CBD Blog

Does CBD oil ever expire?

Oil being poured onto a spoon

The short answer to “Does CBD oil ever expire?” is yes. CBD oil products can expire, although it takes quite some time for a high-quality CBD oil to actually go bad.

Overall, CBD products have a shelf life of three years after they are manufactured. Most CBD oil, gummies, capsules, and vape producers include an expiration date on the label of their product. This is to give you an idea of how long they will last.

Having said that, there are methods for extending the shelf life of CBD oil, particularly through careful storage. Factors such as air exposure can break down the oil, causing it to grow rancid more quickly. If you store your CBD correctly, you can extend the shelf life of your CBD oils. Now, let’s take a look at some of the variables that influence the shelf life of CBD oil.

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What Can Affect The Shelf Life Of CBD Oil?

Oxygen, heat, ultraviolet light, and humidity are the four key factors that shorten the shelf life of CBD. Exactly like they are with many other items. Maintaining correct storage settings for CBD oil will prevent it from exposure to these harsh environmental conditions. It is, however, hard to keep CBD oil fresh indefinitely.

CBD oil will ultimately run out of shelf life.

The Real CBD products are created with CBD that is of the highest possible grade. No additives, heavy metals, or artificial chemicals are used in the production of our organic oil. In addition, each of our goods is accompanied by a certificate of analysis.

Most of our items have an expiration date printed on the label, which you can usually locate on the packaging.

Higher-quality products tend to last longer than lower-quality ones. There are a number of other factors that may influence the quality and shelf life of your CBD product, including the following.

Quality of the Carrier Oil

The effectiveness of CBD oil varies from one CBD company to another. The production method of CBD oil significantly affects the product’s overall quality. Generally, most CBD products use carrier oils like MCT oil, seed oil, or olive oil. Each of these oils has its unique shelf life.

The freshness of these carrier oils has the potential to have a substantial impact on the overall freshness of the product. Carrier oils often go rancid first when sunlight exposes a product. Using a higher quality carrier oil results in a higher quality CBD oil product that you will ingest

Carrier oils

MCT oil and other carrier oils are unsaturated fats with carbon bond chains, similar to olive oil. When exposed to oxygen for an extended period of time, these carbon bond chains break down. Oxidation is the term used to describe the process through which products degrade as a result of exposure to air.

It is not difficult to determine whether or not the carrier oil has gone rancid. This happens when the coconut or MCT oil becomes discolored. It will move from being a nice smooth white to being yellow and chunky in appearance. If you notice a sour and putrid stench coming from your carrier oil, it is likely that it has gone bad. Read more about carrier oils here

Additional Ingredients

Product formulation differs from each manufacturer. Low-quality CBD oil may not have the best ingredients to make the formula. In turn, it may reduce the shelf life of CBD oil from these companies.

Packaging Good Manufacturing Practices (or GMP) is a medical industry guideline used to maintain a set of standards for safety. Safety for the packaging of medications. This is not yet standard practice for CBD products. However, we have adopted GMP for their CBD products to preserve freshness and make the product last longer.


The speed with which a company can get its CBD oils to the consumer has a significant impact on the freshness of the product. CBD oil that has been sitting in a warehouse for a year or more before being distributed will begin to lose its efficacy once it reaches the client’s hands.

Look for a company with a large turnover of employees. The potency, quality, and taste of CBD oil are all affected by how fresh it is. The fresher the oil, the lower the likelihood that the CBD product will go rancid. Lesser businesses are more likely to work with smaller quantities of CBD oil. It usually indicates that the oils have been made fresher.

Check the manufacturer’s date on the label of your CBD oil to make sure you’ve purchased a high-quality product that is still fresh and potent. The Real CBD relies on the results of third-party lab tests for all of its products. You may rest assured that you will receive high-quality CBD tinctures, capsules, gummies, vapes, and other products.

Does CBD go bad?

Wooden question mark

A common query we get is about the shelf life of CBD oil—specifically, whether it expires. Like many quality herbal remedies, CBD oil does indeed have an expiration date. Typically, CBD products remain potent and safe for use between one to two years, provided they are stored properly in a cool, dark environment, away from direct sunlight. Understanding the durability and expiration of a product is crucial, both for manufacturers and consumers, to ensure maximum efficacy and safety.

