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How to talk to your doctor about CBD

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Doctor and patient discussing

So, you’ve heard the buzz about Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, and now you’re curious to try it out. However, wait a second—shouldn’t you talk to your doctor first? Absolutely, and that is what this article aims to help you with, how to have a meaningful conversation with your doctor about CBD.

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What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many compounds found in the plant. Unlike its psychoactive cousin, , CBD does not get you high. It is used for its potential health benefits, including pain relief and reducing anxiety.

Why Talk to a Doctor?

You might think, “It’s just a plant, right? Why do I need a doctor’s guidance?” Here is the thing: while CBD has potential health benefits, it can also interact with other medications and have side effects. Professional guidance is crucial to use it safely.

When to Bring Up the Conversation

It can be hard to know when to talk to your doctor about CBD, especially if you do not know how they will respond. Here are some ideas for the best times to talk to your doctor about CBD:

During a regular exam

Routine check-ups give you and your doctor a chance to talk about your general health, how you live, and any changes you might be thinking about, such as using CBD. Most of the time, these visits are less rushed and give you and your doctor more time to talk.

When talking about long-term conditions

It is the time to bring it up if you have a long-term problem like arthritis, , or nervousness and are thinking about using CBD as a treatment. Your doctor can tell you how CBD might mix with other medicines or conditions you already have.

New or worsening symptoms

If you have new symptoms or a worsening of a current condition and are thinking about CBD to help, that is a good time to talk about it. Your doctor can tell you if he or she thinks CBD could help with your symptoms or not.

When you don’t Like the Way You’re Being Treated

If you do not like your present medicine because it does not help enough or has bad side effects, now is a great time to look into alternatives like CBD.

Before you start a new drug,

Talk to your healthcare provider before you start taking any new medicines, especially if you are already using CBD. They can tell you about any possible conflicts between your medicines.

If you have questions or worries,

If you have read or heard, something about CBD that makes you confused or worried, that is another good time to talk to your doctor or nurse.

Remember that when it comes to health care, honesty is very important. Always tell your doctor what you want and what worries you so that he or she can give you the best and most accurate advice.

Preparing for the Conversation

Before stepping into your doctor’s office, do some homework. Familiarize yourself with the basics of CBD and jot down any questions or concerns you may have. The more informed you are, the more constructive the conversation will be.

Opening the Dialogue

So how do you break the ice? Start by being straightforward. You could say something like, “I’ve been reading about CBD as a treatment for ex. high , and I wanted to get your thoughts on it.”

Key Questions to ask your doctor about CBD

Here are some key questions you might want to ask during your discussion:

General Questions

  1. Is CBD Right for Me?
    • This will give you a baseline understanding of whether CBD is an appropriate treatment option for your condition or symptoms.
  2. What are the Potential Benefits and Risks?
    • Knowing both the positive effects and potential downsides can help you make an informed decision.
  3. Does CBD Interact with My Current Medications or Treatment Plans?
    • Drug interactions can be serious, so it is crucial to know if CBD will interfere with any medications or treatments, you are currently undergoing.
  4. What Dosage Should I Start With?
    • Dosage can vary widely depending on the reason for use, your body weight, and other factors.
  5. What Form of CBD Would Be Best for Me?
    • CBD comes in various forms, including oils, tinctures, edibles, and topical creams. Your doctor can help you choose the most suitable form.

Condition-Specific Questions

  1. How effective is CBD for My Specific Condition?
    • The effectiveness of CBD can vary from one condition to another, so ask about any studies or clinical evidence related to your specific issue.
  2. How Long Will It Take to See Results.
    • Some conditions may respond quickly to CBD, while others may take more time.
  3. Are There Any Long-term Effects of Using CBD?
    • Information on long-term use is still relatively scarce, but your doctor may have some insights.

