What can CBD help treat?

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What can CBD help treat? A healthy body starts with a balanced lifestyle, but a little extra help from CBD products certainly can’t hurt in the process and even provides several benefits. It can have a huge positive impact on your body and mind. From mild skin complaints to serious illnesses, just a few drops of CBD oil a day can provide many benefits. But what can CBD help treat? We will outline the top things that CBD helps to treat on this page.

CBD for pain

CBD cures pain. Many people suffer from both temporary and chronic pain. Pain can be classified as acute or chronic. Acute pain is usually the result of injury, inflammation, or disease. In contrast, chronic pain is the discomfort associated with chronic illness. This type of pain can last a long time and is very often resistant to many medical treatments.


28.4% of our customers use our CBD products to manage pain, this is the most used reason to use our CBD products according to our survey.

Furthermore, our own survey display that these are the top 3 things causing pain:

CBD products against pain are increasingly recommended as a complementary therapy, as it targets the so-called endocannabinoid system (ECS) and thus inhibits the transmission of pain. When the body absorbs the CBD product, it takes over the role of endocannabinoids, which the body can also produce itself.

One of the main advantages of using CBD oil for pain, CBD cream for pain, CBD pain patches, and other CBD products for pain is that it does not cause the same addiction that classic prescription medications can cause.

In addition, CBD interacts with receptors in the brain. In this way, it helps to improve the pain management system. This means inflammation can decrease and CBD helps with pain relief.

Find out more about CBD for pain here.

CBD for better sleep

CBD cures sleeping problems. A good night’s sleep is incredibly important. Not only for growth in children but also in adults, sleep plays a major role. Sleep has a great influence on the physical and mental processes of the human body. This means that if sleep is not optimal, daily functioning will also be hindered. Two of the leading causes of sleep with low quality and insomnia are stress and anxiety.


14.4% of our customers use our CBD products for better sleep according to our survey. Furthermore, our own survey shows that 56% of those customers are having trouble sleeping every night and 35% of those customers are having trouble sleeping a couple of times a week. CBD products for sleep have been shown many times to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

There are all sorts of ways you can try to sleep better. From a glass of warm milk or sheep counting to heavy prescription sleeping pills, everyone has their own trick or technique. But if all these ways really worked, not so many people would suffer from not getting enough sleep and insomnia. What more can CBD help treat?

Video – CBD for insomnia

Many old-fashioned tricks only work on an average level, especially if you get into bed really busy, agitated, and stressed. Sleep aids and sedatives usually have hefty side effects and leave you still groggy when you get back up. Fortunately, that is not the case with CBD oil for sleeping: this herbal supplement can help you sleep better naturally by cooperating with your own body. Another CBD product that helps to sleep better is soft gel capsules.

Find out more about CBD for better sleep here.

CBD for inflammation

CBD treats inflammation. Inflammations are places in the body where damage has occurred. An inflammatory response is a natural process, even if it feels like a burden. Inflammation limits further damage protects tissue and is part of the healing process. Usually, it only becomes a problem when it does not go away on its own, or when the inflammatory reaction escalates.


Our survey shows 9.3% of our customers use our CBD products to help with inflammation. In addition, 26.7% of all the people who took the survey stated that inflammation is the reason that causes their pain.

CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are derived from ECS. Your ECS is essential to keep a healthy body. It works with a variety of cannabinoids produced by the body, but the mechanism is also sensitive to cannabinoids found in CBD oil. Many of the benefits that CBD oil for inflammation can provide are due to this vulnerability and the interactions between cannabinoids (like CBD) and your ECS. Two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) found throughout the body are crucial in this combination. These can be viewed as buttons that are only activated by specific cannabinoids.

Find out more about CBD for inflammation here.

See other pages related to what can CBD help treat:

CBD for sports and athletes

Athletes place a lot of strain on our bodies, both positively and negatively. Training stress promotes adaptation and improved performance, but physical trauma and long-term wear and tear can result in injuries and pain. Many athletes and people exercising are interested in cannabidiol, or CBD, for improved sports recovery and safer pain relief.


10.7% of our customers use our CBD products for their overall health. Furthermore, 63.5% out of 203 customers who voted state that they exercise regularly. In addition, 54 people voted for how many times a week they trained. 77.8% are training 4 to 7 times a week and 22.2% are training 1 to 3 times a week.

