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“I think – therefor I am” – the famous phrase by philosopher Rene Descartes (1596-1650). We could also turn that one around and say “I am – therefore I think”. If you think about that one for a minute (no pun intended) you will realize the latter means that you can actually steer your thoughts and thought process. So is happiness a choice? It could be – or even better, it should be and you can train your brain to be positive – exactly like you would train your pecs (chest muscles) to be stronger and maybe bigger. Even though your brain is not a muscle (it’s an organ) you can still train it and keep it young. Let’s look a bit closer at how we can do that with nootropics. Is CBD a nootropic?

The Brain and its functions!

The brain weighs about 3 pounds in the average adult and is about 60% fat. The remaining 40% is a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates and salts. Grey and white matter in the brain are two different regions of the central nervous system. In the brain, grey matter refers to the darker, outer portion, while white matter describes the lighter, inner section underneath. In the spinal cord, this order is reversed: The white matter is on the outside, and the grey matter sits within.

The brain is complex and controls:

  • Thought,
  • Memory,
  • Emotion,
  • Touch,
  • Motor skills,
  • Vision,
  • Breathing,
  • Temperature,
  • Hunger
  • – and every other process that regulates our body.

How can we become this brainy superhuman? Brain stimulation can be done on several levels, and we are going to dig a little deeper into all of them here. Is CBD a nootropic?

Brain Foods- Eat yourself smarter with nootropics!

Sound easy don’t you think? We all know that eating a healthy varied diet will make you feel better. Get that “5-a-day” into your day and all is well. But if you want to take that a step further you need to look at bit more detail into what it is that you are putting into your mouth.

The brain is surrounded by a thin lining called the blood-brain barrier, which prevents harmful compounds from entering the brain while allowing helpful nutrients in and cellular debris out.

The blood-brain barrier, however, weakens in many people, letting dangerous chemicals and substances into the brain. This signifies that the brain is deteriorating as a result of increased inflammation in the brain.


Your mind is hungry. It is, in reality, your body’s most hungry organ. Despite accounting for only around 2% of your whole body weight, the brain requires over 20% of your total energy requirements. However, it is a misconception that the brain needs merely energy to function properly; a healthy brain requires a full complement of micronutrients in sufficient proportions.

Because the reasons are similar, the tactics for mending a leaky blood-brain barrier are similar to those for repairing a leaky gut. Balance your blood sugar, eliminate inflammatory foods and toxins from your diet and surroundings, and focus on whole foods, produce-rich diet is just one of the foundations.

Beyond that, some dietary substances have been proven to aid in the healing of a leaking blood-brain barrier:

Deficits in essential nutrients are increasingly being linked to poor brain and mental health. Furthermore, diet plays a vital function in brain shape and mental health at every stage of life, from conception to old age.

  • Raw unsalted nuts – One serving per day
  • Oily fish – At least one 140g serving per week
  • Legumes – Three to four servings per week
  • Berries (fresh or frozen) – Half a cup at least three times per week
  • Leafy green vegetables – A small salad bowl daily
  • 70% dark chocolate – Max. 45grams a week
  • Turmeric  – Combine with black pepper and in cooperate as often as possible
  • Fermented foods – Kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha etc. at least twice a week
  • Caffeine – Coffee or green tea 1-2 cups before 2pm for alertness
  • Nootropics – Smart drugs

Nootropics are a class of nutrients and drugs that people believe or suspect can increase cognitive functions such as thinking, memory, brain control, creativity, and motivation in the brain.

The idea of an easy approach to increase brainpower in order to become more productive, focused, and intelligent is certainly appealing. 

Smart pills, brain boosters, and cognitive enhancers are among other names for nootropics. Vitamins and minerals, “natural” chemicals derived from plants, prescription pharmaceuticals, and innovative “designer drug” compounds are all examples of these substances.

