Tag Archive for: Cannabinoids

Learn about Cannabinoids

This page is concentrating on cannabinoids. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

What are cannabinoids?

There are three main groups: endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, and man-made cannabinoids. “Cannabimimetic” refers to substances that are not cannabinoids but have effects on the body that are similar.

What other things can CBD help with?

CBD cannabinoids can help with:

Cannabinoids can have powerful effects on the body and mind. CBD is a popular supplemental treatment for some people with anxiety, while THC provides an enjoyable, therapeutic effect for recreational and medical users alike.

If you have any questions regarding these little things feel free to contact us at [email protected]

We are a family-owned business with a focus on customer service and giving the best advice possible. After 5 years in the business (since Aug. 2017) we pride ourselves in having experience and knowledge about cannabinoids and CBD’s healing properties in the most common conditions.

he Real CBD products are 100% safe, high quality, and consistently contain the same ingredients from bottle to bottle. We use the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes which are found in the hemp plant.

You want a natural product – in a jungle of real and fake, so we make sure everything in the process stays as natural, clean, and true as possible. What you see on the label – is what is in the bottles. Guaranteed!


Bright beautiful display of a variety of CBD products - The Real CBD Brand

The Ultimate Real CBD Product Guide! (Updated 2024)

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Estimated reading time: 20 minutes UPDATE JUNE 2024 – Discover the ultimate product guide for The Real CBD's extensive range. Unveil the healing power of our full-spectrum, whole plant products, crafted to provide you with trustworthy,…
Smiling woman in housecoat having a facemask on one side of her face

Hemp or CBD – Which is better for your skin?

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The world of beauty and skincare products has gone crazy for hemp and CBD products this last year! And it’s about time too! Both hemp seed oil and CBD-based products can do amazing things for your skin. Should you choose hemp or CBD…
Brain tumour in orange showing on a graphic brain inside a head

CBD effects on the Brain

CBD is well known at this point for its incredible physical benefits, such as its anti-inflammatory properties and pain-relieving effects. What is less well known is the wealth of evidence emerging for the mind-blowing effects it can have on…
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How to use CBD for weight loss!

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Table of Contents[Open][Close]The Obesity Epidemic and a Public Health Crisis!How to Lose Weight Using CBDCBD and Metabolism: A Potential Fat BurnerIs CBD a Magic Solution for Belly Fat?CBD is…
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CBD for Parkinson’s Disease

A healthy, natural alternative to traditional medications is becoming more and more accessible for people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Studies show that CBD, a Cannabidiol also referred to as a CBD-rich cannabis product, could…
Wellness word soup

How Can CBD Improve Your Life?

We all want to lead the best life possible, and most of us will take steps to improve our lives in whatever way we can. There are lots of things that can help to improve your life. One thing that you can use in order to help improve…
Laboratory man standing in a hemp field with a clip board

CBD Oil vs. Hemp seed Oil

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Table of Contents[Open][Close]IntroductionWhat is CBD Oil?What are Cannabinoids?How is CBD Oil Made?Why is this Important?What is Hemp Oil?What is Hemp Oil Used For?What are the Benefits of Hemp…
CBD oil and alcohol line up on a table

CBD and Alcohol

With CBD's skyrocketing popularity seemingly taking the world by storm, it's no wonder to finally see many alcoholic drinks companies now infusing some of their products with CBD. But is this just a marketing gimmick? Can CBD be safely…
The Real CBD bottles line-up in front of head full of drugs

Is CBD Oil Addictive?

With an ever-increasing number of people turning to CBD as part of a new and healthier lifestyle, many people ask, “Is CBD Oil addictive?”. Thankfully, the short answer is a resounding NO! But, as with all things, this short answer…
Woman with closed eyes holding her forehead in pain

CBD Overdose: Can you take too much CBD?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes It’s natural to wonder what may happen if you take too much CBD. In this article, we explain everything that you need to know. CBD is known for its many benefits in providing relief for a host…
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