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Why 99% of CBD drop shippers fail miserably and how you can avoid this

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Home » Why 99% of CBD drop shippers fail miserably and how you can avoid this

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is becoming increasingly popular. But getting started with your drop-shipping business is not a walk in the park. We are here to prepare you and to make sure you AVOID the most common pitfalls… Read this blog and get smart about drop-shipping products worldwide.

The benefits of drop-shipping CBD product

Probably the biggest advantage of our CBD drop-shipping program is, that it is possible to open a large business with a wide range of attractive CBD products without having to invest a fortune in constantly replenishing stocks, with the risk that some products will never be sold and then expire.

Nevertheless, to get the ball rolling, you need to get organized. And you need expert help. Why?


3 Reasons why 99% of CBD drop shippers fail miserably

Common CBD drop-shipping mistakes

There is a simple, yet worrying amount op people that give up before reaching the finish line. In 99% of the cases, this is due to the following, or combination of the following, errors:

  1. Website: Wrong CMS system > Shopify
  2. No payment gateway
  3. No blood sweat and tears

Selling CBD on Shopify

US merchants in certain states may sell certain or hemp-derived Cannabidiol (CBD) products on Shopify. Merchants can only sell these products in certain states where it is legal to do so. State laws and regulations governing the sale of these products vary significantly and are subject to change. Contact an attorney to determine how and where you can sell your product

Because US laws surrounding hemp and CBD are rapidly evolving, sellers should contact an attorney before selling these products on Shopify. Shopify cannot advise on what and where sellers can sell, but we encourage you to check and review federal, state, and local laws, as well as read updates from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA site has helpful guidelines for products containing hemp and/or CBD in the United States.

in Europe is another story if you want to sell CBD products. YOU CANNOT USE SHOPIFY AS YOUR CMS SYSTEM! Shopify will let you create your site, they will let you do all the hard work to then close your down once you have made your first sale – because their European payment processor does not accept CBD business. So what do we then suggest….?

UPDATE September 2023 – CBD drop-shipping mistakes

Shopify now allows some European countries to use their platform to sell CBD products. Some countries allow 0.0% , some countries allow 0.2% THC. It is important that you find out what your country allows before you embark on a CBD website using Shopify.

So what do we suggest….?

Creating your website on WordPress (using for example WooCommerce) and then finding your own card payment processor and bank account who accepts CBD business is the safest way to start your business.

Payment gateway fail

А payment gateway is the technology that captures and transfers payment data from the customer to the acquirer. Then transfers the payment acceptance or decline back to the customer. A payment gateway validates the customer’s card details securely. They ensure the funds are available, and eventually enables merchants to get paid. It acts as an interface between a merchant’s website and its acquirer. It encrypts sensitive credit card details, ensuring that information is passed securely from the customer to the acquiring bank, via the merchant.

In other words, the payment gateway works as the middleman between your customer and the merchant, ensuring the transaction is carried out securely and promptly. An online payment gateway can simplify how merchants integrate the necessary software. As the middleman during the payment processing, the gateway manages the customer’s sensitive card details between the acquirer and the merchant.

What can you do?

Selling T-shirts and shoes is a straightforward business. Selling CBD products is not. In some European countries (Finland and Norway) it is an illegal substance, even without containing any THC. The payment processors are grabbing every opportunity to charge high fees. CBD is regarded as “high risk” business on the same terms as pornography and gaming. There are a few card payment processors who accept CBD business. However, they also take the opportunity to charge you what they want because THEY CAN !!! PayPal will let you go through with accepting payment on their platform for a few weeks, maybe months. But then they WILL close you down and keep your hard-earned money for 180 days (that’s 6 months by the way)

Remember to also find a bank account. In a bank where they accept and knows that you are setting up a CBD business. Otherwise, you may end up with a payment processor who accepts CBD but have nowhere to send the money to.

