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Why is CBD powder so effective?

Illustration of 3 blue men with different bioavailability

In this case – size matters !!! At least in this explanation of why The Real CBD’s Water Soluble Full Spectrum CBD powder works better and faster than the conventional CBD oil in tinctures. Not only does it work better, but it also has no taste and no smell.

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Why is CBD powder so effective?


As mentioned before, size matters, and here we are talking about molecule size. The CBD molecule size in a finished product is what matters.  Atoms are tiny units, which gather to form all the chemical substances. Atoms can join with other atoms in various ways and create thousands of molecules. Sometimes, there are very weak connections between atoms. Particles and molecules have similar behaviour because the molecule is also a particle. Confusing… don’t worry! First, let us explain a few things.

1. Bioavailability

According to Wikipedia, means: the proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect.

2. CBD oil in tinctures

Most of the cells in our body are only capable of absorbing molecules which are 60 to 80 nanometres in size. To give you an idea of just how small these units are, a nanometre is one billionth of a meter. The cannabinoid particles in most commercially made CBD oils, no matter how high the quality, is about 2000+ micrometers.

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3. Liposome CBD products

A liposome is a body of fat that surrounds or is attached to another molecule (in this case, CBD) at the molecular level. Scientists and doctors recognize liposomes as a potent way of delivering nutrients. These microscopic fat pockets surround the CBD they intend to deliver. The body is much more capable of absorbing the nutrients present in a liposome, because of its size (100+ micrometers).

4. NANO-emulsified CBD Products

The average size of a nano-emulsified drop of oil is 25 nanometres, in comparison to liposomal CBD that is between 100+ nanometres. Because of this small size, there is a much larger surface area that is able to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, the body absorbs CBD more efficiently. The Nano CBD products are created by breaking up extract into 10-100 nanometre droplets.

The Real CBD Patented CBD Powder

This groundbreaking patented water-soluble full spectrum CBD powder has a particle size of 89.11 micrometers. It is produced by encapsulating the CBD into the protein. This gives it its versatility and adaptation possibilities. This means that you have a full spectrum, non-genetically modified CBD product with an up to 52 times bioavailability.

It is micro-encapsulated so it is free from smell and taste, which increases shelf life. The diversity of the powder is endless. It can be added or mixed with almost any water-based product in both wet or dry form – let that sink in and think about it for a minute…………. 

More about CBD powder on our website

Read more about our CBD powder here

How to use The Real CBD powder

FAQ – Why is CBD powder so effective

What makes CBD powder so effective compared to other forms of CBD?

CBD powder, often referred to as CBD isolate, is highly effective because it’s pure CBD stripped of all other plant materials, , and . This purity ensures that users get a concentrated dose of CBD, making it ideal for those seeking specific therapeutic effects without the influence of other compounds found in the cannabis plant.

How can CBD powder be used in daily routines?

CBD powder is incredibly versatile and can be added to various mediums for consumption or application. You can dissolve it in drinks, blend it into smoothies, incorporate it into cooking recipes, or even mix it with creams for topical use. Its odorless and tasteless nature makes it easily adaptable to different personal preferences and needs.

Is CBD powder suitable for all types of CBD users?

Yes, CBD powder is suitable for both beginners and experienced CBD users. Beginners might appreciate its simplicity and ease of dosage, while experienced users can precisely adjust their intake to suit their specific requirements. However, it’s always best to start with a low dose and gradually increase it as needed.

Why might someone choose CBD powder over CBD oil or edibles?

People might prefer CBD powder for its purity, potency, and lack of taste or smell, which offers more flexibility in how it can be used. It’s also easier to measure precise dosages with powder, ensuring a consistent and controlled CBD experience, which might not always be possible with oils or edibles.

Can CBD powder provide immediate relief for ailments?

The effectiveness and speed at which CBD powder provides relief can vary based on the method of consumption and the individual’s body chemistry. When mixed with liquids and consumed orally, it might take longer to feel the effects compared to sublingual administration or inhalation. However, its high concentration can offer potent relief once absorbed by the body.

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