Privacy Policy


  • Name: MIMKO Ltd.
  • Address: 9, Cadoc House – Temple Street – Keynsham – Bristol BS31 1HD – United Kingdom
  • Activity: Distribution and sales of cannabidiol (CBD) food supplements
  • Email : info @
  • Domain:
  • Web page:
  • Purpose of the website: information and contact.
  • Indistinctly named:  “”, “the Website”, “this Website”, “We”, “Us”


Contact details: 9, Cadoc House – Temple Street – Keynsham – Bristol BS31 1HD – United Kingdom with email address [email protected]


How to exercise your rights: You can direct a communication to the email address indicated in the heading of this legal notice, including in both cases a photocopy of your ID or other similar identification document, to request the exercise of the following rights:

  • Right to request access to personal data: you can ask how The Real CBD is treating your data.
  • Right to request rectification (in case your data is incorrect) or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of the treatment of your data, in which case The Real CBD will only keep the data required for the defence against claims.
  • Right to object to the treatment of your data: The Real CBD will stop treating the data in the way indicated, unless for compelling legitimate reasons the data is required for the defence against claims.
  • Models, forms and more information about your rights: Official website of the American Data Protection Agency.
  • Possibility of withdrawing consent : in the case that you have granted consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

How to complain to the Control Authority: If you consider that there is a problem with the way in which The Real CBD is handling your data, you can direct your claims to the The Real CBD  Personal Data Protection contact indicated above, or to the corresponding data protection authority, being the American Data Protection Agency the competent authority for matters concerning The Real CBD.


At all times you will have the right to review, recover, anonymize and/or delete, totally or partially, the data stored in this website. Just send an email to info @ and request it.


  • Disaggregated data: The disaggregated data will be preserved without a deletion period.
  • Data subscribers to the feed by email: Since the user subscribes until it is unsubscribed.
  • Subscriber information to the newsletter: From the moment the user subscribes until it is unsubscribed.
  • Other data: As far as possible, We do not keep data for longer than the nature of the communication involved requires to successfully execute the data processing.


The Real CBD is committed to respect confidentiality and to use personal data in accordance with its intended purpose, as well as to comply with the obligation to take all measures to avoid alteration, loss or unauthorized access, in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation in force since May 25th, 2018.

You guarantee that the personal data provided through the forms is true, being obliged to communicate any subsequent modifications. Likewise, you guarantee that all the information provided corresponds to your actual situation, which is up to date and accurate.

In addition, you must keep your data updated at all times, and you are solely responsible for the inaccuracy of the data provided and for the damages that may be caused to KM Industries LLC as the owner of the Website.


The Real CBD adopts reasonably adequate security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, you must be aware that the security of computer systems on the Internet is not entirely reliable and, therefore, The Real CBD can not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in computer systems (software and hardware) belonging to the User or its electronic documents and files.

Also, The Real CBD use active security firewall systems that block suspicious activities and try to prevent possible attacks. In case of detecting any security breach, The Real CBD is committed to inform users within a maximum delay of 72 hours.


All the services offered on the website refer to a contact form, forms to make user registrations, comment forms and testimonial forms. The Website always requires the prior consent of users to treat their personal data for the specifically mentioned purposes.

You have the right to revoke your prior consent at any time.


Web and hosting: The website uses TLS v.1.2 SSL encryption which allows the safe transmission of personal data through standard contact forms hosted on servers belonging to Linode LLC, and located in London, United Kingdom.

Data collected through the web: The personal data collected will be subject to automated processing. The Website will know your IP, which will be used to check the origin of the message in order to offer information, protection against SPAM comments and to detect possible irregularities. Also, you can provide your data through email and other means of communication as indicated in the contact section.

Comments form: In this Website, there might the possibility that users leave and publish comments. A cookie stores the data provided by the user to avoid re-entering the same data at each new visit, and additionally the address, name, web and IP address may be collected internally. The data is stored on servers belonging to Linode LLC in London, United Kingdom.

Emails: When you send us an email, your personal information is collected only to the extent necessary to allow us to respond.

Communications in general: The user voluntarily providing personal data through any form on this Website or when contacting Us by email, expressly authorizes The Real CBD and the website to treat such data in a way which allows Us to reply to your request or query.