Blood – Sweat and Tears

If you are not an experienced web-designer or haven’t tried to maintain a website, we can tell you. IT IS VERY TIME-CONSUMING if you want to rank on Google. Common CBD drop-shipping mistakes.You will have to put the hours in writing, adding, constructing, maintaining, and constantly changing the website. Making it once and then thinking all is honka dory will not take you anywhere far. As the CBD business is regarded either as “selling illegal substance” or “high-risk” business. All the normal options for advertising on social media or online are just not available. The ONLY way you can be seen is by ranking on Google, and advertising in physical newspapers and magazines. This makes it even harder to be noticed.

Setting up your shop to sell hemp or CBD

So how can you get prepared to sell CBD from your own online shop? Or sell CBD through drop-shipping solutions?

Here is a checklist of how to set up your SHOP:

  1. Choose a domain name – consider it NOT to include the word HEMP or CBD for easier social media advertising
  2. Buy the domain to ensure it’s yours
  3. Get someone to host the domain
  4. Find a CMS system (we suggest you choose WordPress)
  5. Find a theme you want to start building on
  6. Choose your card payment processor
  7. Start creating
the real CBD dropshipping mistakes

Most common CBD drop-shipping mistakes – Answeres and questions

What are the most common mistakes made in CBD drop-shipping?

One of the biggest mistakes is not researching or choosing a reliable supplier with quality CBD products. This can lead to inconsistent product quality and availability issues, which directly impacts customer satisfaction and trust.

How does not understanding CBD regulations affect drop-shipping?

Failing to understand and comply with CBD regulations can lead to legal troubles and the cessation of your business operations. It’s crucial to be well-informed about the legalities in your and your customers’ locations to navigate smoothly.

Why is it important to have detailed product descriptions for CBD items?

Detailed product descriptions are vital because they inform the customer about what they are purchasing, including CBD content, full-spectrum or isolate, and usage instructions. Lack of detailed descriptions can lead to customer dissatisfaction and returns.

How does poor customer service impact CBD drop-shipping businesses?

Poor customer service can significantly harm your business reputation and customer retention. Prompt and helpful customer service is essential in resolving issues and building a loyal customer base in the competitive CBD market.

Why is not having a targeted marketing strategy a mistake in CBD drop-shipping?

Without a targeted marketing strategy, you may fail to reach your ideal customer base effectively. It’s essential to understand your audience and tailor your marketing efforts to address their needs and preferences, ensuring your advertising is both efficient and compliant with regulations.

Read more about CBD wholesale and drop-shipping

If you are wondering how you can benefit from CBD drop-shipping, we are here to answer your questions.

As a company, we have the reputation and the intention to offer only top quality. The Real CBD offers insights, solutions and suggestions to help you get started with CBD drop-shipping in the best possible way.

Other CBD drop-shipping mistakes

What legal challenges can cause CBD drop-shipping to fail?

CBD drop-shipping businesses often face complex legal regulations that vary by region. Failure to comply with these regulations, which may involve product legality, labeling, and shipping restrictions, can result in significant legal issues, fines, or the inability to operate.

How does product quality affect the success of CBD drop-shipping businesses?

High-quality products are crucial for the success of any CBD business. Customers expect CBD products that are safe, effective, and consistent. Businesses that fail to provide third-party testing results or that source low-quality products risk losing customer trust and repeat business.

Why is customer education important for CBD drop-shipping success?

CBD is still a new and misunderstood product for many consumers. Businesses that fail to educate their customers about CBD’s benefits, usage, and safety might not only lose potential sales but can also face higher rates of product returns and dissatisfaction.

How does the choice of drop-shipping partner impact the success of CBD businesses?

Choosing the right drop-shipping partner is critical. A partner that fails to ship products on time, provides poor customer service, or has inconsistent product quality can harm your business reputation and customer satisfaction. It’s essential to partner with reliable suppliers who align with your business values and quality standards.

The Real CBD Drop-shipping products

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