What is CBD

Being productive and delivering high outcomes in adult life typically requires staying focused, motivated, and in a sharp mental state, especially for individuals with an active lifestyle that requires acute brainpower. A nootropic may be something to consider if you’re a professional, a student, an older person, an athlete, or simply want to boost your mental health.

Nootropics are dietary supplements that can help you improve your memory, creativity, and other cognitive functions. Nootropics can significantly improve your mental performance at work, school, and other daily obligations and tasks.

We’ve done the research and compiled a list of the greatest nootropics to help you increase your brain’s functionality we also answer if CBD is a nootropic?.


Caffeine is the world’s most extensively used psychoactive drug. It can be found naturally in coffee, chocolate, tea, kola nuts, and Guarana, as well as in numerous sodas, energy drinks, and pharmaceuticals. It can also be used as a supplement, either alone or in conjunction with other ingredients. Caffeine makes you feel less tired by inhibiting adenosine receptors in your brain.

The use of 40–300 mg improves alertness and concentration while also decreasing reaction time. For people who are tired, these doses are extremely effective.


L-theanine is an amino acid found naturally in tea which can also be taken as a supplement. Taking 200 mg of L-theanine has been demonstrated in several trials to have a relaxing effect without inducing drowsiness.

Even a small dose of 50 mg — around two cups of brewed tea — has been shown to boost alpha-waves in the brain, which are associated with creativity. When combined with caffeine, L-theanine becomes considerably more effective. As a result, they’re frequently combined in performance-enhancing supplements.


Creatine is a type of amino acid that your body needs to produce protein. It’s a popular bodybuilding supplement that not only stimulates muscular growth but also has mental health benefits.

When creatine enters your brain after being consumed, it links with phosphate to form a molecule that your brain uses to quickly power its cells. Improved short-term memory and reasoning skills have been linked to greater energy availability for brain cells, notably in vegetarians and people who are extremely stressed.

According to studies, taking 5 grams of creatine per day is safe and has no side effects. Larger doses are also effective, although there is no evidence on their long-term safety.

Cannabidiol (CBD) – is it a nootropic?


CBD has been shown to enhance focus, creativity, and mood and reduce general , social anxiety, , , ADHD, inflammation and . Working as one of the many nootropics. Doses typically start on 10mg but several anecdotal reviews have shown that 100mg CBD before bed will make you sleep like a baby.

Lion’s Mane

Studies in animals suggest that Lion’s mane may help to reduce inflammation and molecular signs of Alzheimer’s disease (such as amyloid plaques), improve memory, and boost the release of nerve growth factor, a protein that can lengthen nerve cell processes. Combining Lions Mane with CBD enhances the effects of Lion’s Mane.


Reishi is a “powerful brain tonic”, that’s used to energize and enhance your mood, plus support concentration. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Reishi mushrooms contain “complex sugars known as beta-glucans,” which may be able to stop the growth and spreading of cancer cells. Reishi and CBD is a very powerful Combo


A very old and famous nootropics. The root of Panax ginseng is an old medicinal plant that is used to improve brain function. A single dose of Panax ginseng (200–400 mg) has been found to minimize brain fatigue and increase performance on tough tasks such as mental math problems.

However, the mechanism through which Panax ginseng improves brain function is unknown. It could be because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties, which assist to protect your brain from oxidative stress while also improving its performance.

Ginko Biloba

Extracts from the Ginkgo biloba tree’s leaves may also be beneficial to your brain. When taken daily for six weeks, ginkgo Biloba supplements have been found to improve memory and mental functioning in healthy older persons.

Ginkgo biloba reduces stress-related high and lowers cortisol, a type of stress hormone when taken before a high-stress task. Some of these advantages are thought to be related to improved blood flow to the brain after taking Ginkgo biloba supplements.

Nicotine (NO you don’t need to start smoking)

Nicotine is a naturally occurring substance that can be found in a variety of plants, including tobacco. It can therefore be considered a nootropic. It’s one of the ingredients in cigarettes that makes them so addicting.