User registration: No User registrations are accepted unless expressly requested by the user. Because targets a mature audience only, no User registrations are accepted from minors, or from individuals not considered as adults according to their legal status and the applicable EU legislation. When a user requests a registration, the user expressly confirms enjoying the legal status of adult according to the applicable EU legislation.

Additionally, We may also collect the following information:

  • Location and traffic data (including IP address and browser).
  • Pages visited and content displayed while your session is active.
  • Your comments.
  • Email and password of your account to allow you to access your account, if you have one.
  • If you create an account, saves your name, address and telephone number.
  • Newsletter subscription forms: You can cancel the subscription to the newsletter at any time through a specific link located at the bottom of each notification you receive.
  • Content embedded from other websites: Pages from this Website may include embedded external content (eg videos, images, articles, etc.). The content embedded from other external websites behaves in the same way as if the visitor or user visits the other external website. These external websites can recompile data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with embedded content, including tracking your interaction with embedded content if you have an account or are connected to that external website. can not be held responsible for the privacy policies practiced by external websites to which the embedded material belongs.

Other services: Certain services provided through this Website may contain specific conditions with specific provisions regarding the protection of personal data. It is essential to read and accept it before requesting the service in question.

Purpose and legitimation: The purpose of the treatment of personal data solely serves to provide the information or services that you request voluntarily.


Presence in networks: might have a profile in some of the main social networks of the Internet.

Purpose and legitimation: The treatment that The Real CBD will carry out with the data within each of the aforementioned networks will be, at most, the treatment that the social network allows to its profiles. Thus, the website will be able to inform, when the law does not prohibit it, its followers by any means that the social network allows about its activities, presentations, offers, as well as providing personalized customer service.

Extraction of data: In no case extract data from social networks, unless the corresponding user’s consent is expressly obtained.


Computing, storage and encryption: The website uses SSL encryption certificates from Letsencrypt, an organization located in the USA, and computing and storage services from Linode LLC, Philadelphia, PA, USA, with equipment that may be located indistinctly in the United Kingdom, Germany and the USA. By accepting this Legal Notice, you understand and agree to give your consent to The Real CBD and the website to store, manage and process your personal data in any of the mentioned countries.

Social Networks: can make use of the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, what may imply international transfers of analytical and technical data to the countries in which these social networks operate or are based. These international transfers of data may or may not imply data generated by the interaction of our users with By accepting this Legal Notice, you understand and agree to give your consent to The Real CBD and the website to interact with the mentioned social networks and you consent to the related international transfers of analytical and technical data to the countries in which these social networks operate or are based.

Your information is protected according to our privacy policy and cookies policy. By registering a user account or activating a subscription, you hereby confirm that you understand and accept our privacy policy and cookies policy.

You will always have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit and erase your data.

From the moment you register as a user on this website, has access to: Username, email, IP address, and possibly your address and phone number.

In any case The Real CBD reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the design and content of the website, including the present legal notice. If this Legal Notice is modified after a previous User approval, at the next User’s visit, the new version will automatically trigger a re-approval requirement where the User will be asked to re-accept the updated Legal Notice again before continuing to use the website.


The access and/or use of this website is strictly reserved to adults only, and assigns to the user the condition of User, which implies the full acceptance of this Legal Notice without any reserve.

When interacting with, the User agrees not to carry out any action that could damage the image, interests and rights of, damage the image, interests and rights of third parties, or actions that could damage, disable or overload, or actions that could prevent, in any way, other users to interact normally with

RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTENT OF THE WEBSITE contains texts prepared for informational purposes that may not reflect the current status of legislation or jurisprudence and refer to general situations, therefore its content can never be applied “as is” by the user. The opinions expressed by Users do not necessarily reflect the views of The content of the articles published in can not be considered, in any case, a substitute for legal or professional advice. The user must not act on the basis of the information contained in without previously resorting to the corresponding professional advice.

The external links contained in lead to external sites managed by third parties. is not responsible for the content or legal status of these external sites. The use of external links does not imply that recommends or approves the related external contents.


By means of this Legal Notice no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred by The Real CBD, nor on any of the constituting components of the website, and the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available to the public, extract, reuse and re-send, by any means or procedure, of any of them, except in cases where such action is legally permitted and authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user knows and accepts that the whole of the website, containing without exhaustive character the text, the images, the designs, software, contents (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of the same), audio visual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other registered legitimate rights, in accordance with the international treaties to which USA is a party, and in accordance with other property rights and laws of USA.

