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Pancreatic Cancer and CBD

Close-up of cancer red cell

Pancreatic , a formidable health challenge, remains one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, notoriously difficult to diagnose in its early stages. The pancreas is a vital organ located behind the stomach, responsible for the production of enzymes important in digestion and hormones such as insulin that regulate blood sugar.

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The Onset of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer begins when cells in the pancreas develop mutations in their DNA. These mutations cause cells to grow uncontrollably and to continue living beyond their natural life cycle. These accumulating cells can form a tumour, and over time, may spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Initially, pancreatic cancer tends to be silent and insidious, rarely causing symptoms until it’s quite advanced. When symptoms do appear, they may include pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back, loss of appetite, significant weight loss, jaundice, new-onset diabetes, and depression.

Traditional Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

The treatment landscape for pancreatic cancer includes , chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and palliative care to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. However, the survival rates for pancreatic cancer are disheartening, with only about 5-10% of patients surviving five years post-diagnosis, emphasizing the need for more effective therapeutic options.

Introduction to Cannabidiol (CBD)

What is CBD

(CBD) is one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, which has been the focus of extensive research for its potential therapeutic properties. Unlike its counterpart, THC, CBD does not produce a ‘high’ but has been studied for its role in reducing inflammation, pain, and anxiety.

Medicinal Cannabis for pancreatic cancer

Medicinal cannabis refers to the medical use of cannabis and its constituent cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), as part of a regulated therapeutic treatment for managing and alleviating symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer. This complex and aggressive disease is known for its poor prognosis and the severe symptom burden it places on patients. Here we delve into how medicinal cannabis may be beneficial in this context.

Why Consider Medicinal Cannabis?

Medicinal cannabis is considered for pancreatic cancer primarily to manage symptoms and improve the quality of life rather than as a curative therapy. Key potential benefits include:

  • Pain Relief: Cannabis has widely recognized analgesic properties, which can crucially manage the severe pain often accompanying pancreatic cancer.
  • Anti-nausea Effects: THC, one of the primary cannabinoids in cannabis, has shown to reduce nausea and vomiting, especially when related to chemotherapy treatments.
  • Appetite Stimulation: THC also known to increase appetite, helps combat weight loss and cachexia commonly seen in cancer patients.
  • Weight Management: By stimulating appetite and reducing nausea, cannabis can help maintain body weight and improve nutrient intake.
  • Improvement of Overall Well-being: Reducing the symptom burden can help improve overall feelings of well-being and quality of life for patients.

CBD and Pancreatic Cancer: What Does the Research Say?

Emerging research has begun to shed light on the potential benefits of CBD in the management of pancreatic cancer. Studies suggest that CBD may help reduce the invasiveness of cancer cells and enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments like chemotherapy.

CBD’s Mechanism of Action in Cancer Management

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating a variety of physiological processes including pain sensation, immune response, and cell growth. By influencing this system, CBD can potentially help in controlling the proliferation of cancer cells and managing the severe pain often associated with pancreatic cancer.

Benefits of CBD for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

  1. Pain Relief: CBD has analgesic properties that may help alleviate the chronic pain associated with pancreatic cancer.
  2. Effects: CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the inflammation that might exacerbate cancer symptoms.
  3. Appetite Stimulation: CBD can potentially help improve appetite, which often declines in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
  4. Nausea Reduction: It can help reduce nausea and vomiting, particularly important for patients in chemotherapy.
  5. Enhancing Chemotherapy Efficacy: Preliminary studies have shown that CBD may enhance the impact of chemotherapeutic agents, potentially leading to better outcomes in treatment efficacy.

How to Use CBD for Pancreatic Cancer

Using CBD in the management of pancreatic cancer involves several considerations to maximise its potential benefits safely:

Consult Healthcare Providers: Before starting any new treatment, including CBD, it’s crucial to consult with oncologists and healthcare providers. They can offer guidance based on current treatments and the specific circumstances surrounding the patient’s condition.

