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Will CBD Oil Break my Fast?

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Home » Will CBD Oil Break my Fast?

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So you have chosen to do some kind of fasting 5:2 or 16:8 or maybe even a 24H water fast. Maybe you are on your 72H monthly water fast! You could be doing this either for health reasons, religious reasons, longevity  or to lose weight. Now you are standing there wanting to take your daily CBD oil, because you have learnt that consistency enhances the effect of the CBD oil, and are wondering if those little golden drops will break your fast? 

What happens when we fast?

Whether you are fasting or not, the body still needs energy. Even if you were laying in a bed all day, you still need energy to breathe and live. The body’s primary energy source is a sugar called glucose, which usually comes from carbohydrates, including grains, fruits, beans, and even sweets.

Your liver and muscles store the glucose and release it into the bloodstream whenever your body needs it.

However, during fasting, this process changes. After about 8 hours of fasting, your liver will use the last of its glucose reserves. At this point, the body enters into a state called gluconeogenesis, making the body’s transition into fasting mode.

Benefits of fasting!


Dr. Jason Fung says it, as it is:

Starvation literally means starvation. It doesn’t mean skipping a meal or not eating for 24 hours. Or not eating for three days, even. The belief that meal skipping or short-term fasting causes “starvation mode” is so completely ridiculous and absurd that it makes me want to jump out the window.

Jason Fung

Jason Fung is one of the leading doctors when it comes to fasting, IF, and diabetes – and have studied the benefits of fasting for a decade.

Here is a list of proven health benefits for doing regular fasting:

  • Fasting Helps Weight Loss
  • Fasting Improves Insulin Sensitivity
  • Fasting Speeds Up The Metabolism
  • Fasting Promotes Longevity
  • Fasting Improves Hunger
  • Fasting Improves Your Eating Patterns
  • Fasting Improves Your Brain Function
  • Fasting Improves Your
  • Fasting Contributes To Better Gut Bacteria
  • Fasting Helps Clear The Skin And Prevent Acne

Will CBD Oil break my fast?

The general thumb rule is that if you stay under 50 calories, then you’ll remain in the fasted state. So the simple answer is NO – CBD oil will not break your fast unless you drink the whole bottle. But as you are only dripping a few drops under the tongue, you will be way under the 50 calories.

More about CBD

How Can CBD Help with Intermittent Fasting?

The benefits of fasting are clear, but how can CBD help you to get the best results from your fasting?

Suppress your appetite

When you are fasting, you may occasionally find that you feel hungry with your eating time still far into the future. Those moments can be frustrating – feeling hungry is a pain, but you don’t want to undo your hard work. Eat Less CBD Oil will remove frustrating moment, so you can continue and have success.

Reduce anxiety

Many of us have a complex relationship with food and feeling hungry is never fun. Being hungry can lead to feelings of restlessness and anxiety – those feelings can claw away at you and encourage you to break your fast and undo your hard work.

Regulate bodily systems

You may find that a change to your diet can disrupt some elements of daily life like your mood and your energy levels. This can derail your progress and make you feel like giving up.

We all have an endocannabinoid system that helps to regulate important systems within the body. CBD can provide external cannabinoids that help to regulate the system and keep your body functioning smoothly.

Synergistic Effects: Combining CBD Oil and Fasting


When CBD oil is combined with fasting, the potential benefits may be amplified, creating a synergistic effect. By incorporating CBD oil into a fasting routine, individuals may experience increased satiety, reduced , improved management, and better overall well-being.

It is important to note that while CBD oil holds promise, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before introducing any new supplements or making significant changes to your diet or fasting routine. Each person’s body is unique, and professional guidance can help ensure a safe and effective experience.


In conclusion, fasting and CBD oil have both gained recognition for their potential health benefits. By incorporating CBD oil into a fasting routine, individuals may experience reduced inflammation, appetite control, stress relief, improved sleep quality, and enhanced focus. However, it is important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advised.

Thank you for reading, Will CBD Oil Break my Fast? The Real CBD is a European CBD distributor, specialised in CBD products created to naturally decrease your mental appetite. These drops are designed to help stop you thinking about food all the time. It is a broad spectrum CBD oil with all the necessary cannabinoids.

FAQ – Will CBD oil break my fast?

Does taking CBD oil orally break a fast?

No, taking CBD oil orally typically does not break a fast, as it contains minimal to no calories. Fasting primarily focuses on avoiding caloric intake, and since CBD oil is calorie-free or contains a negligible amount of calories, it should not disrupt the fasting state.

Can I use products while fasting without breaking it?

Yes, you can use topical CBD products while fasting without breaking your fast. Topical products do not enter the digestive system and therefore do not affect fasting which is concerned with caloric intake through digestion.

Will or edibles break my fast?

Yes, CBD gummies or edibles will likely break your fast as they contain calories and sugars that when ingested, end the fasting state by providing your body with energy and calories to process.

Is it better to take CBD before or after I break my fast?

It generally depends on personal preference and the reason for using CBD. Taking CBD before breaking your fast might be preferred for its potential calming and therapeutic effects. However, if concerned about purity of fasting or sensitivity to any ingredients, taking it after might be better.

Does the type of fast I’m doing affect whether CBD will break it?

Yes, the type of fast you’re doing can affect whether CBD will break it. For strict water-only fasts, any form of caloric intake breaks the fast, including CBD edibles. For intermittent fasting focusing on caloric restriction rather than complete abstention, CBD oil might be permissible since it’s low or has no calories. Always consider the specific guidelines of your fasting method.

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