In the event that a user or a third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights by the introduction of certain content on the Web, you must notify such circumstance to The Real CBD indicating:

Personal data of the owner of the rights allegedly infringed, or indicate the representation with which he acts in case the claim is presented by a third party other than the interested party.

Indicate the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the Web, the accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated and express declaration in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.


The Legal Notice of this Website is governed in each and every one of its aspects by the laws of USA. The language of drafting and interpretation of this Legal Notice is English. This Legal Notice will not be filed individually for each user but will remain accessible through the Internet on this Website.

Users may submit to the Consumer Arbitration System of which The Real CBD will be a party to resolve any controversy or claim derived from this text or any activity of


The access and/or use of the Website assigns to the user the condition of User, which implies the full acceptance of this Legal Notice in relation to all aspects covering the use and the contents of the Website.

The User is informed, understands, and agrees, that access to this Website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with The Real CBD. The user agrees to use the Website, its services and contents without infringing current legislation, good faith and public order. It is prohibited to use the Website for illicit or harmful purposes, or in any way that may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the Website.


Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless authorized by its legitimate owners.

Any violation of the rights of the provider or the legitimate owners.

Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

The pages of provide links to other external websites and external content owned by third parties. The only purpose of the links is to provide the User with the possibility of accessing said links, although The Real CBD is not responsible in any case for the consequences that may affect the User for accessing said links.

The User who intends to embed any fragment of into its own external website must obtain the prior written authorization of The Real CBD. The publication of back links do not imply in any case the existence of relations between The Real CBD and the owner of the site where the back-link is published, nor the acceptance or approval by The Real CBD of its contents or services.


The user agrees to make diligent use of the Website and its services, in full compliance with the law, good practices and the conditions mentioned in this Legal Notice. Likewise, the user agrees, unless prior written authorization by The Real CBD, to use the information contained in this Website, exclusively for its private information, and can not, directly or indirectly, commercially exploit any content this Website.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out any kind of manipulation or alteration of this Website without the prior written consent of The Real CBD. Consequently, The Real CBD will not assume any responsibility for consequences of such alterations or manipulations by third parties.


The Real CBD does not grant any guarantee nor is liable, in any case, for damages of any kind that could be caused by:

  • The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the Website or its services and contents;
  • The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the Website’s contents;
  • Illegal, negligent, fraudulent use or uses infringing the conditions mentioned in this Legal Notice;
  • The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the Website.
  • Unauthorized access to User’s accounts using valid usernames and password credentials gathered by a third party tampering illegally with the User’s equipment.
  • The Real CBD is not liable under any circumstances for damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.


The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: . Consumers may submit their claims through the online dispute resolution platform.


In general, relations between this Website and the Users are subject to the jurisdiction and legislation of USA.

In case the User had any doubt about this Legal Notice or any comments about, please contact info @

Our privacy policy describes how we collect, store or use the information we gather through the different services or pages available on this Website. It is important that you understand what information we collect and how we use it since your access to this Website implies the acceptance of our privacy policy contained in this Legal Notice.

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions on protection of personal data. The User accepts and consents to the treatment thereof by The Real CBD and, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Legal Notice.


The Real CBD does not condone SPAM practices, therefore We never send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User. Consequently, in each of the forms on the Website, the User has the possibility to expressly consent to receive our Newsletter / bulletin, regardless of the commercial information requested.


A cookie is a harmless file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user and its equipment.

Thus, cookies can obtain information related to the number of pages visited, the user’s IP address, the number of new users, the frequency of the visits, the time of visit, the browser type, the operating system or the type of device from which the visit originates.

A cookie is not a virus, nor a Trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor can open windows pop-up.

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data they keep is of technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of contents, etc.

Cookies do not allow web servers to associate you directly as physical person, instead they associate your web browser. In fact, if you usually browse the web with Internet Explorer, open a session in a website by logging in, and for example, try to load the same website with Firefox or Chrome without logging in, you will see that in Firefox or Chrome, the website  does not realize that you are the same person because the web server only communicates with the user’s browser.


