Tag Archive for: COVID-19

Read about COVID19

This page is concentrating on COVID-19. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

What is COVID-19?

OVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus discovered in 2019. The virus spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

Some people who are infected may not have symptoms. For people who have symptoms, illness can range from mild to severe. Adults 65 years and older and people of any age with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness.

What can CBD help with?

CBD and COVID-19

CBD could be a good way to stop COVID-19 from happening in the future. Researchers warn that CBD is not a replacement for getting vaccinated, covering up, and staying away from people. If anything, they write, CBD would be used in addition to these steps to keep infections from coming back.

The researchers also say that the CBD they used in their studies is different from the CBD that is used in products that aren’t used for medical purposes.

If you have any questions regarding COVID-19 feel free to contact us at [email protected]



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