Does CBD Oil Expire More Slowly If Kept in the Fridge?

Not really.

Despite the usual advice to keep CBD oil away from heat and light, the ideal storage temperature is between 15-25 degrees Celsius. Storing your CBD products in the refrigerator is not harmful, but it also does not extend their shelf life.

Interestingly, preliminary research indicates that CBD in its pure, non-oil form may be more stable in cooler conditions. A study from February 2021 found that solid powder CBD maintained its integrity under various conditions for up to a year.

If you decide to refrigerate your CBD oil, be aware that it might appear thicker and cloudier until it returns to room temperature. If the oil remains cloudy or does not thin out after warming, it could be a sign that the oil has expired.

Does CBD Oil Go Bad Once Open?

Tipped CBD oil with oil and pipette on a white surface - The Real CBD Brand

If you store both an opened and an unopened bottle of CBD oil under the right conditions, they will likely expire around the same time. To maximize freshness, only open the bottle when necessary and store it in a cool, dark, and dry place like a cupboard or drawer. Ensuring the bottle is tightly sealed after each use will keep it airtight and further preserve its quality.

Whether you use your CBD oil frequently or sporadically, the shelf life should be sufficient for you to use up your tincture, gummies, or any other CBD product well before it expires.

So, does CBD oil go bad? Yes, like any quality product, CBD oil does have an expiration date whether opened or not. However, with our personal-sized bottles, the likelihood of your oil expiring before you finish it is very slim.

How Long Does Opened Hemp Oil Last?

Quality CBD oil typically has a shelf life of one to two years, which can vary depending on how it is stored and the nature of its ingredients. If you are concerned about using your CBD product within this timeframe, we have designed our product offerings to help you avoid waste. Most of our products come in either 30- or 60-serving containers, allowing you to use them at a pace that suits your needs without worrying about expiration.

This approach ensures you get the most out of our CBD oil. Moreover, it gives you ample time to reorder before your current supply nears its expiration date, maintaining a continuous and fresh usage cycle.

Did Your CBD Oil Expire? Here’s How to Tell

The shelf life of CBD oil eventually comes to an end. Did your CBD oil expire? Here are some ways you can tell if your CBD oil’s shelf life is nearing the end.

Dark & Cloudy Appearance

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Depending on the carrier oil used, your CBD oil will appear clear, white, dark brown, or foggy. Depending on the color of the carrier oil. Keep in mind that a hazy consistency is typically associated with a carrier oil containing MCT (coconut oil). An indication that the oil has gotten brown or lumpy at room temperature is something to be concerned about.

It could be a sign that the oil is degrading and needs to be replaced. Holding the amber container up to a light source allows you to visually inspect the oil for contaminants such as cloudiness.

Visual indicators, on the other hand, may not be sufficient to determine the freshness of the oil.

Funky Smell & Taste

High-grade CBD oil will have a naturally bitter-earthy scent and flavor, which indicates that it is of high quality. Some people are not fans of the flavor. It is, however, one of the most straightforward ways to determine whether or not your CBD oil has gone bad. CBD oil that has gone bad will have a musky odor and taste rotten.

It’s possible that the carrier oils have gone rancid as a result of the heat. MTC (also known as coconut oil), olive oil, and hemp seed oil are all considered to have a neutral flavor. If they become rotten, you will be able to taste them. When it comes to cutting expenses, some CBD companies will use older carrier oils. Always make your purchases from trusted businesses. Read more here about how to find the best CBD oil for you

You Don’t Feel the Effects of the CBD Oil

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Another indicator that your CBD oil has gone bad, is the appearance of the oil itself. In certain situations, expired CBD oil can appear to be in perfect condition. Nevertheless, if the have been damaged by the impacts of ultraviolet radiation, excessive heat, or high heat, the oil will no longer function.

In certain circumstances, CBD may not have expired at all. Instead, it may simply be weaker than you are accustomed to receiving. Because of this, you may require a higher dose of CBD oil than when you initially started using it.