Nicotine has been shown in studies to produce nootropic benefits, such as increased alertness and focus, particularly in persons who have naturally short attention spans. It’s also been discovered to help with motor function. Furthermore, chewing nicotine gum has been related to faster and more fluid handwriting.

Moderate doses of nicotine typically enhance cognition; high doses can inhibit cognitive performance. So when it comes to micro-dosing with nicotine, moderation and precision is key. Presuming you are a non-smoker, effective doses range from 2-4mg administered over 20-30 min. This is typically ingested via nicotine gum or nicotine spray.

CBD can help you stop smoking


Gotu kola has the ability to improve memory and nerve function, making it a promising candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, according to research. A 2012 study on mice discovered that Gotu kola extract was effective in reducing behavioral impairments in animals with Alzheimer’s disease, according to the study’s findings.

It was shown that Gotu kola and folic acid were similarly useful in terms of enhancing overall cognition; however, Gotu kola was found to be more effective in terms of boosting memory.

A tiny study investigated the cognitive boosting effects of Gotu kola water extract on mice in order to determine its effectiveness. When mice were exposed to the Morris Water Maze, both young and elderly mice exhibited gains in learning and memory. However, the effect was greater in the older mice.

Is CBD Considered a Nootropic?

In the realm of health and wellness, the conversation around cognitive enhancers, or nootropics, has been steadily gaining traction. Among the myriad of substances being discussed, Cannabidiol (CBD), a naturally occurring compound found in the Cannabis sativa plant, has sparked significant interest. This article delves into the question: Is CBD considered a nootropic? We explore the potential cognitive enhancements CBD offers, backed by scientific insights and user experiences.

Understanding Nootropics: A Brief Overview

Nootropics, often referred to as “smart drugs” or cognitive enhancers, are substances that can improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. The term encompasses a broad range of natural and synthetic compounds that share the common goal of enhancing cognitive abilities.

CBD: A Natural Compound with Nootropic Potential

CBD is one of over a hundred cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike its psychoactive counterpart, THC, CBD is non-intoxicating, making it an attractive option for those seeking the plant’s therapeutic benefits without the high. Its potential to act as a nootropic comes from its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including mood, memory, and cognitive functions.

The Cognitive Enhancements Offered by CBD

Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that CBD may possess several properties that could classify it as a nootropic. These include:

  • Anxiety Reduction: Anxiety can significantly impair cognitive performance, affecting memory, focus, and learning. CBD has been shown to have anxiolytic effects, potentially improving cognitive functions by reducing anxiety levels.
  • Neuroprotection: CBD exhibits antioxidant properties, which may protect neurons from damage caused by oxidative stress. This neuroprotective action could support cognitive health and prevent cognitive decline.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Sleep plays a vital role in cognitive function. CBD may enhance sleep quality, thereby supporting cognitive processes such as memory consolidation and executive function.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Inflammation can adversely affect brain function. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may protect against inflammation-induced cognitive impairment.

Scientific Insights into CBD as a Nootropic

A growing body of scientific research supports the notion of CBD as a nootropic. Studies have shown that CBD can modulate the ECS, influencing various cognitive and physiological processes. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that CBD could reduce anxiety in individuals with social anxiety disorder, potentially enhancing their cognitive performance in social situations.

Furthermore, research in the Neurochemical Research Journal has highlighted CBD’s neuroprotective and antioxidant effects, suggesting its potential to safeguard cognitive functions by protecting neural tissue from damage.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for Cognitive Enhancement

When considering CBD as a nootropic, it’s essential to choose high-quality products from reputable sources. Full-spectrum CBD products, which contain a range of cannabinoids and , are often recommended for their entourage effect, potentially enhancing the cognitive benefits of CBD.

