78 résultats de recherche pour : Douleur

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78 résultats de recherche pour : Douleur


Le CBD pour la maladie de Crohn

CBD oil has many benefits. It helps you have a better night’s sleep, helps reduce chronic pain and reduces stress and anxiety. But this is not all. CBD oil can also help a in case of illness. CBD for Crohn’s Disease, cancer and Lyme disease is a few to mention. There are several conditions in […]


Avantages du CBD

What benefits does CBD oil have? The Multifaceted Benefits of CBD In an era where wellness trends fluctuate with the seasons, CBD has stood its ground as a cornerstone of natural health and well-being. The compound, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has garnered acclaim for its potential to alleviate an array of conditions, forging […]


Comment fonctionne le CBD

To be able to clarify the question: ” How CBD works inside our body?” we have a little bit of explaining to do…… What is CBD? CBD is one of over 114 plant compounds in Cannabis known as cannabinoids. Cannabidiol is to be found in the Hemp or Marijuana plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound, which means that […]

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