Monitoring and Follow-up

  1. How Should I Track My Symptoms and Side Effects?
    • Knowing what to look for can help you and your doctor adjust your treatment plan as needed.
  2. When Should I Follow Up?
    • Ongoing medical guidance is crucial when you are using a substance like CBD for health reasons.
  3. Is it Legal for Me to Use CBD?
    • Laws surrounding CBD usage vary by jurisdiction, so it is good to know if there are any legal considerations in your area.
  4. Should I Opt for Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, or CBD Isolate?
  5. Where Should I Buy CBD From?
    • The market for CBD is not well regulated, so your doctor may recommend trusted brands or sources.
  6. What to Do if I Experience Side Effects?
    • It’s important to know the steps to take if you experience any unwanted side effects.
  7. Is CBD Covered by My Insurance?
    • CBD products can be expensive, so knowing if your health insurance covers them can be helpful.

Remember that your doctor’s advice is specific to your medical history and current health condition, making it the most reliable source of information when considering CBD as a treatment option.

Potential Roadblocks

Not all doctors are up-to-date with the CBD literature. Moreover, don’t forget, in some regions, talking about cannabis products can be a legal gray area.

If the Doctor Says No

What if the doctor shuts the idea down? If you feel strongly about it, consider seeking a second opinion. Remember, no one knows your body as you do. Let us know and maybe we can help.

If the Doctor Says Yes

Great! Follow the recommended steps, and keep your doctor in the loop about any effects—good or bad—you experience!

Staying Informed

CBD research is ongoing. Stay updated with the latest studies and keep your doctor in the loop, especially during your periodic check-ups.

More about CBD from our blog

How can The Real CBD Help?

With six years of experience in the CBD industry, we The Real CBD goes above and beyond when it comes to customer satisfaction and trust. Recognizing that the journey with CBD is highly individualized, we offer personal consultations to guide each of you toward the product best suited to your needs. We are not just selling CBD. The Real CBD are selling a tailored experience that takes the guesswork out of finding the right dosage, concentration, and form. We sell trust in a bottle.

 In an industry where transparency is crucial, The Real CBD sets a gold standard. Lab tests are not just a marketing gimmick here; they are available upon request in any given situation to underscore that there is absolutely nothing to hide. It is always a reassurance to your doctor if you bring a lab test to show what it is year are considering taking.

This level of customer aftercare, consultation, and transparency is what sets us apart in a crowded market. With us (The Real CBD), you are not just a customer; you are a valued part of our community, receiving the ongoing support and information you need for a safe and effective CBD experience.

This is what we offer:

Quality Assurance

  1. Lab-Tested Products: We offer third-party lab-tested products to ensure you are getting the stated amount of CBD and that it is free from contaminants like heavy metals and pesticides.
  2. Transparency:  Providing clear information on the sourcing, extraction methods, and ingredients used in our products.

Product Variety

  1. Multiple Forms: From tinctures and oils to capsules and edibles, a wide range of product forms allows you to choose the best method of consumption for your needs.
  2. Full-Spectrum vs. Isolate: The availability of full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate products offers you the freedom to choose based on your needs and doctor’s advice.
The Real CBD products

Customer Education

  1. Knowledgeable Staff: Trained customer service representatives can guide you through your CBD journey, although they are not a substitute for medical advice.
  2. Resources: We offer blogs, FAQs, and other educational materials to help you make an informed decision.


  1. Dosage Options: Different strengths and concentrations allow you to tailor your dosage as per your needs and doctor’s recommendations.

Support and Aftercare

  1. Consultation: The Real CBD offer free consultation services to guide you through your wellness journey. Book here!
  1. Regulatory Adherence: We always will adhere to local laws, ensuring that you are buying a legal product.
  2. Clear Labelling: Proper labelling, including dosage instructions and ingredients, helps you use our product safely and effectively.


Talking to your doctor about CBD is a crucial step to ensure you are using it in the safest and most effective way possible. Preparation is key, and remember, you have the right to seek a second opinion.


Why should I talk to a doctor about CBD?

Because it can interact with other medications and has potential side effects.

What should I do if my doctor isn’t familiar with CBD?

Consider seeking a second opinion from a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable.

Is CBD legal?

The legality of CBD varies by jurisdiction and the source of the CBD.

Can I use CBD for ?

While some find it useful for anxiety, it’s crucial to consult a doctor first.

What other treatments can I consider if CBD isn’t an option?

Alternative treatments could include traditional medications and lifestyle changes. Discuss these options with your healthcare provider.

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