CBD has grown in popularity in recent years. Furthermore, it hasn’t taken long for the world of health and fitness to recognize CBD’s incredible potential. But what makes it so popular among athletes? What else can it do for your fitness and recovery?

Cannabidiol has earned a reputation for a variety of significant health benefits. For example, anti-inflammation, chronic and long-term pain relief, anti-anxiety, improved sleep, and even weight loss. As a result, it should come as no surprise that many of CBD’s well-known benefits are linked to the world of sports and fitness!

Those benefits make CBD now popular in all areas of sports and fitness. From bodybuilders who hope to accelerate their muscle recovery after training to runners who want to reduce characteristic pains and injuries.

The best CBD products for athletes are MCT/CBD oil, lion’s mane capsules, and reishi capsules.

Find out more about CBD for sports and athletes here.

CBD for weight management

CBD can help with weight management. Dieting and weight loss Today’s world is full of hot topics. Many people are trying out a variety of new, original, and popular diets that hit the market year after year.


10.7% of our customers use our CBD products for their overall health. In addition, 202 people answered the question if they are eating a varied diet and 85.6% answered yes to this question.

But did you know that CBD oil can also be used for weight management? Furthermore, it is an easier way to lose weight because being on a diet creates hunger.

“EAT LESS” is a CBD oil that has been specially created to naturally reduce your mental hunger. These drops are intended to help you stop thinking about food. It is a full-spectrum CBD oil that has all of the necessary cannabinoids. The oil has no taste and it also doesn’t smell. Scientists have found that the cannabinoid THCV (which has nothing to do with THC) has an appetite-suppressant effect on the brain. EAT LESS has the ability to curb your appetite so whichever diet or calorie-restrictive eating plan you choose – WILL BE A SUCCESS!

Find out more about CBD for weight management here.

Keep reading about what CBD can help treat.

CBD for anxiety and depression

CBD cures depression and anxiety. Depression can be considered a mood disorder, with symptoms such as having trouble concentrating, gloominess, weight gain, less desire for sex, not having enough rest, and reduced self-esteem. Persons who are depressed usually do not feel like anything, have hardly any energy, and experience little or no pleasure in life.


25.5% of our customers use our CBD products for anxiety, depression, and/or stress according to our survey. Furthermore, 63 customers answered the question if they have been clinically diagnosed with depression and 42.9% answered yes. In addition, 72 customers state that they have daily anxiety attacks and 71 customers experience anxiety attacks a few times a week.

Anxiety is capable of hindering your daily life. The causes of anxiety vary by person and situation, but you can assume things like traumatic experiences, burnout, work or relationship problems, stress, being bullied, poor upbringing, and so on.

Many people with anxiety and/or depression are taking antidepressants. However, you should be mindful of using CBD oil for anxiety and depression in combination with certain antidepressants. This combination causes the CBD to remain present in your blood for longer, which can cause side effects. Check with your doctor first if you are also taking other medicines.

CBD oil copies antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects, making medicinal cannabis the ideal solution for relieving anxiety and depression. Therefore, we recommend it to be used instead of antidepressants.

Find out more about CBD for anxiety and depression here.

CBD for cancer

CBD for cancer treatment targets the condition at different stages. Among the things that research has shown CBD can do is induce cell death. It also helps prevent the migration of cancer cells. Furthermore, it contains angiogenesis properties. This helps it block any formation of new blood cells. Therefore, it can slow down the spread of cancer cells. Moreover, it reduces the invasiveness of cancer. CBD products can be used for lung cancer, leukemia, skin cancer, tumors, or other types of cancers.


3.7% of our customers use our CBD products to get a better quality of life with their cancer treatment according to our survey. In addition, 37% of those customers receive chemotherapy and 80.4% receive radiation treatment.

CBD comes in handy in improving the quality of life of patients undergoing chemotherapy. CBD has the following benefits for those patients:

Benefits of CBD for cancer

  • CBD relieves anxiety
  • It relieves some pain
  • Cannabis stimulates appetite by acting on mood
  • Cannabidiol calms nausea

Thanks to CBD’s properties, patients can undergo their cancer treatment more calmly. This optimizes their treatment by avoiding the side effects of the drugs.