According to research, once a person’s body develops accustomed to CBD levels, they may require higher amounts of the compound. The absence of an impact after increasing the dosages could suggest a low-quality CBD oil or that the oil has expired, according to the manufacturer. Read more about why your CBD oil may not work here.

The Extraction Process May Affect CBD Oil Shelf Life

There isn’t just one standard extraction method. Each extraction process has its pros and also its cons. The extraction method used may impact not only the quality of your bottle of CBD oil but also how quickly the CBD oil expires.

CO2 Extraction

The most often-used method of extraction is to make use of naturally existing carbon dioxide (CO2). This process appears to yield CBD products that are the cleanest and greatest in quality. These products contain high concentrations of cannabinoids, flavonoids, , and vitamins, among other active ingredients.

The CO2 method makes use of closed and pressured chambers, each of which contains a different component, to produce CO2. While one chamber contains the hemp plant material, the other contains carbon dioxide. As the CO2 is forced into the chamber containing the hemp plant material, the CBD is extracted from the hemp and separated from the hemp. The cannabinoid extracted (hemp extract) is used to create a strong form of pure CBD oil, which is the end result.

Although items derived from the CO2 extraction method may be “better to use,” these products may also have a longer shelf life than those derived from other methods. This could be owing to the high concentrations of CBD that can be achieved with this type of extraction technique.

Steam Extraction

The steam distillation method involves heating water in order to produce vapor. When the vapor is passed over the hemp plant material, it causes it to break down even further. The oil is released from the cell walls as a result of this process.

These oils are treated with water until the oil separates from the water, at which point they are discarded. Even though the resultant oil is high in CBD, the process is time-consuming and does not yield as much CBD as CO2. Steam, on the other hand, is said to be significantly safer than using solvents to extract CBD.

Solvent Extraction

The solvent extraction method is the least popular way of obtaining CBD. It makes use of solvents such as butane to assist in the extraction of oils from the hemp plant. Many CBD aficionados avoid goods that use this method because they believe it is unethical.

Aside from the fact that it results in low-quality CBD, one of the primary reasons people avoid using this approach as much as possible is the possibility that it could result in potentially harmful by-products of the process. It is possible that trace amounts of these solvents will end up in the final product, resulting in a product with a shorter shelf life overall.

How To Extend The Shelf Life of the CBD Oil


Everything eventually comes to an end. Even the highest-quality CBD at some point will expire. A general rule to follow is to purchase a CBD oil that has at least 6 months best before date.

This 6 month period gives you plenty of time to take your CBD oil before it starts to go bad. So, how long does CBD oil last? As you can see, this depends on some things you can do yourself.

CBD Oils & Tinctures Storage

CBD Oils (tinctures) have a rather long shelf life when properly stored. Products such as CBD oil have a longer shelf life when compared to edibles or vapes. There are a variety of reasons for this; for example, dark-glass bottles are employed to prevent the breakdown of active chemicals caused by ultraviolet light exposure. The following are some things you can do to ensure the freshness of your CBD product and to increase the shelf life of your CBD product:

  • Store your CBD oil properly in an airtight container, away from extreme heat.
  • Always put your CBD in a cool, dark, and dry place (avoid keeping it near air conditioners).
  • Keep CBD products with your supplements and medications since CBD requires the same conditions as these products.

If you use your CBD oil less than once a day and it sits around for extended periods, you can store the opened bottle in the refrigerator. If you plan on keeping CBD oil for long periods, unopened bottles can last up to three years in the fridge. Many will buy bulk CBD and store it in the refrigerator until they start using it. If you take your CBD straight from your fridge warm it in your hands for a couple of minutes before taking your dose. Some carrier oils will thicken in the fridge and they will be hard to get into the pipette.

Purchase higher-quality products. Minimally processed products like oil tend to last longer than other oils. CBD isolate products will also last for a long time with no added flavors or artificial ingredients.

Best Way To Store CBD Edibles

The expiration dates for CBD edibles are variable. It is dependent on a variety of elements, such as the addition of artificial substances used in the manufacturing process. Gummies and hard candies CBD products tend to expire more quickly than baked varieties of edibles, such as cookies or brownies.

