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Why does my CBD not work? (Infographic)

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Hemp products such as (CBD) are now known for their miraculous effect on the human body. Nevertheless, it may happen that the expected effect of CBD oil does not materialize. This may be due to the quality of the oil, but it does not have to be so! These are a number of possible reasons why CBD does not work.

Home » Why does my CBD not work? (Infographic)

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1. Why does my CBD not work – infographic?

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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a hugely popular health and beauty supplement. In recent years, it has grown from an underground wonder cure to regular bathroom product. CBD can produce many miraculous effects on the human body. In various rheumatic, autoimmune, (chronic) pain or nervous disorders, CBD appears to be a potent symptom suppressant; and several patients swear by the drug. However, not everyone is immediately helped with CBD oil.

Some people experience that CBD oil does not work at all and quickly lose confidence in the drug. Nevertheless, it may be that – although this is a possibility – the lack of the desired effect of CBD is not due to the quality of the oil itself. If CBD does not seem to work, there is a greater chance that it is due to one of the following.

2. Why does my CBD not work?

If you take CBD oil and don’t feel anything is improving – here are a few points to check before you say: “CBD doesn’t work on me”!

3. CBD percentage is too low

Thanks to the popularity of cannabis as medicine – especially the ‘innocent’ and not psychoactive CBD – a flourishing industry has emerged around the drug. This has resulted in a particularly wide range of different types of CBD products and various available brands and strengths of CBD oil.

Therefore, products with a relatively low CBD percentage are also available on the market, e.g. a 3% oil solution. Is this definitely bad? No, not at all! If you use CBD preventively or against very minor complaints – or you use it for a child with ADHDCBD oil 3% – 5%  is a good starting point. However, if you experience more severe symptoms, it may be worth taking a more potent oil for a better and quicker effect.

More useful resources from The Real CBD Blog

4. Take CBD regularly

Important for the efficiency of CBD is a regular intake. After all, CBD oil works best if you use it more than once a day. In the case of sporadic use of CBD, the cannabinoids, especially in the beginning, do not get a chance to become effective in the body.

It is, therefore, better to take your CBD regularly, and build up your cannabinoid deposits, if you really want to notice the effect of this. Take the CBD at least daily and preferably two to three times a day, depending on your condition and the desired effect. After all, not everyone sleeps well on CBD, so these people are advised to only take CBD twice a day: in the morning and in the afternoon.

5. Quality of the CBD Product

One of the primary reasons your CBD may not be working is the quality of the product. The market is flooded with CBD products, ranging from high-quality offerings to those of dubious origin.

  • Source of : High-quality CBD products are typically made from hemp grown in regulated environments. The cultivation practices, including the absence of pesticides and heavy metals, play a crucial role in the purity of CBD.
  • Extraction Methods: The method used to extract CBD oil from hemp affects its quality. is considered the gold standard as it preserves the integrity of the CBD and removes undesirable substances without leaving harmful residues.
  • Third-Party Lab Testing: Reliable manufacturers will provide certificates of analysis (COA) from third-party labs, which show the product’s cannabinoid profile and confirm the absence of contaminants.

6. Appropriate Dosage and Consumption

Finding the right dosage of CBD is paramount to achieving desired health benefits. Dosage can vary based on factors like body weight, the concentration of CBD, and individual body chemistry.

  • Start Low and Go Slow: If you are new to CBD, it is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you find the dose that works for you.
  • Method of Administration: The effectiveness of CBD also depends on how it is consumed. Sublingual tinctures, vapes, and topical applications all have different absorption rates and .

Individual Biochemistry Variations

Everyone’s body is unique, which means CBD does not work the same way for every individual. Factors such as genetic makeup, existing health conditions, and concurrent use of other medications can influence the effectiveness of CBD.

  • : Variations in the ECS can affect how one’s body responds to CBD. Some people might naturally produce more endocannabinoids, which can influence how CBD interacts with their ECS.
  • Metabolism: A faster metabolism can process CBD more quickly, potentially reducing its effectiveness. Conversely, a slower metabolism may enhance its effects.

