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How does CBD make you feel?

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Here in this article, we will tell you exactly how CBD oil can make you feel. While is known to make people stress out, CBD won’t. It may change your mood. They, therefore, differ in their consequences even though their origins are the same.

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How does it all work?


The impacts that THC and CBD have can be better understood by examining their interactions within our bodies. These two cannabinoids have an impact on the endocannabinoid system, one of the most significant bodily systems that you may not be familiar with (ECS).

The ECS is a complex network that produces and absorbs , which act as messengers and communicate with one another to maintain the of numerous critical activities. The ECS controls everything, from how you react to the mounting piles of work on your desk to whether you can get a full night’s rest. plus a lot more!

Endocannabinoids, which are made by the ECS, is comparable to cannabinoids like CBD and THC. Endocannabinoid receptors in the body, such as CB1 and CB2 receptors, are affected by both CBD and THC.

THC interacts with neurotransmitters after connecting directly to these receptors like long-lost friends. Things like pleasure, focus, memory, appetite, senses, time perception, and mobility are all impacted by this interplay. This explains why you suddenly have the urge to paint a masterpiece and why, when you’re high, just much everything tastes delicious—even your husband’s meatloaf! In this post, we’ll go over exactly how CBD oil might affect your mood as well as look at a few first-hand accounts from some of our devoted readers.

While THC is known to make people stress out, CBD won’t. It may change your mood. They, therefore, differ in their consequences even though their origins are the same.

CBD Interaction in Our Bodies

What is going on? So how does CBD make you feel? By looking at how THC and CBD work in our bodies, we can better understand the effects.

But CBD doesn’t fully bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors like THC does (think of them as frenemies). Cannabidiol works better with 5-HT1A serotonin receptors and TRPV1 receptors, which control things like anxiety, pain, , and body temperature.

If this all sounds Greek to you, do not worry! Next, let’s explore the anecdotal side of the CBD user experience.

Common CBD Effects


With CBD, you most likely won’t feel a dramatic shift. There won’t be an overwhelming urge to hide in a closet or the need to double fist carbs and sugar. The effect of CBD can be so nuanced you may not even notice it. The CBD experience could instead be described by the absence of certain feelings.

Here are a few effects reported by our customers. How does CBD make you feel?

A feeling of peace

Most people who use CBD say that it makes them feel calm. You might feel calm or notice that a little bit of your stress is gone. Some users say that the feeling is just that they don’t have any bad feelings. Stress, you won’t be missed!

This feeling of ease and relaxation can stop stress hormones like from making us feel like we need to fight or run away. When these hormones are neutralized, it helps with the stress, anxiety disorders, and even depression that we often feel.

Better Sleep


Have you noticed that you sleep better when you’re less stressed? You can get some of the best rest on vacation: No worries about deadlines, and no rushing kids to school. Being calmer can help you sleep better.

CBD can change the way you sleep in a big way if you take the right amount before bed

Getting rid of pain and swelling

CBD oil can also work in your body as an anti-inflammatory, which can make pain and discomfort go away. It may also make people feel less pain and less anxious because they don’t feel pain. This is especially helpful for people who have pain all the time and can’t seem to get rid of it.

Many women who have PMS or other conditions that hurt their reproductive organs, like endometriosis, have found pain relief. When pain and inflammation are less of a problem, you can do more with your life. This can have a lot of other great health benefits that add up to your overall health.

Things that affect how CBD makes you feel

Even though many CBD users report the same effects, how CBD affects each person depends on a lot of different things. It’s important to remember that what works for some people might not work for others.

More from our blog:

Types of CBD


CBD is made from industrial hemp. It is cleaned up and either used as is or mixed with other ingredients to make extracts. Then, CBD oil or CBD products are made by mixing these extracts with carrier oil.

  • Full-spectrum CBD extract: This type of CBD extract has all of the cannabinoids that are found in cannabis plants. It also includes terpenes and flavonoids, which are natural parts of the plant that give it its smell and taste. The psychoactive cannabinoid THC is part of the full-spectrum extract. For this extract to be legal on a government level, it must have less than 0.2% THC. But in places where it is legal to have a lot of THC, you can find full-spectrum CBD with a lot of THC, which will make you feel higher. The entourage effect is what happens when all of the cannabinoids work together. The is the idea that the effects of CBD are stronger when many different things work together. Because of this, a full-spectrum oil will be stronger and have better effects.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD extract:  Broad-spectrum extract functions similarly to THC-free extract, with a few minor differences. For someone who does not want to feel the effects of THC, this can be a more alluring option. When THC is absent, there are also fewer questions about legality (and you are more likely to pass a drug test).