The Nootropic Potential of CBD

In conclusion, while more research is needed to fully understand the cognitive enhancements offered by CBD, the existing scientific literature and user experiences suggest that CBD has promising nootropic properties. Its ability to reduce anxiety, protect neurons, improve sleep quality, and combat inflammation positions CBD as a natural cognitive enhancer worth exploring for individuals seeking to boost their cognitive performance in a natural and safe manner.

Exploring Further

If you’re intrigued by the potential cognitive benefits of CBD and other natural nootropics, continuing your research is crucial. High-quality, evidence-based information can guide you in making informed decisions about incorporating CBD into your cognitive enhancement regimen.

More about CBD

Technologies (hardware) for the mind  

There are the tools and hardware you can use to optimize the brain – measuring your brain activity is not just for the doctors in hospitals with electrodes and big noisy scanners.

Brainwaves – Our bodies send electrical pulses while we work, exercise, relax, or even sleep. Brainwaves are classified as delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. They are from Delta to Gamma. You can buy wearable technology that produces frequencies that match your brain’s dominant and supporting frequencies, helping your brain achieve the desired state of mind. They often use non-invasive magnetic stimulation to assist people to fall asleep, deep meditating, relax, or focus. They also help with pain alleviation.

Meditation headband –  is intended for those who practice meditation on a regular basis. Using this wearable device, you may keep track of your breathing style, heart rate, brain activity, and physical motions. And you can access all of this information through the app both during and after your meditation session.


Focusing device –  if you need help focusing as you work, socialize, etc. This is one of the most innovative brain wearables for staying focused. It measures your focus, kinesis, and calmness using electrodes. And by comparing daily results, you can boost your productivity.


Brain Stimulator – Personal brain stimulator helps you focus and work smarter. After 20 minutes, it improves your attention and focuses by using tDCS technology. It also replaces performance boosters and coffee.


Mind practice – growing into the smartest person

We do think that the above-mentioned gadgets are a bit geeky. But there are ways to keep your mind young and active, by challenging it every day. Make life healthy for your brain by:

  • Mind and body balance – mostly done through meditation. Guided meditations can be a very good start
  • Breathing exercises – key to controlling the nervous system. WIM HOFF would be the best place to start.
  • Brain/Gut health – The Vagus nerve is the direct link between the brain and the gut. If your gut suffers so will your brain. Implement the above mentioned Brain foods.
  • Out of your comfort zone –  We are all creatures of habit because it is easier! Stepping out of your comfort zone (deviating from your routine) means that your brain will have to adapt and create new connections. New connections mean new life. Small adjustment has big impacts. Do something testing or daring every week. It’s fun!
  • Brain Train – Test your brain daily. It is a superb technique to tease and push one’s brain when using brain fitness programs and games. You may increase your memory and speed of thought by playing Sudoku, crosswords, and other electronic games. A variety of skills are required to play these games. These include logic, vocabulary, and mathematics, among other things.

FAQ – CBD as a nootropic

Is CBD considered a nootropic?

Yes, CBD is often considered a nootropic because it can influence cognitive functions positively. Nootropics are substances that enhance brain performance, and CBD is known for its potential to support focus, memory, and mood regulation.

How does CBD work as a nootropic?

CBD works as a nootropic by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a significant role in regulating various brain functions. This interaction can lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and better cognitive function, making CBD a useful nootropic.

Can CBD improve memory and concentration?

Some users report that CBD helps improve their memory and concentration. However, it’s important to note that effects can vary depending on the individual and other factors such as dosage and the specific product used.

Are there any side effects of using CBD as a nootropic?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, or changes in appetite. It’s always a good idea to start with a low dose to see how your body reacts.

How should I take CBD for its nootropic benefits?

The method of taking CBD can influence its effectiveness as a nootropic. Sublingual oils, tinctures, or capsules are popular options for those seeking cognitive benefits. It’s important to choose high-quality, lab-tested products and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any doubts or medical conditions.

Nootropics with CBD we recommend

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