7. Expectations and Perceived Effects

It is also important to set realistic expectations when using CBD. While CBD is known for its potential health benefits, it is not a miracle cure.

  • Gradual Benefits: For some people, the benefits of CBD may appear gradually. Consistent and regular use is often required to see noticeable changes.
  • Psychological Factors: The placebo effect can also play a role in how effective you perceive your CBD treatment to be. Believing in the benefits of CBD can influence your psychological response to its use.

8. Regulatory and Labeling Issues

The CBD industry is still in its nascent stages, and regulatory discrepancies can lead to inconsistencies in product quality and labeling.

  • Regulations: In some regions, CBD products are not strictly regulated, which can lead to products that are mislabeled or contain lower levels of CBD than advertised.
  • Label Accuracy: Always check the product label for accurate information regarding CBD and levels, as well as other ingredients that could affect its efficacy.


Understanding why your CBD might not be working is essential to optimizing its benefits. By considering factors such as product quality, dosage, individual biochemistry, and realistic expectations, you can better navigate the complexities of CBD usage. Ensure you purchase high-quality products, experiment with dosages, and give it adequate time to observe its effects.

9. Using CBD drops

Another reason why the desired effect of CBD may not be achieved is the way it is ingested. CBD extracts are in many cases diluted with hemp seed oil, olive oil or grape seed oil. A carrier that is important for the absorption of the stuff into your body, but far from ideal for that.

The lipid (fatty) and non-water-soluble CBD oil is difficult to be absorb by your digestive system (intestinal wall). For the most optimal absorption of CBD by the body, it is therefore very important to take it in the right way.

Drip the CBD oil carefully under the tongue and count to at least 100 before you swallow the oil or drink something. Then you give the CBD molecules the chance to be absorbed by the membranes in your mouth before you flush them away.

Because not everyone can appreciate the strong taste of CBD oil, there are also products on the market that make the intake as described above unnecessary.

For example, you have water-soluble CBD that you can mix through a glass of water, tea or lemonade; or simply take it directly in the mouth and swallow it. Due to a special carrier, the CBD is water-soluble, so it can be easily absorbed by your digestive tract.

Want to know more about buying and dosing CBD for beginners? Click here!

10. Conclusion

Understanding why your CBD might not be working is essential to optimizing its benefits. By considering factors such as product quality, dosage, individual biochemistry, and realistic expectations, you can better navigate the complexities of CBD usage. Ensure you purchase high-quality products, experiment with dosages, and give it adequate time to observe its effects

11. FAQ – Why does my CBD not work?

Why might CBD not seem effective for me?

CBD may not appear effective for various reasons such as low dosage, poor product quality, or your body’s unique chemistry. It’s also possible that the formulation you are using does not suit your specific needs or the absorption rate might be low depending on the method of consumption.

How can I tell if my CBD product is of good quality?

Quality CBD products are usually derived from organically grown hemp, provide third-party lab test results, and are transparent about their extraction methods and ingredient sourcing. Always check for these factors when purchasing CBD to ensure you are getting a potent and pure product.

Could the dosage I am using be affecting the effectiveness of CBD?

Yes, dosage plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of CBD. If the dosage is too low, you may not feel the desired effects. It’s advisable to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it until you find what works best for you, while staying within the recommended limits.

How long does it take for CBD to start working?

The onset time for CBD can vary based on the method of consumption. Oils and tinctures may work within 30 minutes, while edibles can take longer. Topical applications affect only the area of application and might take longer to show noticeable effects. Consistent use over several weeks is often required to observe benefits.

What should I do if CBD still doesn’t work for me?

If CBD isn’t working even after adjusting the product type, quality, and dosage, it might be beneficial to consult with a healthcare provider to explore other underlying issues or consider alternative therapies. Sometimes, CBD may not be suitable for everyone, depending on individual health conditions and other medications.

12. Organic full-spectrum CBD products

Discover your favourite CBD oil. For more information, questions or personal advice, do not hesitate to contact our certified professionals.

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