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What is CBD oil used for? (The Real CBD Survey)

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Home » What is CBD oil used for? (The Real CBD Survey)

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We are often asked the question: “What is CBD oil used for?” The year 2020 is considered the major breakthrough of and other CBD products worldwide. More and more people realize that taking organic, natural remedies like cannabidiol, is the future when it comes to battling ailments, painsleeping problems, and much more! It goes to show how versatile the product is. As a matter of fact, you can use CBD for yourself, your children, or even your furry loved ones. But what are people using CBD for? In June 2020 The Real CBD made a 3-minute survey asking people a few questions, to be able to recommend the best product. Here is what we found out!

1. What is CBD used for?

Cannabidiol oil offers benefits such as good sleep, mental balance, and brain health but is also a good choice if you want to be able to move around without problems. Normally it comes with the carrier hemp seed oil or MCT oil, which is perfect for a healthy gut and therefore good for more energy. Moreover, it is a natural anti-aging agent and offers protection to keep cells and tissue healthy. CBD oil can therefore significantly increase your well-being. In which specific cases is CBD oil good for your health?

The Real CBD Survey 2023 – 8000 people took our survey. Spread all over Europe.

This is according to the outcome of our 2023 survey. Data tells us that most people are looking for CBD to battle pain coming from . We assume because of the complicated and worrying situation in the world, in a second place comes CBD for anxiety, depression, and . In close third place, we see CBD for insomnia and better sleep to be a very popular search.

We asked – They answered!

What is your main reason to take CBD?


Here you can find more information about

What is causing your pain?


Here you can find more information about

What are you dealing mostly with?


Here you can find more information about CBD for anxiety

The average age of CBD users!

78% of the people taking our survey were 41 to 79 years old. We can only assume that it’s mainly because this is when lifestyle illnesses occur. High blood pressure, type 2 diabetesarthritis, and high cholesterol. These are only a few of the most common issues people over 40 have to deal with. And we all know that taking medication for 50+ years is not good for our health. This is why people are turning to healthier and more natural treatments.

Have you tried CBD oil yet? It might be the solution to your problem, and CBD is a 100% natural product – you have nothing to lose. If you are new to CBD we have a free E-book you can download and learn all you need to know before you start your CBD journey.

Click here to download the FREE E-book.

Good for a better night’s sleep?


CBD as a calming remedy for the body and mind is a godsend for people who want a healthy night’s sleep. Since other sleep medications often make you feel lethargic the day after or even a good dose of brain fog together with the risk of addiction, it is best to use a non-addictive CBD Sleep Solution.  CBD is also a good choice if you cannot sleep due to physical discomfort, cramped muscles, or damaged tissue.


CBD oil naturally contains Cannabidiol, which has a soothing and purifying effect and helps relax tight muscles. It also has a soothing effect on the head and mind. As an indication, instead of 10 thoughts per 5 minutes, you will only experience 5. This mental relaxation makes it easier for you to get to sleep and wakes you up more rested in the morning. Read more about CBD oil as a natural sleep aid and also enjoy a healthy night’s sleep.

Continue readingCBD for sleep – Does it work?

Mental balance and reduction of stress with CBD

One of the special properties of CBD is that it is good for mental balance in social situations, during stress and tension. This can also mean the turmoil in your mind during “that time of the month”. CBD is known to provide nerve relief in case of inner turmoil and keep you balanced in stressful situations. In addition, CBD is uplifting when you are depressed or down. This is pleasant in uncertain times, stressful situations, and constantly changing moods. And also if you experience physical discomfort for a longer period of time and therefore feel anxious or depressed.

More and more insights show the relaxing and soothing effect of CBD. Our clients who use CBD oil tell us that they experience less restlessness and tension. CBD oil gives weak nerves a soothing rest and makes you less sensitive to stress, anxiety, and irritability. In the case of stress, CBD provides mental resilience and a good state of mind.

What are the benefits of CBD oil for your brain?

The benefits of CBD oil and good brain function will surprise you. The cells in our brain continuously exchange information by means of electric pulses. Sometimes a short circuit occurs, as it were. The message does not get across properly so that someone can just fall over or be absent for a moment. The brain contains CB1 receptors that are under the influence of the body’s own endocannabinoid system. When this doesn’t function well, this can cause inner distress or a restless feeling or you can have difficulty concentrating. A CBD product’s composition contains seed oil, cannabidiol, and other phytocannabinoids which have a beneficial effect on your mental functioning.

Anandamide is a substance that protects the brain and could be crucial in preventing you from falling over or losing concentration suddenly. CBD provides nerve strengthening and thus improves concentration and well-being.

Better and pain-free movement with CBD!

CBD oil can make your everyday movements and life in general pain-free. Cannabidiol helps you when you have difficulty walking or other physical impairments.  A 2011 study shows a reduction in physical impairments among those who used cannabis oil compared to traditional methods of soothing and alleviating.

In addition, CBD helps with good bone formation. This is important for maintaining healthy cartilage and supple joints. Do you want to move with less effort? Find out how you can move smoothly again without problems.

CBD oil for pain

Experience for a healthy gut!


Many users of CBD experience proper functioning to get a healthy gut. It purifies and protects the intestinal wall and thus ensures good intestinal function. It is also beneficial for the intestinal flora. Cannabidiol is also good for the balance between favorable and unfavorable bacteria in the intestines. In addition, CBD increases resistance to unfavorable bacteria and fungi. This way, CBD oil contributes to better resistance, a natural bowel movement, and more energy. You can eat without any problems and enjoy better health.