  • CBD isolate:  Ultra-refined CBD oil is used to make CBD isolate. Terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids have all been eliminated. CBD isolate is only CBD. However, the entourage effect’s advantages are not available to you. For people who need to pass a drug test and want to make sure they are only taking CBD, this alternative is appealing.

Different forms of CBD

CBD can be taken in many different ways. How quickly you feel the effects depend on how CBD is taken. Here are a few of the most common:

Oils or tinctures 

CBD oils and tinctures are both put under the tongue, which means they are taken the same way. Never vape these products because it is dangerous to breathe in carrier oils. When it comes to things like chronic pain, these forms of CBD are more helpful because they can make you feel better faster, usually within 15 minutes. You can also quickly and easily change the dosages to fit your needs.



Maybe you have noticed that there are many CBD vape cartridges on the market that combine vape juice and CBD oil. Either a vaporizer or a more covert vape pen can be used with it. Because it has practically instantaneous effects, vaping is popular. If you decide to try this, keep away from products made with propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and vitamin E acetate. They can be harmful to the lungs when inhaled.  


One of the most fun ways to take CBD is through edibles. CBD extract is used in gummies, candies, baked goods, and even drinks. Most of the time, the doses are low and work well for things like sleep or mild anxiety. You can definitely put CBD in your drink, but it won’t work as well. Some people don’t like the way full-spectrum CBD tastes, so this could be a good choice for them. But you should know that the effects will take longer to happen because the compounds must first be broken down by the liver before they can get into the bloodstream.


When you put CBD on your skin, the effects will be felt in a smaller area. Lotions, salves, oils, creams, soaps, bath bombs, and a lot more are all popular topicals that you can buy. CBD topicals are becoming more and more popular, so you can find them in many of the shops you visit every day. If you are pregnant, this is a great choice. You can use CBD without worrying about how it will affect your baby.


If you don’t like the taste of CBD, this could be a good choice for you. Taking CBD oil in the form of a capsule is very easy, and you won’t be able to taste it. But it will still take some time for the capsule to be broken down and absorbed into our bloodstream.

CBD Potency and Quality

What you need to know

The potency and quality of your product are also things that can affect how the user feels about it. The lack of regulation by governments makes it hard to trust many CBD products. Some manufacturers put less cannabinoid power in their products than they say they do, or they use cheap, synthetic, or watered-down ingredients. This is done to get a bigger crop, make it heavier, or make it stronger.

It’s best to buy CBD from a brand with a good reputation and high-quality products. Companies whose products have been tested by someone other than the company are much more reliable. If you look at the report done on your product, you will know exactly what you are getting. This will give you peace of mind and help you figure out how much to take.

CBD Dosage

How you feel will also depend on how much CBD you take. If you take the right amount for yourself, it will probably make you feel calm and relaxed without making you want to slow down from your normal activities. But if you take more than your body needs, you might feel sleepy and drowsy.

That’s why taking the right amount of CBD oil for you is so important for how well it works. Start with a low dose and slowly increase it until you reach the right level for you. So, you won’t find yourself taking a nap at your desk in the middle of the day by accident.

Side Effects of CBD

When you’re ready for your beauty sleep, feeling sleepy might not be a bad thing. So, if you have trouble falling asleep, CBD/CBN capsules are a great choice. But feeling sleepy isn’t the only bad side effect that could happen. Here are some other possible side effects you might feel when you use CBD. However, they will pass after a few days.

  • Changes in mood
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite

Before you take CBD oil for the first time, talk to your doctor. This is especially important because it may interact with other medicines you are taking. It is also important not to take it with a lot of alcohol because the liver enzymes that process both alcohol and this drug are the same. If you take blood-thinning medication read more here before you start taking CBD.

Thank you for reading: How does CBD make you feel? If you have any questions or doubts feel free to contact us at: [email protected]. We are here to help!

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