Tag Archive for: Headaches

Read more about Headaches

This page is concentrating on headaches. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

What are headaches?

A headache is a pain in your head or face that usually feels like a constant, sharp, or dull pressure. Headaches can be very different in terms of the kind of pain, how bad it is, where it is, and how often it happens. Headaches are very common and will happen to most people many times over the course of their lives.

CBD products could be helpful in treating headaches

What other things can CBD help with?

CBD can help with:

What are the symptoms of a headache?
  • Slow onset of the headache.
  • The Head usually hurts on both sides.
  • Pain is dull or feels like a band or vice around the head.
  • Pain may involve the back part of the head or neck.
  • Pain is mild to moderate, but not severe.

If you have any questions regarding acute inflammation feel free to contact us at [email protected]

We are a family-owned business with a focus on customer service and giving the best advice possible. After 4 years in the business (since Aug. 2017) we pride ourselves in having experience and knowledge about CBDs healing properties on the most common conditions.


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The Ultimate Real CBD Product Guide! (Updated 2024)

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Can CBD help with Sinus congestion?

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