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Law on CBD in Spain and the EU

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Home: Law on CBD in Spain and the EU

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CBD topical use in Spain and the EU

In Congress, the Spanish General Council proposes a controlled pilot test in pharmacies to investigate cannabis’ therapeutic potential.

Rheumatic disorders are the second leading cause of temporary job disability in Spain, after the common cold.

The University of Madrid’s Faculty of Pharmacy is working on a one-of-a-kind study. It is about cannabidiol (CBD) absorption in the skin. The results of which will scientifically determine the topical use of this cannabinoid and its efficacy.

The study is primarily concerned with two aspects:

  • CBD release
  • CBD absorption.

Under the same conditions as the raw materials, CBD release is assessed first. Followed by the effect of the formulation on CBD release capacity.

There are no clinical studies.

The findings reveal information that has yet to be scientifically validated. In fact, the benefits of topical CBD use are currently unsupported by clinical evidence. Because they are based exclusively on preclinical and clinical studies on other illnesses. Now, because of ongoing research, we will be able to determine which layers of the skin cannabidiol actually reach. Allowing us to determine which conditions we can treat more effectively.

The bioavailability research will determine whether CBD can be used to relieve itching. And how long the relief will continue.

More about CBD oil and Spain:

Endocannabinoid system (ECS)

In a market where more and more beauty firms are including CBD in their products. However, the results of this laboratory test have allowed us to go a step forward by investing in studies. Verifying the outcomes of topical CBD use; while also providing knowledge on the .

The ECS was virtually unknown to the scientific community until around 30 years ago. It regulates the immune system. In fact, it regulates many of our internal systems. As a result, we’re working on studies that will assist us in better understanding how CBD works. It will also provide data on how CBD can benefit our bodies. If a threat is detected, the immune system sends out signals. In case we are injured, for example, our body responds by inflaming and reddening the area. This is to alert us that there is a problem, and it then activates our cells to begin working. Working with CBD has the advantage of not inhibiting the body’s normal reaction, as other components do (for example, corticoids), but rather regulating an overactive immune response.

CBD Encapsulation

Another innovative CBD oil alternative is microencapsulated CBD.

It is feasible to lower the size of the active element in the molecule by encapsulating CBD. This allows the organism’s absorption capacity to rise.

It is a common misconception that the more active substance we consume, the better. This is untrue, and it may even be harmful because the aim is to acquire exactly what you need. This study provides two distinct benefits to the user:

  • An economic benefit is that it allows for cost reductions
  • A health benefit is that we will not receive more than we truly require, so boosting its effectiveness.

Learn more about CBD water-soluble powder

Properties in Hemp/CBD

Dr. Sarah Chinelo, a medicinal cannabis expert, explains that there is now an ongoing study on the usage of CBD. Studies on how to treat various conditions with CBD, due to the many qualities it has.

Here are a few examples:

Antioxidants: Cannabis/Hemp fights free radicals in the environment.

Neuroprotective: According to certain research, it protects neurons from damage caused by disorders like multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, it can assist enhance blood flow in specific areas by acting on the hippocampus. This is essential for memory regulation and prevention, thus it could aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, according to new research.

Anxiolytic: helps to reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Antibacterial: a natural option to treat boils, impetigo, and acne.

Analgesic: it relieves problems like lower back pain and premenstrual cramps.

It is forbidden to consume in Spain. That is because it is not on the list of approved . The Aecosan (Spanish Agency of Consumption, Food Safety, and Nutrition) only permits cosmetic, topical, or external use.

Proven CBD benefits

CBD has numerous skin benefits. Including balancing sebum production, cleaning, relaxing, moisturising, reducing redness, providing shine, and being and antioxidant.

Similarly, studies on the topical use of CBD for reveal that it can provide comfort, reduce , and enhance reparative cells in some situations. This is because it modulates the autoimmune response.

Because it is a natural remedy that regulates lipid synthesis and is antimicrobial, it also benefits sensitive skin by soothing dermatitis and oily skin types. It is an anti-ageing substance that heals, nourishes, and prevents ageing in elderly skin.

CBD’s legal framework

Novel Food Regulation CBD approved

Although topical use of CBD is legal in Spain, there is no explicit legislation governing its ingestion or manufacture. Consumption is now legal as it is not listed as a food supplement by either the Medicines Agency (Aemps) ,or the Food Safety Agency (Aesan).

Adding CBD to food supplements is restricted in the European Union. As indicated by the General Council of Pharmacists in a document stating their position:

“Cultivation of Cannabis sativa cultivars is legal in Europe if registered in the EU’s “Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species” and the tetrahydrocannabinol () level is less than 0.2 percent (w/w).”

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom has created a public list. Here you can verify if your CBD source is permitted to sell CBD as a food supplement. CBD is accessible in the UK in a variety of forms, including topical and ingestible food supplements. The FSA is collaborating with the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association) to allow FSA-qualified enterprises approval under the EIHA Novel Food licencing process.

Some items are derived from the plant or its parts, have a long list of uses in the EU and are not new. Here we can mention seeds, seed oil, hemp seed meal, and defatted hemp seeds.

CBD as Food Supplement

Food supplements are for sale in Spain thanks to mutual recognition with other nations. They allow Cannabis sativa seed extract in food, such as in Italy and, as previously indicated, in the United Kingdom.

CBD is a food or food additive before May 15, 1997, according to information accessible to the competent authorities of the Member States (EU). As a result, before it can be sold as a food or food additive in the EU, it must undergo a safety evaluation; under the Novel Foods Regulation (Regulation 2015/2283). EFSA is in charge of this safety evaluation (European Food Safety Authority).

EFSA has a completely scientific advising role and offers risk managers non-binding recommendations. (The European Commission, the European Parliament and the EU Member States).

In this regard, we refer to a December 2020 judgement by the European Union’s High Court of Justice against a French corporation, which established jurisprudence in favour of its commercialization:

“A Member State may not restrict the sale of cannabidiol (CBD) legally generated in another Member State if it is taken from the entire Cannabis sativa plant, not only the fibres and seeds.”

Germany is the absolute leader in the commercialization of CBD in Europe. Other countries such as Italy pave the road for its usage in food, where it is already recognised as animal feed.

The Real CBD Latin America


Countries like Venezuela and Ecuador are leading the way in terms of regulation in Latin America. The Real CBD has already registered four of our most popular CBD oils in Ecuador (www.therealcbd.com.ec) for use as a food supplement. Registered and approved by Sanidad’s permission from the Ministry of Health.

We are in the process in Venezuela and are seeking approval. We’ve formed a joint venture with two major pharmaceutical businesses.

Our next project is The Real CBD Mexico, with plans for approval by the end of 2022.

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Thank you for reading our article: Law on CBD in Spain and the EU. The Real CBD is a European distributor of hemp of CBD products. We are in Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany.

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