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What is the difference between CBD oil and Cannabis oil?

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Home » What is the difference between CBD oil and Cannabis oil?

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Understanding the Distinction Between CBD Oil and Cannabis Oil

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In the ever-expanding world of wellness and alternative medicine, CBD oil and cannabis oil have gained significant attention. These two substances are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among consumers. However, it is important to note that CBD oil and cannabis oil are not the same thing. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these two products, shedding light on their distinct properties, benefits, and uses.

CBD Oil: Unravelling the Wonders of Cannabidiol

CBD oil, short for cannabidiol oil, is derived from the plant, which belongs to the Cannabis sativa species. Unlike its counterpart, (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is non-intoxicating and does not produce psychoactive effects. This key distinction makes CBD oil an appealing option for those seeking therapeutic benefits. Without the mind-altering sensations associated with cannabis.

The extraction process of CBD oil involves isolating the CBD compound from the hemp plant. Then dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or . CBD oil is available in various forms, including tinctures, capsules, topicals, and even edibles. It has gained popularity for its potential to help a wide range of conditions. Here we can mention conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, , and sleep disorders.

Cannabis Oil: Exploring the Depths of Cannabinoids

Cannabis oil, also referred to as THC oil is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant as well. However, unlike CBD oil, cannabis oil contains significant levels of THC. It’s the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” sensation commonly associated with marijuana. This fundamental distinction is the primary factor that sets cannabis oil apart from CBD oil.

The extraction process for cannabis oil typically involves using solvents; such as ethanol or CO2, to extract the from the cannabis plant. Due to its high THC content, cannabis oil is primarily used for recreational purposes. Or by individuals seeking the psychoactive effects of THC. It is worth noting that cannabis oil may also contain CBD. However, it is the THC component that defines its character.

What is CBD

Differentiating Factors: CBD Oil and Cannabis Oil

  1. Composition: CBD oil contains high levels of cannabidiol and minimal amounts of THC. Ensuring that it does not produce intoxicating effects. Conversely, cannabis oil contains significant levels of THC, resulting in psychoactive properties.
  2. Legal Status: CBD oil is legal in many countries and can be obtained without a prescription. Provided it contains less than 0.2% THC (the legal limit in Europe). On the other hand, cannabis oil, with its higher THC content, is subject to stricter regulations. It may only be available in regions where recreational or medicinal marijuana is legal.
  3. Therapeutic Applications: CBD oil is renowned for its potential therapeutic benefits. Including pain relief, reduced inflammation, management, and improved sleep quality. In contrast, cannabis oil is primarily used for recreational purposes due to its psychoactive effects.
  4. Side Effects: CBD oil is generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects reported, such as dry mouth or drowsiness. However, cannabis oil may induce various psychoactive side effects, including impaired cognition, memory loss, and increased heart rate.

Read more about CBD side effects here


Appearance of Cannabis

Marijuana looks contrastingly different from hemp. Looking at the leaves, marijuana’s shape tends to either be broad-leafed. Either with a tight bud or look like a nugget with organ hairs (Trichrome).  Hemp, on the other hand, has skinnier leaves that are concentrated at the top. Few branches or leaves exist below the top part of the plant. When you observe the plants from afar, marijuana looks like a short fat bush. Hemp is typically skinnier and taller (up to 6-7 meters).

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Hemp is completely different from marijuana in its function, cultivation, and application. But these differences didn’t stop our political leaders from getting confused. Nixon “accidentally” grouped all Cannabis species as a Class A Drug and banned it in 1970 under the Controlled Substances Act. Even after 45 years, the government still seems to have some confusion in distinguishing the two plants.

Although legislation is being made, progress is very slow. In their application, hemp and marijuana serve completely different purposes. Marijuana, as it is widely known, is used for medicinal or recreational purposes. Hemp is used in a variety of other applications that marijuana couldn’t possibly be used in. These include healthy dietary supplements, skin products, clothing, and accessories. Overall, hemp is known to have over 25,000 possible applications.

Conclusion: Embracing Clarity in an Evolving Landscape

While both CBD oil and cannabis oil are derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, they possess distinct properties and serve different purposes. CBD oil offers therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis oil, making it a favourable choice for individuals seeking natural remedies. On the other hand, cannabis oil provides recreational enjoyment for those seeking a euphoric experience.

It is crucial to understand the nuances between these two oils to make informed decisions and ensure the desired outcome is achieved. Whether you’re looking to alleviate pain and anxiety or explore the recreational aspects of cannabis, being aware of the differences between CBD oil and cannabis oil empowers you to make the right choice for your specific needs.

FAQ – What are the differences between CBD oil and Cannabis oil

What’s the difference between cannabis oil and CBD oil?

People often mix them, but they are different in how they are made and how they are used. CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. It has a lot of cannabidiol (CBD) and almost no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the chemical that gets you high. On the other hand, cannabis oil is made from the marijuana plant and, based on the strain, can have different amounts of CBD and THC. CBD oil is mostly used to treat health problems, while cannabis oil is often sought out for how it makes people feel.

Is it okay to buy CBD oil and cannabis oil?

BD oil and cannabis oil are allowed in different places for different reasons. CBD oil made from hemp is allowed in many countries, as long as it has less than a certain amount of THC (usually 0.2% or less). But cannabis oil, which may have more THC, is subject to stricter rules and may be banned or restricted in some places. It’s important to find out about and understand the laws and rules in your area.

Can you get high from CBD oil?

No, CBD oil does not make you feel “high” like cannabis oil or weed does. CBD doesn’t get you high and doesn’t change your mind like THC does. CBD oil made from hemp has very little THC (less than 0.2%), which is not enough to get you high.
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