay healthy, and heal. It can also change how people act. Having an imbalance of testosterone can make women less sexually driven, especially before and after .

Testosterone is made by the male and female reproductive organs when the hypothalamus sends out the hormones LH and FSH. CBD in high doses may change the levels of LH and FSH, but more evidence is needed to show that it will also change testosterone levels. Some researchers think that if CBD is used in high doses for a long time without exercise, it could even hurt testosterone.

But CBD may help in other ways to make more testosterone. Low testosterone levels can be caused by both physical and mental stress. CBD might stop the production of prolactin and cortisol, which are stress hormones that slow the production of testosterone.

Cortisol & CBD

Cortisol is called the “stress hormone.” Maybe you already knew that. It is also known that CBD may lower stress, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that CBD affects cortisol. Through CB1 receptors in the hypothalamus, CBD can stop cortisol from being made.

Cortisol, the well-known stress hormone, tells the body when something stressful is happening. Cortisol is made by the adrenal glands in response to what the hypothalamus feels. Even though this hormone might be helpful in small amounts during an emergency, we wouldn’t want it to be around all the time.

can make us worry about things like losing our jobs, getting into fights with people we care about, or having a lot of bills to pay. Stress that hasn’t been dealt with can cause these stimuli to keep releasing cortisol. CBD is the best way to get rid of stress because it helps with anxiety. CBD can stop Cortisol from being made by blocking CB1 receptors in the hypothalamus. This stops the stress response from happening.

CBD for Insulin

CBD can lower insulin levels and keep blood sugar from getting too high. Because of this, it could help people lose weight. But the latest is not yet proven, so more research needs to be done.

Insulin is a hormone that controls how much energy is used and stored and how much is used. It helps keep our metabolism in check, which affects how much we weigh and how much energy we have.

When our insulin level is normal, our muscles and liver use sugar well, and there isn’t much left to store as fat. Because of weight gain and diabetes, insulin levels are high. This is often caused by eating too much sugar.

Some research shows that CBD can keep blood sugar from getting too high and can lower insulin levels. It might tell cells in the muscles and liver to absorb sugar more efficiently, which would keep the blood sugar level steady. Even though it hasn’t been proven, it may be possible that CBD could help people lose weight by lowering insulin levels.

Thyroid hormones and cannabidiol

CBD can either stimulate or diminish thyroid hormones, so it is expected that it can adapt to a person’s needs. CBD is, therefore, a promising agent to balance thyroid hormones, however, additional research is needed.

At the moment, there is no research on how CBD affects thyroid hormones, but there is information on how endocannabinoids affect them. TSH, T3, and T4 are all thyroid hormones that play important roles in the thyroid. TSH controls how many hormones are made, while T3 and T4 affect things like weight, energy, hair, skin, nails, and more.

To do these things, our metabolism works with the help of these hormones. Endocannabinoids, on the other hand, lower thyroid hormones, which in turn lowers the amount of energy needed to do what needs to be done.

And since CBD can either make the endocannabinoids work harder or make them work less, this could affect the thyroid. When endocannabinoids are blocked, TSH, T3, and T4 go up. This could make the thyroid more active.

The way CBD affects a person may depend on whether their thyroid is too active, not active enough, or just right. CBD is known to raise the levels of the neurotransmitter anandamide, which is a fatty acid. And it has been found that anandamide can lower high TSH levels in hypothyroidism and normal thyroids.

TSH wouldn’t go down in people with hyperthyroidism, though, because they already have low TSH. This could mean that CBD could change to fit the needs of each person. More research is needed, but it looks like CBD will be a good way to treat thyroid hormones in the future.

Try Third Party Tested, Full-Spectrum CBD for Hormone Balance


Consult your doctor if you are interested in using CBD for your hormonal imbalance. If you decide to give it a try, be sure to purchase a product that has been third-party tested. Even though and CBD are approved the industry is currently under-regulated like most supplements. This means there are a lot of untested products out there that make false claims or may even contain harmful contaminants.

To balance your hormones, we recommend a full-spectrum product, meaning it contains a range of cannabinoids found naturally in hemp. This combination allows for the compounds to work synergistically, mimicking nature. This amplifies the product’s overall effects. Although CBD comes in varying forms such as oil drops, capsules, edibles, and drinks, we find that CBD oil is the most effective and convenient choice.

Make sure to take the recommended dose for your condition, and do so consistently. The best results occur when CBD has compounded over time. Use it daily!


Evidence suggests, that CBD can have an impact on several different hormones in our bodies. Even though there are additional studies needed to confirm some of the connections, we suggest trying CBD for your hormonal issues and seeing the results by yourself.

It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting supplementation with CBD. The FSA advises that people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any medication not consume CBD products. Unless under medical guidance, CBD intake should be limited to less than 70mg a day.

Thank you for reading “Can CBD help balance your hormones?” Should you have any questions or want us to help you choose the right product for you – we are here to help! Contact us at [email protected] and we will do our outmost best to help and guide you in the right direction.

FAQ – CBD for balanced hormones

Can CBD help balance hormones?

CBD may influence hormone levels in the body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating various physiological processes, including hormone production and balance. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effects and efficacy.

What specific hormones might CBD impact?

CBD has been studied for its potential effects on various hormones such as cortisol (stress hormone), insulin (regulates blood sugar), and melatonin (regulates sleep). Studies suggest it might help modulate these levels, but definitive clinical data is still lacking.

How should CBD be used for hormone balance?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all or method for hormone regulation. It’s important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it based on your body’s response. Consulting with a healthcare provider, especially one familiar with CBD use, is advisable.

Are there any side effects of using CBD for hormone balance?

Potential side effects of CBD include fatigue, changes in appetite, and gastrointestinal issues. While CBD is generally considered safe, its interaction with hormones may vary by individual. Monitoring any changes and discussing them with a healthcare provider is recommended.

How long does it take to see effects from using CBD on hormone levels?

The effects of CBD on hormone levels can vary widely among individuals. Some may notice changes within a few days, while others might need several weeks or longer. Consistent usage and monitoring are key to assessing its impact.

The Real CBD for better hormone balance

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