CBD for cancer works not only in humans but also in pets. Dogs can suffer from different types of cancer. These include skin cancer, which is actually common in dogs. Other types of cancer commonly found in dogs include mammary gland cancer for female dogs, as well as head and neck cancer. Dogs also usually fall victim to oral cancer. Fortunately, CBD has been proven to fight cancer in dogs and other pets very effectively and quickly.

CBD for blood pressure

CBD can help treat high blood pressure as it relaxes your body. In addition to promoting relaxation, CBD treats depression, anxiety, inflammation, and pain. All of which contribute to blood pressure elevation and elevated risk of heart attack and stroke.


2% of our customers use our CBD products to manage blood pressure according to our survey. In addition, 89.7% of those customers have high blood pressure according to our survey.

Furthermore, eliminating inflammation in your body is a common way to prevent high blood pressure. Over time, your lifestyle can cause inward swelling of the walls of arteries, which then narrow the passageways of blood.

Alcohol and drug abuse can increase this inflammation. CBD causes vasodilation by relaxing and widening blood vessels. However, you should still maintain a healthy lifestyle while using CBD for high blood pressure.

Although CBD is available in a variety of forms, CBD oil is probably better for high blood pressure than a topical or food product. Oils typically have increased bioavailability, which means a higher rate of absorption for greater effectiveness. The effects of sublingual products extend to the entire body.

blood pressure

CBD for skin problems

CBD in skincare treats almost all skin conditions from acne-prone skin to wrinkles and signs of skin aging. It reduces the reactivity of skin cells by telling them how to soothe themselves, so to speak. This helps reduce redness and rough and dull skin.


2.3.% of our customers use our CBD products to help with a skin condition according to our survey. In addition, these are the skin conditions those customers are suffering from:

CBD oil has a soothing effect on the skin. This makes CBD a suitable ingredient for acne-prone skin. Its soothing properties make sensitive skin look and feel better. CBD also helps prevent excess sebum by balancing sebum production.

Furthermore, applying the antioxidants in CBD to the skin helps visibly reduce signs of skin aging. By counteracting free radical damage and visibly calming the skin, skincare with cannabidiol can help reduce wrinkles, dull skin, and redness.

CBD is also used for sensitive skin. It regulates and soothes the skin, helping to reduce problems in sensitive skin such as redness and irritation. As all skin types are exposed to external influences on a daily basis, it has a soothing effect on every skin.

CBD for epilepsy

What can CBD help treat more? CBD affects the amount of calcium and serotonin receptors in your brain. Both affect stimulus transmission. CBD is also able to increase the amount of adenosine in the brain. This substance inhibits the onset of epileptic seizures. CBD oil can therefore reduce epileptic seizures.

However, CBD is not a miracle drug that reduces seizures instantly. If you are not yet a CBD user, it is wise to build up slowly as it needs a build-up phase. It can provide balance to the endocannabinoid system. The body’s own system is often out of balance, which can make you suffer from seizures faster. The build-up phase of CBD can therefore take as long as 8 to 12 weeks.

If you are a new CBD user and want to use it for moderate seizures, we recommend starting with a 10% CBD oil. It is recommended to start with three drops three times a day.


CBD for diabetes

CBD can delay the onset of diabetes. It can also be used to significantly reduce the incidence of the disease. This is because CBD contains autoimmune capabilities. Type 1 diabetes is caused by beta cells attacking the immune system.

These beta cells are responsible for producing insulin. CBD can prevent the cells from being destroyed. This ensures normal metabolism in the body. Hence, glucose tolerance is improved and inflammation of the pancreas is reduced. CBD oil is also responsible for the regulation of oxidative oil in the kidneys.

Insulin dysfunction causes type 2 diabetes. Insulin produced by the pancreas is not sufficient for metabolism. The receptor cell in the pancreas enhances the activation of CB1, which in turn increases insulin production.

As a result, it regulates blood sugar levels and lowers insulin resistance. Moreover, CBD oil increases the rate of metabolism, and this means that if, for example, a patient has type 2 diabetes and he or she becomes fat, CBD oil can be used to ensure that the patient regains the original weight or at least the weight of losses.

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