The general rule of thumb for edibles is that they should be consumed within a few weeks of purchase when the product is still fresh. Regular chocolate and candy bars will keep for a long time on the shelf of a grocery shop. However, because cannabinoids are vulnerable to degradation over time, the same product that contains CBD may not last as long as the original product.

When storing CBD oil edibles for extended periods of time or for consumption at a later date, it is best to keep them frozen to maintain freshness. When purchasing an edible CBD product, it is recommended that you refer to the best-before date on the label once again.

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Best Method To Store Your CBD Topical Products

You already have experience with storing oils and edibles, but you might still wonder, “How long does CBD oil last as a topical?” or “Will my oil ever expire?” Yes, your topical will expire, but it generally has a much longer shelf life than a product that you consume.

The shelf life of a CBD topical product might range from 14 to 24 months depending on the product. This shelf life is determined by a variety of factors, including the formulation, the use of essential oils, preservatives, and antibacterial agents. These additives may have an effect on the long shelf life of the product.

Store these creams, balms, and oils in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight, just like you would any other CBD product.

Can Expired CBD Oil Make You Sick?

It is unlikely that ingesting an expired CBD product would make you sick, but the taste will be less than pleasant. It will also fail to provide the entire range of CBD’s therapeutic advantages. When CBD oil has reached the end of its shelf life, it is recommended to discard it. After all, why take a product that isn’t going to work, or that doesn’t taste or smell pleasant?

Check the product’s expiration date to ensure that you are not using expired CBD oil. As is always the case, consult your doctor before beginning any new supplement regimen, whether it’s CBD oil, candies, capsules, or vapes. A doctor will determine whether or not the CBD oil product is appropriate for you.

What Happens if You Take Expired CBD Oil?

Your CBD oil product has reached the end of its shelf life. It still has a pleasant scent and taste. Should you, however, accept it? Consuming CBD that has expired has not been linked to any negative side effects to date. The majority of CBD oils have a shelf life of one to two years. Before consuming anything, make sure it hasn’t expired yet.

A company such as The Real CBD uses third-party lab tests to reassure you of the quality of the CBD, as well as the components, product information, and expiration dates on the products they sell.

Does CBD Oil Expire? Some Final Thoughts

We hope this article has helped you if you’ve been wondering, “does CBD oil expire?”. CBD oils can go bad. Most CBD oils last anywhere from 1-2 years if stored properly.

FAQ – Does CBD oil ever expire?

Does CBD oil expire?

Yes, CBD oil does expire. Over time, the compounds in CBD oil can degrade and lose their potency. The oil may also develop an off smell or taste.

How can you tell if CBD oil has gone bad?

Signs that CBD oil has expired include a rancid smell, cloudy appearance, or a change in flavor. If the oil smells or tastes different from when it was fresh, it may be best to replace it.

What is the typical shelf life of CBD oil?

CBD oil typically has a shelf life of 12 to 24 months. However, the exact shelf life can vary based on the quality of the ingredients, the extraction method used, and how the oil is stored.

How should CBD oil be stored to maximize its shelf life?

To extend the shelf life of CBD oil, store it in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat. Keeping it in an airtight container can also help preserve its quality.

Can expired CBD oil be harmful if used?

While expired CBD oil is not typically dangerous to consume, its effectiveness may be reduced. It’s best to use CBD oil before its expiration date to ensure you’re receiving the full potential benefits.

The Real CBD Products

Some CBD manufacturers are in it for the money, and they are not concerned about quality. Products are mislabelled, contain low-quality components, and simply do not last as long as higher-quality hemp extract CBD products, which are more expensive.

The Real CBD collection of high-quality CBD oils, candies, capsules, balms, and other products is designed to have a longer shelf life than other CBD products. For the best benefits, you must, however, store your CBD in the appropriate manner.

Avoid purchasing low-quality CBD oils, and always opt for goods that have been evaluated by a third-party lab. Stick with well-established companies that have received positive feedback.

Talk to us today at The Real CBD for more information on all of our CBD oils. We’re here to help!

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