Tag Archive for: Full-spectrum CBD

Learn about Full-Spectrum CBD

This page is concentrating on full-spectrum CBD. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

What is full-spectrum CBD?

It comes from hemp and contains many cannabinoids besides CBD, as well as other parts of the hemp plant, such as naturally occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, protein, and more.

Because of this, full-spectrum CBD is sometimes called whole-plant CBD extract.

What can CBD help with?

CBD can help with:

Will It Make You High?

CBD products taken at the most commonly recommended dosages have no practical chance of making you “high.” Since this contains such a low concentration of THC, the risk of intoxication isn’t present.

If you have any questions regarding full-spectrum CBD feel free to contact us at [email protected]

We are a family-owned business with a focus on customer service and giving the best advice possible. After 4 years in the business (since Aug. 2017) we pride ourselves in having experience and knowledge about CBD healing properties on the most common conditions.


Bright beautiful display of a variety of CBD products - The Real CBD Brand

The Ultimate Real CBD Product Guide! (Updated 2024)

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Estimated reading time: 20 minutes UPDATE JUNE 2024 – Discover the ultimate product guide for The Real CBD's extensive range. Unveil the healing power of our full-spectrum, whole plant products, crafted to provide you with trustworthy,…
Hemp seed and hemp seed oil display

Omega 3: Hemp oil – a better source than fish oil

Omega-3: Hemp oil is a better source than fish oil?! Really? Let's have a look and see if that is true. Fish oil has been known for years as a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Logical, because fatty fish is indeed super healthy for your…
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Why does my CBD not work? (Infographic)

Hemp products such as cannabidiol (CBD) are now known for their miraculous effect on the human body. Nevertheless, it may happen that the expected effect of CBD oil does not materialize. This may be due to the quality of…
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COVID-19 – vitamin D and CBD Oil!

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Introduction Could there be a link between COVID-19, vitamin D and CBD oil? Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of nutrients such as calcium and magnesium and strengthens and…
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How to protect your skin against cold weather with CBD

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes Table of Contents1. Now summer has ended…2. First stop, what is CBD again..!?3. And how does it work in our body?4. How does CBD protect your skin?5. CBD is Anti-inflammatory6. Suppresses overactive…
Sunrise on a green path

How can CBD oil help cancer patients?

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Maybe you have recently been diagnosed yourself, and are researching what alternative or natural help is out there. You will soon find that many claims have been made about using cannabis…
Woman on seashore

CBD Oil and Yoga – The Perfect Combination

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Introduction Yoga's incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve your mental well-being. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body…
Man hand spelling out YES CBD in wooden dice

CBD for Muscular Dystrophy – what you need to know!

If you suffer from muscular dystrophy or know someone who does, then you also know that there is no cure out there and that it is a group of diseases that cause weakness and loss of muscle mass due to abnormal genes that interfere with the…
GUIDE spelled on wood dice

What is CBD? – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil (Part 2)

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes View Beginner's guide to taking CBD oil part 1 here Table of Contents[Open][Close]IntroductionWill you get “high” from CBD?Taking CBD and regular drug testingDoes CBD have any side effects?Can…
What is CBD or CBG carrier oil The Real CBD

What is CBD or CBG carrier oil?

When it comes to CBD extracts, you may think they only contain CBD. However, many CBD products are actually mixed with other carrier ingredients. What is CBD and CBG carrier oil in fact? Carrier oils dilute the concentrated…
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