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How long does CBD stay in a dog’s system?

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Home » How long does CBD stay in a dog’s system?

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We always want the best for our animal companions, since we care for them as pets. If your dog has a health issue of any type, you probably worry a lot about them. It is possible that you are thinking about administering CBD to your pet in the hopes that it will make them feel better. However, how long does CBD stay in a dog’s system after consumption? How long does CBD’s effect last? Not only will all of that be covered in this guide, but also a lot more!

CBD usage for dogs

ECS system in dogs infographic

Hemp-based products work together with a dog or cat’s natural endocannabinoid system, which helps control many of the body’s processes. 

CBD products may also help pets in the following ways, according to both human and veterinarian research:

  • (for example, for hypersensitivity and eczema)
  • Getting less pain
  • Lessening of seizures and tremors
  • Support for the (e.g., autoimmune diseases, )
  • Help for the nervous system
  • Help for the cardiovascular system
  • Lessening of worry
  • Help for the intestines

There are also personal stories that back the use of CBD products made from hemp for pets. A study from 2018 showed that pet owners liked hemp CBD treats and other products because they thought it helped with pain, inflammation, , digestive system problems, and sleep. A few peer-reviewed research showed that giving dogs with CBD oil made from hemp made their lives better.

Different strengths CBD for your dog

You can’t be sure how your pet will react to CBD until you start giving it to them. This makes it hard to know how much CBD to give dogs and other pets. Dogs’ sensitivity varies a lot, and it can even change over time due to age or a long-term illness.

So, the best way to figure out how much CBD to give dogs, cats, and other pets is to try it out and see what works best. Start with a small dose and slowly raise it until you find a stable routine. At each step, watch how your pet reacts.

  • Keep track of the milligram (mg) amount every day.
  • Write down some notes about how they feel. (For example, levels of energy, mobility, relief from symptoms, sleep habits, etc.)

Change as needed. We recommend that you play around with the dose until you find the right amount for your pet. If you do not see any changes, you can keep upping the amount until you do. If your pet seems too sleepy, cut back a little until you find the right amount. (Don’t be afraid! As their bodies get used to it, it is normal for them to feel sleepy sometimes.

How much CBD should I give my dog?

  • 2.5%: Mild pain, mild anxiety, and overall mild symptoms.
  • 5%: Medium pain, anxiety, and medium symptoms overall.
  • 10%: Very bad pain, very bad worry, cancer, or seizures.

Thumb rule: 1-5 mg CBD Pr. kilo bodyweight

So let’s have a look at how long CBD stays in a dogs’ system!

CBD bioavailability – enhance the effects

How long does CBD stay in a dogs system?

How long will your dog’s body keep the CBD? Most of the time, the CBD will stay in your dog’s body for at least 24 hours. The longer CBD will stay in your body, the stronger it is. There are, however, many things to consider, such as the dose, the strength, and the size of your dog. Depending on the dog and how bad their health problems are, your dog may need more or less CBD. Start with the suggested amount and make changes from there if necessary.

How Long Does CBD Work for Dogs?

CBD’s effects on a dog’s body usually last between 6 and 8 hours, especially when it is used to calm the dog. But we suggest taking CBD on a daily basis so that the effects build up over time. For example, if you are going on a big trip, you should start taking CBD a few days before the trip and then every 6 to 8 hours on the day of the trip. If you are using CBD to treat something like joint pain, it may take a week or two before you can move around more freely.

More about CBD for your dog in our other blogs

How to administer CBD for your dog!

If you put the CBD doses on food, it will take longer to absorb and will work less well in general. Even though it has been found that fatty foods help the body absorb CBD, the CBD still has to go through the digestive system and filtration processes like the liver’s first pass. This means that less of the medicine gets to the parts of your pet’s body that need it the most. Here The Real CBD Pet capsules come in handy. You can open the capsules and sprinkle the powder over the food. It is taste and odourless

If you can’t get your dog or cat to take a medicine by mouth or by putting it on their food, try putting it on the soft skin of their inner ear! This is not the best way to give CBD to dogs and other pets because it is the least soluble and takes the longest to get into the bloodstream. But we know that some pets don’t like having medicine put on their gums. We suggest that you put some oil on your finger and rub it into the area where the fur stops growing. Super handy to use both oil and balms if you chose to give the daily dose this way.

