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What is THCV Oil? What Are the Benefits of THCV?

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Home » What is THCV Oil? What Are the Benefits of THCV?

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THCV is famous for its ability to act as a fantastic appetite suppressant. But did you know that there are many other health benefits of taking THCV oil? And when taken with a good helping of CBD, THCV oil can become a full-body health and wellness regenerator!

What is THCV?

What you need to know

THCV is the abbreviated name for the cannabinoid Tetrahydrocannabivarin, you can probably see why it’s shortened to THCV now! THCV is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis or hemp plants.

THCV is one of the minor cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp. The term minor does not come from its lack of strength. However, due to the fact, it is found in smaller quantities than the major cannabinoids like THC and CBD.

As you may or may not already know, each different cannabinoid affects your endocannabinoid system in slightly different ways. This is why, when taking a oil, you can experience what is known as “the entourage effect“. Not just exclusively the benefits of the CBD cannabinoid itself.

THCV has become increasingly popular in recent years for its ability to regulate hunger and suppress appetite. This makes it a great choice for both people who want an extra helping hand with their diet ready for summer or for those who suffer from more serious eating disorders like food addiction.

However, there are other known and researched benefits to taking THCV oil including reducing blood sugar levels, weight loss aid, relief from and panic attacks, promotion of healthy bone growth, and more!

Is THCV the same as THC?

NO! Absolutely not.

THCV is a totally different cannabinoid than the famous THC. It is, however, still extracted from the plant like CBD and CBG. Cannabinoids work by interacting with various receptors throughout the body – most importantly in your endocannabinoid system.

THC acts as a CB1 agonist, which is why it creates a high when you consume it. At the low doses found in most strains, THCV acts as a CB1 antagonist. This means it in fact blocks that same receptor. So, small amounts of THCV actually work to moderate the effects of THC, counteracting it’s high.

In the UK and Europe, it is illegal to sell products with levels of THC above 0.2%. This means that properly licenced products will never contain enough THC for you to experience a psychoactive high anyway!

THCV will not show up on a drug test like THC either!

If you want to read more about CBD/THC on drug testing, read our article CBD and drug testing.

THCV in Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

When you take a full-spectrum CBD oil, there are trace amounts of THCV present, amongst many other cannabinoids. However, the effect of THCV itself will be much less (due to the smaller amount present).

THCV Distillate

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Macro shot of essential oil dropper

The effects of THCV become much more powerful when the cannabinoid is isolated and studied on its own. In its concentrated form, either as an isolate or as THCV distillate – it holds great medical potential.

The THCV distillate is extracted from the cannabis or hemp plants in much the same way as other distillates or isolates. The safest and cleanest extraction method of individual cannabinoids is supercritical .

Due to the very low levels of THCV found in the plant’s biomass, THCV is one of the more expensive cannabinoids to isolate, which is often reflected in the price of products.

While THCV can be isolated, many producers (ourselves included), will often combine high levels of extracted THCV with selected other cannabinoids like CBD so that a much broader range of wellbeing effects will be experienced (the entourage effect).

More from our blog:

THCV is an Appetite Suppressant


We all know how frustrating weight loss can be. When we diet and restrict ourselves from eating, you can guarantee that food becomes the only thing we think of. It’s like food thoughts become glued to your brain!

Some of us can live a short while by denying the temptations and pushing those thoughts out of the head. 2-3 week in – we have diet success! But how sustainable is this? Can you deny yourself for 6 months? A year? For the rest of your life? This is where the THCV can be of help.

As we mentioned before, THCV is an opposer (antagonist) of the CB1 and CB2 receptors. This means that THCV blocks THC, which prevents cannabis users from getting the famous munchies.

And here comes the important part…

Although THC is known to enhance the appetite (munchies), THCV has the opposite effect. Rather than THCV stimulating your appetite, it suppresses it!

Other research findings point to THCV removing the pleasing feeling that sometimes occurs after eating something calorific.

Therefore, people who have certain eating disorders (like food addiction) and people who struggle with obesity and need to regulate their food intake better, may be ideal candidates for THCV consumption.

THCV for Weight Loss

cbd weight loss

Diet-induced obesity (from eating too much food) occurs when your body synthesizes fatty acids after CB1 receptors are activated. This means that CB1 receptors play a crucial role in the occurrence and development of obesity.

For this reason, pharmaceutical obesity drugs have aimed to antagonize CB1 receptors, but many have been fraught with side effects and were eventually from the market over safety concerns.

However, there have been several studies that highlight the appetite suppressant effects of CBD, but more and more research is coming out linking THCV and weight loss.

A review of existing THCV research in both humans and mice, published in 2020 by The Journal of Cannabis Research stated:

“…the uniquely diverse properties of THCV provide neuroprotection, appetite suppression, glycemic control, and reduced side effects, etc.; therefore, making it a potential priority candidate for the development of clinically useful therapies in the future. Hopefully, THCV could provide an optional platform for the treatment of life-threatening diseases.”

THCV also acts as a stimulant – which can be beneficial for weight loss. It provides a clear-headed, energetic experience that’s short-lived compared to the mellow buzz that THC produces.

From a weight-loss perspective, this means that not only will you experienced suppressed appetite, but you will be more energised to exercise – further reducing your risk of obesity and obesity-related disease! It’s a win-win!

THCV – Blood Sugar Levels and Diabetes


Research also shows promise in THCV’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. This is a huge benefit to THCV, as high blood sugar levels are associated with serious and life-threatening diseases including diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

In one study, THCV was accredited with increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing glucose intolerance and restoring insulin signalling in genetically obese mice. The researchers also commented on THCV’s potential as a future treatment for obesity-associated glucose intolerance over the previously mentioned pharmaceutical alternatives.

How to take THCV for Weight Loss

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THCV generally comes in the form of a distilled oil like our very own Eat Less Natural Appetite Suppressant.

Our recommendation is as follows:

“During the first week, take the maximum dosage 30 min. before a meal, or before you know you will have cravings. After the first week, you can experiment with fewer drops per dosage, but keep the same frequency. After some time, you can start experimenting with the frequency as well.”

It is crucial to remember that THCV is NOT a miracle weight loss formula. Used correctly, it can be an incredibly powerful dietary supplement that can assist you on your weight loss journey. But it will not do all the work for you!

You must still follow healthy eating principles combined with regular exercise for the maximum and most sustainable results! This includes eating fewer calories than you are burning off each day, either through eating healthier, less calorific foods – or eating less generally with the help of THCV to suppress your appetite.

The Additional Benefits of THCV Oil

benefits of cbd

Whilst THCV is best known for its diet and appetite suppressing ability, there are a wealth of additional benefits associated with it, including:

  • THCV may reduce . It appears to stop anxiety attacks in PTSD patients without suppressing emotions.
  • It may help with Alzheimer’s Disease. Tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease appear to be improved by THCV.
  • It can stimulate bone growth. Because it promotes the growth of new bone cells. THCV is being looked at for osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.
  • THCV is an antioxidant. Its neuroprotective properties make it a promising candidate for treating or delaying symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
  • THCV is a stimulant, and it provides a clear-headed, energetic experience that’s short-lived compared to the mellow buzz that THC produces.

Hopefully, you have found this short guide informative and helpful. If you are still unsure about anything THCV and CBD-related or anything that wasn’t answered, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with questions or for clarification!

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