569 search results for: Pain

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569 search results for: Pain


About us – The Real CBD

The Real CBD – Engineered by Nature! Welcome to The Real CBD, where you can get high-quality CBD goods and learn more about them. Since 2017, we’ve been making a difference as a family-owned business with a deep love for CBD. Our goal is to teach people about the healing power of CBD and give […]



Ever wonder what the best CBD oil for pets is? You’ve come to the right place. On this page, we teach you everything about CBD for pets. CBD for Pets Wondering about the potential benefits of CBD oil for your furry friend? Recent research has shown that CBD may be effective in treating a variety […]


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential health benefits of CBD, or Cannabidiol, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. At The Real CBD, we are passionate about providing trustworthy CBD products that deliver what the label states. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to shed light on the world of […]



What are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are a group of natural plant compounds found in the cannabis plant. The most well-known cannabinoids are THC and CBD, but there are many others, including cannabinol CBN, CBG, and CBC. Cannabinoids works with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex cell-signalling system that plays a role in regulating a range of […]



What are terpenes? Terpenes, found in a wide variety of plants including cannabis, fruits, vegetables, and herbs, make up a large class of organic plant parts. They impart unique smells and tastes to these plants and have served for hundreds of years for their healing effects. In the cannabis plant, the same glands that produce […]


Full-Spectrum CBD oil

What is Full Spectrum CBD Oil? Full-spectrum CBD oil refers to pure hemp oil that has all the same cannabinoids that were present in the original hemp plant. There are hundreds of different cannabinoids present, but some of the most famous are: Each of these cannabinoids can be used on its own. Listing a whole range of health benefits, but […]


CBD Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil

What is the difference? CBD oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil – what is the difference? Even though hemp oil and CBD oil are similar in some ways, there are important differences between the two. As a customer, it’s easy to get confused by words like “cannabis oil” and “marijuana oil,” especially since many companies seem […]


How CBD Works

To be able to clarify the question: ” How CBD works inside our body?” we have a little bit of explaining to do…… What is CBD? CBD is one of over 114 plant compounds in Cannabis known as cannabinoids. Cannabidiol is to be found in the Hemp or Marijuana plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound, which means that […]

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