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How to detect low-quality CBD–What are the warning signs?

How to detect low quality CBD

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How to detect low quality CBD!

Let’s take a look at how to detect low quality CBD. Cannabidiol AKA CBD can come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, strengths, spectrums, and species. This is fantastic news for you on one hand. With so much choice, there will almost certainly be a product that provides you with the benefits you need. In a form that is easiest for you to take. On the other hand, if you’re coming into the world of CBD as a beginner then it can seem a little bit overwhelming at times. Most of us would agree that more choice is usually great. However, if you don’t know how to make the right choice, it might just be a bit frustrating.

We totally understand this.

This is why we have constructed this handy guide “How to detect low-quality CBD – What are the warning signs?”. To help you better understand the different grades of CBD, how to detect high- and low-quality CBD. Also to identify the types of CBD product that will actually benefit you. Even if you are pretty clued up on your CBD knowledge read on as well. You never know, you might learn a thing or two along the way.

So, without any further ado…

1. Are there different grades of CBD?

Yes, there are.

You’ll probably have noticed that when you’re browsing through CBD products, they will have a percentage (%) included in their name or the product description. This is the “grade” or “strength” of the CBD product.

For example, our CBD Oils come in the following grades; 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 40%. Also a CBD paste clocking in at a huge 60%.

So, what does the grade mean?

The percentage number ex. 5% basically refers to the overall potency of the CBD oil or product. Most CBD products are created using a much stronger form of CBD (usually a paste) before being mixed with medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil or pure hemp seed oil.

This gives you all the benefits of higher levels of CBD specifically, as well as the rest of the goodness found within the hemp plant.

Once mixed, the much more potent CBD is diluted into a weaker CBD product so that you, as a consumer, are able to control dosing and strengths. This allows you to assess tolerances and find a balance that is right for you and your needs.

Read more about Different kinds of CBD oil here

2. How can you tell the quality of CBD?

With CBD products, in particular, making the right choice is crucial.

Due to a lack of government regulation on CBD products, the markets have been flooded with low-quality, poorly made, and mislabelled products. As a result, it has become more important than ever to do your research and only use reputable and honest CBD producers.

Luckily, if you’re reading this article you’ve come to the right place already.

But, it’s still important for you to be able to identify good quality CBD from any producer -even us.

Should you buy CBD locally or on Amazon

3. How was the hemp plant grown and harvested?

Although this might not seem important at first glance, this is one of the most important factors in understanding high-quality CBD from bad quality CBD.

What is CBD

When we think of eating organic, most of us will probably just think of very expensive but very small fruit and vegetables at the supermarket. This is why, if we’re being honest, most of us probably don’t eat organic every day of the week (or at all). And have we suffered as a result? Nope!

So why then is it so important for your CBD to come from organically grown plants? Surely you can get more, cheaper through a non-organic producer?

You’d be right, you probably could.

However, what they won’t tell you is that hemp plants (unlike most fruits and vegetables) are what are known as hyperaccumulators. This is just the scientific term for a plant that hoovers up everything that is in the soil and air around it.

When you grow hemp organically and take extreme care over the whole production process, including regular lab testing, this is not a problem.

However, if you don’t, your hemp crop will have absorbed heavy metals like lead, toxins from pesticides, petroleum, and any other bacteria or fungus it is exposed to along the production process.

All these toxic elements will still be present in the CBD once it’s extracted. It is therefore so important that if you’re going to go organic in any area of your life – make sure it’s with your CBD!

How to detect low quality CBD?

4. How is the CBD extracted from hemp?

Once the hemp plant has been grown correctly under strict conditions, it is just as important to ensure that it is extracted in the correct manner too. This is once again due to the fact that the hemp plant is a hyperaccumulator.

The safest and cleanest way to extract CBD is through “supercritical CO2” extraction.

This ensures that no harmful chemicals or toxins are used that would be absorbed by the plant. This is why we at The Real CBD will only ever use CBD extracted via this method.

Most low-quality CBD products are extracted using harmful chemicals like propane, butane, hexane and pentane. This is because it’s a cheaper method of extraction to keep costs down. However, all these methods will leave behind harmful residue that will be found within the CBD.

5. Are the CBD products being regularly tested?

As we are sure you can probably tell by now, the hemp plant and CBD products are very delicate and easily contaminated.

Therefore, you should always be checking to make sure that any products you buy are regularly laboratory tested. This will ensure that you are getting exactly what is advertised.