Do you also want healthy digestion and more energy? With CBD you support your good intestinal functioning in a natural way.

Continue reading about CBD oil for a healthier gut!

Don’t like the taste of CBD oil – here is the answer!

If you’ve never tried CBD oil before, you might be wondering what it tastes like. People often assume it tastes the way a plant smells, with a strong, skunky odor that’s tough to swallow.

While unflavored CBD oil can have an earthy flavor, there are different types of CBD oil that you can get that taste like nothing at all. Others have flavoring added to make it more palatable.

If you’re worried about spending your hard-earned money on something you can’t stomach, we can relate.

find best cbd product survey

Which CBD product should you choose?

In order to find the answer to this question, we feature a brand-new survey on our website. This survey can be found right here and at the bottom of this page. Please take 2 minutes to answer the (multiple-choice) questions and you get a bit of direct, expert advice on what CBD product you should choose. If you leave us your contact details, we also provide you with a 25% discount code for your first purchase. We will send you 1 summary e-mail after. This email will introduce our CBD expert and allows you to get personal advice too. 100% free and non-obligatory.

1. Production

CBD oil is made from industrial hemp. Industrial hemp contains a relatively large amount of cannabidiol. In addition, the THC content in industrial hemp is negligible.

Industrial hemp is first made into a type of oil with a very high concentration of CBD. This is then diluted with vegetable oil so that a very accurate dosing of CBD is possible.

2. Choosing

Not only because of the overkill of information about CBD on the internet, it can be difficult to choose the right CBD oil, but also because it is very personal which oil suits someone best. That’s why below we cover the most important things to look out for when choosing the right oil with CBD.

CBD can be used by adults, children or pets.

3. CBD products


Among the general public, CBD oil is the best-known product containing cannabidiol, but there are other useful products containing CBD. The most common CBD products are:

CBD oil

In our assortment, you will find a wide range of CBD oils of various quality brands and with different concentrations of cannabidiol.

What Most CBD Oil Tastes Like

Most people describe CBD oil as having a grassy flavor. If you like greens, earthy flavors, and things that have a bit of a bite like dark chocolate, then you’ll probably appreciate unflavored CBD oil.

Though the majority of people find it tolerable, very few would describe it as delicious or a flavor they would seek out if they weren’t looking for the benefits of CBD. It’s all a matter of preference, and if you like earthy flavors, then you’ll probably love most CBD oils.

One of the most common complaints about unflavored, high-concentration CBD oil is that it can be bitter -especially if it is a RAW oil. Since we recommend that you keep CBD oil under your tongue for a few minutes to reap maximum absorption benefits, this can be an issue for people who genuinely don’t like the taste.

This CBD product is tasteless and odorless – and has 5 times higher absorption than conventional oil. And it is cheaper!!!! CLICK HERE to find out which product we are talking about

CBD patches

The CBD patches should not be stuck on a wound. The plasters gradually release CBD. Your skin then absorbs the CBD. This is how CBD enters your body.

CBD capsules

These are capsules to swallow. The capsules are filled with CBD oil.

Skincare products

CBD can be added to all kinds of care products, for example, cannabidiol infused cream, massage oil and hand soap.

CBD for Pets

In addition to CBD oil for pets, this also includes treats for dogs and cats.

CBD water-soluble powder

CBD powder is pretty much the ‘new kid on the block. It is gaining fast popularity because it is odorless and tasteless, and its versatile qualities. You can mix the cannabidiol powder in any hot/cold drinks, or meal shakes, or even take it straight from the capsule.

4. CBD oil safety


Because CBD oil is a relatively young product, many people have questions about safety related to the use of CBD. Safety is also an important value for us. That’s why we cover the most important safety concerns that people have.

No risk of a high

As soon as one finds out that the basic ingredients of CBD come from the cannabis plant (fiber hemp plant), this raises the question for some people. Go to our FAQ and find the answers to your questions

Let’s get this misunderstanding out of the air once and for all: It is impossible to get high from CBD. Our CBD products contain no THC or a negligible amount of .

5. Reliability

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Another point that many people struggle with has to do with the reliability of the seller of CBD and/or the reliability of the information offered about CBD. That is why we will deal with these two aspects below.

Seller reliability

When purchasing goods online, a common question is: to what extent can the seller be trusted? Are the purchased goods actually delivered? Can I rely on timely delivery? Is payment secure? Etc.

Naturally, this care is not limited to the sale of CBD products. In fact, for each type of webshop, it is wise to check whether you are dealing with a reliable party.

Below is a checklist of things you can look out for to check the reliability of an online CBD store: https://www.therealcbd.com/buy-cbd-locally-online-amazon/

Survey: Find the CBD product that works for you!

Take our 2-minute survey below and we will reveal directly what the best CBD product is for your goal, ailment or condition. On top of that, we will give you a unique 25% DISCOUNT CODE that you can use for your first purchase.

About The Real CBD

Here at The Real CBD, we are all about helping people. ALL PEOPLE. Irrelevant of your age, gender or life goal you might have. Moreover, we can help improve the life of your furry loved ones. Please visit this page for more information about CBD and pets.

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