How to speak to your doctor about CBD

Choosing the Right CBD Product

Full-spectrum CBD: These products contain all phytochemicals naturally found in the cannabis plant, including CBD, trace cannabinoids, , and oils. Full-spectrum products include some THC, which may help or hinder depending on individual patient reactions and the legal status of THC in their location.

Broad-spectrum CBD: Like full-spectrum, broad-spectrum products contain most phytochemicals from the cannabis plant but are typically free of THC.

CBD Isolate: This form is pure CBD and does not contain other cannabinoids or terpenes. It’s an option for patients specifically looking to avoid THC.

Method of Administration

  • Oral ingestion (Capsules, Edibles, Oils): CBD oils or capsules can be taken orally, providing a longer-lasting effect which is beneficial for ongoing relief.
  • Sublingual products (Sprays, Oils): These are applied under the tongue for fast absorption into the blood, offering quicker relief.
  • Topicals (Creams, Balms): Applied directly to the skin, topicals are useful for localised pain relief.

Dosing Guidelines

CBD dosing is not one-size-fits-all. It is essential to start with a low dose and gradually increase it based on the guidance of a healthcare provider. Monitoring the body’s response will help in finding an effective dose that minimizes side effects.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Regular follow-ups with healthcare providers are necessary to monitor the effects of CBD and adjust the dosage as needed, ensuring the patient’s safety and the efficacy of their overall treatment regimen.

Clinical Studies on CBD and Pancreatic Cancer

CBG for cancer

While the research is still in its early stages, some laboratory studies and animal research suggest that CBD may help slow the progression of pancreatic cancer by interfering with the cancer cell cycle, inducing apoptosis (cell death), and by reducing the ability of the cells to invade neighbouring tissues. These findings are promising but need to be confirmed with more robust clinical trials involving human participants.

Safety and Efficacy of CBD

CBD is generally well-tolerated, with a good safety profile. Side effects, when they occur, tend to be mild and may include , diarrhoea, and changes in appetite. However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including CBD, particularly when dealing with a serious condition like pancreatic cancer.


While CBD should not be considered a cure for pancreatic cancer, its potential to improve the symptoms and the quality of life for patients is evident. The ongoing research into the synergy between CBD and traditional cancer therapies offers hope for future treatments that are more effective and less debilitating than current options.

FAQ – CBD for Pancreatic Cancer

What is CBD and how might it be relevant to pancreatic cancer treatment?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound that we extract from the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t have psychoactive properties. Researchers are currently studying how CBD could be used in cancer treatment, including pancreatic cancer. They believe it might potentially help alleviate symptoms like nausea, pain, and inflammation that are related to cancer treatments. However, we haven’t established its efficacy and safety specifically for pancreatic cancer yet, so it’s essential to use it under medical guidance.

Can CBD cure pancreatic cancer?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that CBD can cure pancreatic cancer. Most studies have focused on its potential to ease symptoms and improve the quality of life during treatment. CBD should not replace conventional cancer treatments and any use of CBD in a cancer regimen should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with using CBD for pancreatic cancer?

CBD is generally considered safe; however, it can interact with other medications and potentially exacerbate certain conditions. Side effects might include fatigue, changes in appetite, and gastrointestinal issues. Given the complexities of pancreatic cancer treatments, it’s vital to consult healthcare professionals to avoid adverse interactions and ensure safe usage.

How should someone with pancreatic cancer use CBD?

Someone with pancreatic cancer should administer CBD in various forms including oils, capsules, or edibles. The choice depends on personal preferences, the desired effect, and medical advice. It’s crucial to tailor the dosage to the individual’s needs, factoring in their medical history and current health condition. It’s important for someone with pancreatic cancer to consult with a healthcare professional or a specialist knowledgeable in cannabis use before starting any CBD treatment.

The Real CBD for pancreatic cancer

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