Low-quality CBD producers will often not bother to test their products at all. You will usually find this with producers who aren’t using high-quality organic hemp crops, and who are also extracting them via cheaper methods.

Because of this, all the products found on our website are regularly tested, checked, and analyzed to ensure the purity of the CBD as well as the content found within the products themselves.

We used to do our testing independently. This was to make sure that our customers were assured we were only selling products that work and never compromise on quality.

But recent changes to licensing and regulation have allowed us to gain full certification for our standards and products. This accreditation allows us to test ‘in-house’ going forward. Because we have proved we are meeting the strict requirements and by publishing all our results, you can still be assured that our products are of the exact same quality. That is another way on how to detect low quality CBD.

6. Is the seller licensed and regulated?

As we said just a moment ago, CBD regulations are changing!

Once upon a time, the world of CBD was a bit like the wild west. You could never be quite sure who was offering the real products and who was simply a con-artist out to make a quick buck!

As of 1st April 2021, producers will have had to acquire licensing from various bodies that will have assessed their products and manufacturing processes. After the cut-off date of 31st March 2021 anyone without the correct licensing will be unable to sell CBD products.

For example, in the UK a Novel Food License is required and elsewhere in Europe CBD producers will need approval from the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) and EU Commission. Approval from the EIHA in fact grants automatic approval by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the UK as well.

We have welcomed this regulation with open arms! Hopefully, it will ensure that less reputable sellers with lower quality products will slowly filter out of the market. Until then, however – you must still make sure to always do your research!

7. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.

By now, you are probably beginning to better understand why high-quality CBD products do not come cheap and how to detect low quality CBD..

Rigorous standards, testing, and quality control is an expensive process. But it is essential to make sure that our products only provide benefits with none of the harmful chemicals and toxins.

If you are finding CBD products elsewhere at a fraction of the cost, believe us when we tell you that you should save your money and not buy them at all. Not only will you be exposing yourself to those potentially harmful chemicals and toxins, but chances are you will not be getting anywhere near the amount of CBD claimed by the product either. All of the harm, none of the benefit.

See more about why CBD oil is so expensive….

8. What form of CBD is the most effective?

Hopefully, by now you can better understand what separates the good from the bad, from the downright ugly in the world of CBD.

The Real CBD products

The most effective form of CBD is one that has been properly grown, extracted, quality controlled, and tested. For example, you will see far more benefit from taking a 3% or 5% CBD oil that has undergone these processes than you would from taking a much stronger one that hasn’t.

We can’t tell you the number of customers of ours who are amazed at achieving the same results with a significantly lower strength CBD after swapping to The Real CBD. The same applies to people who have tried CBD products before but with little or no results. The chances are, they were using low-quality products with little to no CBD content at all!

This is why we always recommend starting with a lower strength CBD when making the move to our products. You may have been taking a high potency of 25%, 40% or even a 99.9% CBD isolate (the strongest available form of CBD) before. But unless you know exactly how it was produced and the quality control measures in place, you should always be cautious when swapping.

If you weren’t getting what you were paying for, then chances are you may need a lower strength CBD (saving you money) than you think!

9. What is the best CBD on the market?

If you follow the advice and guidance above, you will be able to better identify the best CBD products available on the market right now. Luckily for you, The Real CBD ticks all these boxes, so you won’t have to look far!

We will only ever sell the highest-quality CBD products because we are in the business of helping people, not using them. We have built our business on ensuring that our customers see the benefits of CBD in real-time.

So, are you ready to experience the REAL benefits of The Real CBD?

FAQ – How to detect low-quality CBD?

How can I detect low-quality CBD?

Look for third-party lab test results. Reputable CBD companies provide these to verify the potency and purity of their products.

What are some signs of low-quality CBD?

Watch out for vague labeling, such as “,” which may not specify CBD content. Additionally, if the price seems too good to be true, it might indicate low-quality ingredients.

Can I trust CBD products with extravagant health claims?

Be skeptical of products that promise miraculous health benefits without scientific evidence. Look for companies that provide transparent information about CBD’s potential effects and limitations.

Is there a difference between full-spectrum and isolate CBD in terms of quality?

contains a wider range of and , which may offer enhanced therapeutic effects compared to isolate CBD. However, the quality ultimately depends on the source and extraction process.

How can I ensure I’m purchasing high-quality CBD products?

Research the brand’s reputation, read customer reviews, and consider consulting with a healthcare professional or CBD expert for guidance. Additionally, prioritize products made from organic hemp and extracted using clean methods like .

The Real CBDhigh-quality CBD

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