To understand the consequences of disabling cookies, here are a few examples:

  • You cannot share content from websites on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social network.
  • Websites will not be able to adapt the contents to your personal preferences.
  • You can not access the personal area of websites, such as My account, or My profile.
  • Online stores: it will be impossible to make purchases online, you will have to call the store, or physically visit the store.
  • It will not be possible to customize your geographic preferences like time zone, currency or language.
  • Websites will not be able to perform web analytics about visitors and traffic on the web, which will prevent optimizations for their audience.
  • You can not write on blogs, you can not upload photos, post comments, or rate content.
  • It will not be possible to show tailored advertising, which will reduce the advertising revenue of the websites you visit.
  • All social networks use cookies, if they are disabled you can not use any social network.


Depending on the entity that manages the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and treat the data obtained, we can distinguish:

  • Own cookies : Cookies that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the publisher of the website, and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third party cookies: Cookies that are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher of the website, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

In the event that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they can not be considered as own cookies.


In some cases, we share information about visitors to this website anonymously or in aggregate with third parties such as advertisers, sponsors or auditors for the sole purpose of improving our services. All these processing tasks are regulated according to legal norms and your data protection rights remain respected according to current regulations.

This Website may measure traffic with different solutions that can use cookies or web beacons to analyse what happens on our pages. This Website may also host its own advertising, affiliates, or advertising networks. This advertising is shown through advertising servers that also use cookies to display advertising content related to users. Each of these advertising servers has its own privacy policy, which can be consulted on their own web pages.


By accessing the website we inform you that if you continue browsing, we might install several own and third-party cookies corresponding to the analytics of the web to help the Website to analyse the use made of the Website and improve the usability of the Website. However in no case these cookies will contain data that could identify you. The data they keep are of  technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of contents, etc. The web server does not associate you as a person, it only interacts with your web browser.

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to ensure that you have a better browsing experience, can share content on social networks, leave comments, and obtain statistics from our users.

As a user, you can refuse the processing of data or information by blocking these cookies through the appropriate configuration of your browser. However, you should know that if you do, this site may not work properly.

That is why it is important that you read this cookie policy and understand that if you continue browsing, we consider that you accept its use. You can change the settings of your browser to be notified of the reception of cookies on your device or disable them altogether.

The following list is included below, only as an example, with identification of the most relevant cookies used on this website, as well as whether they are owned by third parties (and identification of the contracted third party or whose services have been decided) and their purpose.


  • User input cookie
  • Authentication session cookie or user identification
  • User security cookie
  • Multimedia player session cookie
  • Session cookie for customization of the user interface
  • Add-on cookie (plug-in) to share and exchange social content.
  • Cookie to fill out the forms.
  • Cookie that remembers the acceptance of cookies.


  • Google Analytics, Number of visits, pages or sections visited, browsing time, sites visited before entering this page, details about used browsers Statistical reports about website traffic, its total audience and the audience in a certain advertising campaign.
  • Google, Inc. User preferences, information about the interaction with the website (requested service, date and time), type of browser and language, geographical location) Improve and manage the exposure of advertisements to the user avoiding the appearance of advertisements that already has seen
  • Behavioral Advertising, Information on Social Participation and User Tracking. The main objective of these cookies is: Orientation/Advertising

There are also cookies corresponding to the social networks used by this Website and these have their own cookies policies.

  • Twitter cookie, according to the provisions of its privacy policy and use of cookies.
  • Facebook cookie, according to the provisions of its privacy policy and use of cookies
  • Instagram cookie, as provided in its privacy policy and use of cookies


Since cookies are normal text files, they can be scanned with most text editors or word processing programs. You can click on a cookie to open it. Below is a list of links on how to view cookies in different browsers. If you use another browser, consult the information on cookies in the browser itself. If you use a mobile phone, check the device manual for more information:

  • Firefox:
  • Chrome :
  • Internet Explorer 8-10:
  • Safari:
  • Opera:


Neither this Website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the veracity of the privacy policies of third parties or external websites.

Web browsers are the instruments responsible for storing cookies and it is from your browser that you must execute your right to delete or deactivate cookies. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect manipulation of cookies by the aforementioned browsers.

Paradoxically, in some cases it is necessary to allow some cookies so that the browser does not forget the decision to not accept cookies from a given website.

In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and agrees not to share them with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the operation of the system or when the law requires such action. Google Inc. is a company adhering to the Safe Harbor Agreement that guarantees that all transferred data will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations.

For any questions or queries about this cookie policy do not hesitate to contact Us through the contact section or on [email protected].

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