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6 Different Ways to take CBD Products (VIDEO)

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6 Different Ways to take CBD Products

Home » 6 Different Ways to take CBD Products (VIDEO)

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What is CBD


You have probably heard of CBD Oil, or perhaps even seen someone take CBD from a bottle with a dropper. But did you know that there is a large variety of ways to take your dosage of it? In this article, you will learn about 6 different, perhaps new ways to take it.

The Real CBD is a European distributor that offers a multitude of different products. As a result, we get a lot of questions about the ideal dosage, and ways to take CBD. That inspired us to create this article.

Different ways to take CBD

How is consumed depends on the method of administration. Whether it is swallowed, inhaled, taken under the tongue, or applied to the skin plays an important role when we talk about the absorption of the active substance(s). Sometimes, the way you consume CBD can have a direct impact on the level of effectiveness of the cannabidiol in your blood.

1. CBD Oil

Before going into more detail about less-known methods, let us start with a short explanation about how to take CBD Oil, to refresh your memory.

Before moving on to the next topic, skincare, we have an additional tip for people using CBD for skin problems.

How to take Cannabidiol oil

Melanie explains how to use The Real CBD drops

1.2 Mix CBD oil with regular lotions

According to many studies, CBD is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. This can be fantastic for the skin. It’s a good idea to mix some CBD powder with the body lotion you always use. You can do this by mixing the desired dose of CBD  with a lotion of your choice. Stir it well and then apply it to the skin.

Please note that lotions with a high-fat content make it more difficult for cannabidiol to penetrate the skin properly. It is therefore wise to mix only a small amount of lotion with the CBD and then apply it to a small piece of skin as a test. The lotion should be absorbed quickly by the skin and easily mixed with it. If this is not the case, try another lotion with lower fat content. Alternatively, you can take a look at our range of CBD creams. So you can start taking care of your skin today with the benefits of CBD.

2 CBD Skincare – How to apply Balm and other topicals

It is applied directly to the skin will not reach the circulatory system, but it can still be preserved through the skin surface and thus bind with the cannabinoid receptors present. In fact, the skin is an incredibly active and useful organ that serves as a helpful atomic vehicle and absorbs oils full of lipids. For example, the oils used in ointments.

How does CBD work when it is applied to the skin at the cellular level?

When you apply Cannabidiol ointment/balm to the skin, the lipids that the oil contains and that the cannabinoids transfer will be transported through all skin layers. Shortly after that, cannabidiol can help to heal and recover by covering the cell and connective tissue layers. Therefore, ointments are the best method to treat skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis, because you can apply the product directly to the affected area and tackle the pain at the source.

How to use CBD on the skin

2.1 Pain patches

CBD pain patch

The topical delivery of CBD bypasses the digestive process for the undiluted absorption of cannabinoids directly into the bloodstream. You get fast-acting effects with constant long-term relief. Each patch has 8mg of concentrated Cannabidiol Isolate. Packed with natural ingredients to give you extra health benefits and quick pain relief.

2.2 Bentonite Clay Masks

A nourishing, moisturizing, and caring mask. It helps to produce collagen and elastin and stimulates cell renewal. Add a small amount of water or apple cider vinegar to approx. 10gr of Clay powder. Mix it well (never use a metal spoon) until you have a smooth paste that is easy to apply to the face or area to be treated. Leave it to dry for 10-20 min and wash off with warm water. Apply moisturizer when the skin is dry. Use a maximum of 2 masks a week – more could have the opposite effect. If you want more recipes for various skin conditions please click here.

3. Vaping E-Liquid

For many people with chronic pain or other medical conditions, vaping, also known as electronic smoking/e-smoking, with CBD e-liquid could provide rapid pain relief.
Unfortunately, there is not always accurate/enough information available about the product. So if you are interested in vaping it but don’t know where to start…then you have come to the right place.

CBD -liquid is almost the same as regular e-liquids, in the sense that they are both used as a liquid filling in an e-cigarette. In contrast to normal e-liquids, it adds cannabidiol instead of nicotine, which prevents it from being addictive. Usually, you inhale CBD e-liquid once or twice a day with a few touches at a time. After each pull, you take a short break of a few minutes.

Mixing with other e-liquids is not recommended because the dosage will be affected.

4. CBD Edibles

Think of Gummi Bears or even popcorn that is enriched with CBD extract. We offer CBD candy in the form of CBD gummies. Next to the gummies, we have our patented CBD Powder Capsules, which can be taken directly orally or can be opened and used in drinks and even food. Jump to the next chapter to learn more!

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5. How to take CBD Powder

This is a good alternative for people who do not like the taste of regular CBD oil but also have difficulty swallowing pills and capsules. Simply open Our powder capsule (zero taste, zero smell!), and supply its content into a blender as you make a smoothie, protein shake, or other drink. We strongly recommend smoothies and shakes for busy people who are often on the road. If you don’t have time to make them at home, you can even add it to the already purchased shake and then mix it. It couldn’t be simpler. Our Powder can also be mixed in hot/cold drinks, food or even taken directly.

How to use CBD powder

See how Melanie is using the CBD powder

6. How to use Cannabidiol through your Belly Button

Many people are unaware that you can use CBD oil by applying it in and around your belly button. – It is called the Pechoti intake method.

The Pechoti gland is located behind the belly button, and it is the gland that carries nutrition from mother to baby in the womb. Connected to more than 72,000 nerves that run throughout the body to various organs and tissues. By applying it to the belly button and using the Pechoti delivery method, cannabinoids have the ability to reach every part of your body. This is something that no other delivery method can provide.

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