The best (and least expensive) way to give your dog their CBD dose is straight on the gums. This way works best because the medicine goes straight into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane in the mouth. Careful not to break the pipette if your dog moves his head.

Splitting the daily CBD dose

The Real CBD Dosage explanation CBD Oil

 If you give your pet’s daily dose of a full spectrum hemp extract in smaller doses throughout the day, you can make sure that the blood concentration stays at the same level. This lets the therapeutic benefits work all day long.

A recent study found that CBD stays in the bloodstream of our pets for 6 to 8 hours after being put on the gums. The study shows that the highest level of concentration happens about 2 hours after the last dose. This is especially helpful for dealing with nervousness, pain, and seizures.

Research shows that the way CBD is taken affects how quickly and how much of it gets into the body. This is important because it changes how much CBD should be given to dogs, cats, and other pets. Take a look at the chart below to see how the body reacts to different ways of giving CBD. This is an important part of figuring out how much CBD oil to give dogs and other pets

Chronic use vs. Occasion-based use of CBD for your dog


Most of the time, the best way to get a good result from a full-spectrum hemp extract is to give your dog, cat, or other pet the right amount of CBD every day. This is especially true for pets with long-term health problems. CBD has a lot of effects that don’t show up right away because they happen below the surface. You may see effects right away when you start using CBD, but the long-term benefits won’t show up until you keep using it.

Some of the situations in which this is true are (but are not limited to):

There are, however, times when your pet may benefit from a CBD amount for dogs or cats on its own to help with a serious problem. You may already have a regular CBD routine and just need to add a little extra, in certain situations. Alternatively, you may only need to use CBD for one event and not on a daily basis for your dog or pet.

There are times when a single dose or an extra dose may be needed, such as:

  • Fear of storms and fireworks
  • Pain that gets worse at times
  • Fear of being alone
  • Car Trips
  • Getting ready

Can my dog build up a tolerance to CBD?

To give a fuller answer to this question, we need to look into:

What Is CBD Tolerance in Dogs?

The word “tolerance” means getting used to something over time. When your dog’s body gets used to the amount of CBD oil you have been giving it, this is called tolerance.

CBD is meant to be taken every day because that is how it works. CBD needs to build up in your pet’s body before they can feel its effects. Nevertheless, if the buildup is so steady that it no longer helps support and maintain your dog’s health, your dog may have built up a CBD tolerance.

Tolerance to a health resource like CBD is not what you want to happen, because it means you have to give your dog more CBD to get the same benefits, which means you have to rethink your current CBD routine. Plus, giving your dog more CBD every day might not help them get over their tolerance, and it could put them at risk of getting too much CBD for their size and needs.

CBD is processed in the same way in both people and dogs.

A lot of what we know about how CBD makes your dog feel comes from what we know about how CBD makes people feel. CBD’s effects on people and how they process it have been studied and researched in a lot more depth.

We know that both people and animals use the same system to handle CBD. This system is called the endocannabinoid system. Like people, dogs have cannabis receptors that help them use CBD. This system, in turn, controls things like nutrition, nerves, and the way different organs work. Because of this, we are confident that we can apply the results of studies on humans to what we know about how dogs process CBD and how they might become immune to it.

How to Avoid a Tolerance to CBD for Dogs


With a good CBD for dogs practise, it is easy to keep dogs from getting used to the drug. Here’s how to give your cat the right amount of CBD dog treats and/or oil every day so they don’t get sick or build up a tolerance:

  • Use the smallest amount of CBD that still gives you benefits.
  • Every time you make a change to your dog’s pattern, keep it that way for 30 days.
  • Keep a close eye on your dog, especially when you change their CBD schedule.
  • Use the same amount of CBD every day based on how much your dog weighs.

If you need to increase the amount of CBD your pet gets every day, do so gradually. Do not give them twice as many CBD dog treats or CBD oil for dogs to calm them down. Try a few more milligrams of CBD each day instead. So, if 5 mg/day is not working for you, try 7 or 8 mg/day for 30 days instead of going straight to 10 mg/day. Adding just one milligrams to a dog’s daily amount can make a big difference, especially for a small dog.

The Real CBD Dog products

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