How do I take Pure CBD oil

Woman holding dropper bottle taking oil before work

If you’ve found your way to this page, then you’re probably considering taking CBD oil. But when should you take it? How much should you take? What sort of strength and blend is right for you and your needs? These are all incredibly common questions that people new to the world of CBD oil ask. So we have decided to put together this handy little beginner’s guide on how to take CBD just for you.

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How to take CBD oil

What is CBD Oil?

You probably already know this, but we will quickly revise the basics.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, comes from the hemp plant, which is similar to the cannabis plant but lacks THC. Producers extract CBD and mix it with whole-plant hemp seed oil to create “Full Spectrum CBD Oil.” They can also refine and isolate CBD from all other cannabinoids in the plant, known as CBD isolate or CBD distillate.

It is easiest to put the drops directly on or under the tongue (use a mirror) in order to be taken up properly by the body. Hold it in your mouth for a few minutes. By moving the oil around in your mouth, your body readily absorbs it through the membranes and glands. This speeds up the uptake.

The rest happens through the intestinal tract and is somewhat delayed. Not everyone likes the taste of the oil and taking some water or juice after is just fine. If necessary, the oil can be put on a teaspoon of coconut oil or honey to soften the taste. We recommend waiting with eating for about half an hour after intake. For recommended dosage please click here.

What Are the Ways to Take CBD Oil?

The world of CBD has exploded over the last few years. As a result, there are now more ways than ever to take CBD. Here are some of the most popular ways people take CBD oil:

VIDEO – How to take CBD oil tinctures?

This is the most popular and recognizable way of taking CBD oil. The CBD comes in a bottle, with a small pipette. With this, you can place a number of tiny drops under your tongue. You drop them under your tongue because this area is capillary and blood vessel rich, making it great for bioavailability. In non-science speak, this area gets the most amount of CBD into your body as quickly as possible. 

CBD oil in the Belly Button

There are other ways to get CBD into your system. Put the drops into your belly button!!

People refer to this technique as the Pechoti intake method. Ayurvedic texts state that the Pechoti gland lies behind the belly button. During pregnancy, this gland carries nutrients between the mother and the baby. At the end of the umbilical cord lies the Pechoti gland, and it remains there long after birth.

It is believed that every human has a Pechoti gland. It is connected to more than 70 million nerves, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Yes, 70 MILLION! The Pechoti Method. Most people we know have no idea about this consumption method. It is, however, widely utilized in other countries around the globe. This method of using CBD or hemp oil may not be popular. However, according to Ayurveda, it could offer many benefits not provided through other consumption methods.

Other ways to get CBD into the system.

There are many other ways to get the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) into your system. We have created a few small videos where Melanie will show you how:

Topical CBD

CBD skincare are used mainly by people looking to use CBD to help with specific skin problems like eczema or allergies. However, they also get used by people looking to apply CBD directly to areas affected by pain and inflammation. Usually in the form of pain patches.

Again, these are generally less bioavailable across your whole body than other methods like tinctures. Still, they are a great way to apply CBD directly to an afflicted area of your body. 

Vaping CBD

These are a relatively new range of products that are popular amongst people who already vape (who’d have guessed hey?). This option might not be appealing for anyone who doesn’t already vape. For those that do, it offers an excellent level of bioavailability once the CBD hits your lungs. 

CBD in Drinks and Food

Here we are not talking about dishes with CBD but rather taking your CBD oil with/during food. By doing this, you may be able to significantly improve the absorption of CBD into the bloodstream.

It is important that you fit the intake schedule of the CBD oil into your eating pattern, or vice versa. Besides the toppings, herbs, and many sauces, CBD oil could also be on the lunch & dinner table from now on.


Taking CBD oil with certain foods can improve the bioavailability of the product. Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance, in this case, CBD, is absorbed and delivered to the bloodstream. Here it can interact with our body’s own endocannabinoid system.

CBD in Edibles

CBD capsules are probably the fastest growing in terms of popularity. The ease and simplicity of just taking CBD in a pill form that is free from taste or smell is a massive bonus for a lot of people. Alternatively, some people choose to buy CBD capsules and simply open them up and mix the CBD with food, drinks, vape liquids, and topical balms or skin creams.

CBD sweets and gummies

This is more of a novelty way to take CBD, but it offers a delicious and healthier alternative to regular sweets and candies. CBD gummies can be a tasty way to top up your CBD throughout the day. However, they are much less bioavailable than other methods and take longer to find their way into your system. But hey, if we can have sweets that taste delicious and offer us the benefits of CBD – they’re a winner every time for us! 


We would often recommend taking both a whole-body CBD product like a CBD oil tincture, and topical treatment for maximum results.

Hopefully, by now, this has made you a little clearer on how to take CBD oil. If you have any other questions or queries to do with anything CBD or CBG – please feel free to get in touch with our team, who will be more than happy to help!

Lastly, if you are now set on taking CBD oil, then we just wanted to say congratulations. CBD oil is one of the single greatest whole-body supplements available on this planet and has been shown to help with a huge range of specific health issues and whole health and well-being. Yes, we might be just a teeny weenie bit biased here, but if you still haven’t made your mind up – check out just a few of our other blog posts for more information. 


Pretty display of The Real CBD oils
When should I take CBD oil?

The timing for taking CBD oil can vary based on your individual needs and the effects you’re seeking. Many people take it in the morning to start their day or at night to help with relaxation and sleep. It’s important to establish a consistent routine that aligns with your personal health goals.

How much CBD oil should I take?

The dosage of CBD oil varies depending on factors like your body weight, the condition you are treating, and your individual body chemistry. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effects. Always follow the dosage recommendations provided on the product label or consult with a healthcare provider.

What are the different ways to take CBD oil?

CBD oil can be taken in several ways, including sublingually (under the tongue), mixed into food or drinks, applied topically to the skin, or inhaled through vaping. The method you choose depends on your preferences and the specific benefits you are looking for.

What is the bioavailability of CBD oil when taken with food?

Taking CBD oil with certain foods can enhance its bioavailability, allowing more CBD to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Foods high in fatty acids are particularly effective as they can bind with CBD and increase its absorption rate.

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