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Can CBD help Sugar Addiction?

Woman reaching for a doughnut

Our brains can rewire themselves to want sugar, which is no joke. Most people know that eating too much sugar is bad for them and want to eat less. However, when cravings and withdrawal symptoms take over, it can be hard to resist eating something sweet. The lizard brain is getting the upper hand!!

Here we talk about how CBD can help with sugar addiction and stop these cravings. So let’s take a closer look at what sugar is and how it can take over the brain (on the same level as heroin) and turn into an addiction.

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What is sugar?

Sugar is the most common thing added to processed foods, even though it has little to no nutritional value. Most sugar is found in processed foods like ketchup, spaghetti sauce, cereals, and candies. Most added sugar comes from soft drinks. One can of soda has at least 11 teaspoons of sugar, and some brands have even more.

Sugar has many names, which makes it easy to hide how much sugar is really in something. Corn Syrup, Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, Molasses, Sorghum Syrup, and Sucrose are some of the most common names for sugar.

The average person eats 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day!!  Just imagine that on a plate!!  Eating too much sugar causes spikes in blood sugar and drains your energy. It increases your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, , heart disease, stroke, cancer, anxiety, and depression. That is a scientific fact.

Sugar Addiction

Sugary foods are very desirable because of the powerful impact they have on the reward system in the brain. This system is known as the mesolimbic dopamine system. Dopamine is released by neurons in this system in response to a rewarding event.

Nicotine and cocaine also turn on this reward system. This causes dopamine to be released, which makes you feel very good and can lead to cravings and addiction.

Sugar addiction can be caused by feelings like anxiety, depression, stress, sadness, boredom or anger. Dopamine spikes can now be caused by something as simple as a “like” on Facebook. If you eat a lot of sugar, you reinforce this reward system. This in turn makes you want to repeat the behavior because it feels good. This can make it hard to break the habit.

Sugar Withdrawal

Because sugar can have a strong effect on how we act, it can be hard to cut it out of our diets. If we try to stop eating a lot of sugar “cold turkey,” we can feel the effects of withdrawal.

Mood changes, anxiety, overeating, changes in sleep patterns, trouble concentrating, cravings, headaches, nausea, and tiredness can all be signs of withdrawal.

Some people can get used to not having sugar quickly. While others may have strong cravings and find it impossible to stay away from sugary foods.

What causes a sugar craving?

There are many reasons why we want something sweet. Most of the time, it’s because we’ve trained our bodies to expect something sweet at a certain time of the day.

Other very common factors that lead to reaching for the biscuit tin are:

Emotional – seeking comfort from food. Consuming sugary, satisfying foods is a way of “self-medicating” when we’re feeling blue. When we eat sugary substances, it encourages serotonin production in the brain (a neurotransmitter needed for mood regulation).

Sleep deprivation – can cause our hormones to go out of balance. Confuse our bodies into thinking we’re hungry as the hunger hormone is stimulated, when in fact we’re just tired!

Hangoversalcohol is notoriously high in sugar. So consuming a large amount in one evening will inevitably lead to a substantial drop in blood sugar the following day, and you guessed it, this leads to the craving.

An unbalanced diet is typically heavy in carbohydrates – sugar’s best friend.

Nutrient deficiency or hormone imbalance – we would always recommend seeking the advice of your GP if you are concerned.

Crave vs Crash


When you eat sugar, a hormone in your body called insulin goes up. This is to make sure that the extra sugar doesn’t hurt you. Once this has passed, the insulin level will significantly reduce, this is known as the “crash”. This crash is often what makes someone want something sweet again, which is also called a “crave.” You might not think you eat too much sugary food, but this can also happen if you eat too many starchy carbohydrates. These are just sugars that look like healthy foods. Eating a big bowl of pasta will leave you longing for a big bowl of gelato an hour later. You’d be much better off filling your plate with healthy fats and proteins. This will keep you full longer and keep you from crashing and wanting more food.

How Can CBD help sugar addiction?

If you smoke or eat pot, there is a good chance you’ve encountered the “munchies” where you crave sweet or fatty foods. THC is what gets you “high’ when using , it is also responsible for these food cravings. In contrast, CBD has the potential to promote a healthy appetite. Reset addictive behaviors such as binge eating and craving unhealthy foods. Products that are high in CBD and low in THC can curb cravings for sugary feel-good foods.

Furthermore, THCV which is another cannabinoid from the cannabis plant does the exact opposite of THC. Instead of igniting your munchies, it acts like an appetite suppressant. It dulls your thoughts of food.

Eat Less CBD oil has high level of both cannabinoids

The ECS System

The (ECS) is a regulatory system that keeps the body in a state of or internal balance. This allows all of the body’s systems and organs to work at their best together. There are CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ECS. These receptors are found in almost all major parts of the body. Cannabinoids made by the body are called endocannabinoids. When endocannabinoids bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, they allow two-way communication between cells. When something is out of balance, signals are sent to the ECS to help correct it. This happens through a wide range of biological functions.

The ECS activity in the central nervous system regulates your food intake. When you feel hungry your ECS sends signals to your hypothalamus. That’s the part of the brain that helps to regulate appetite, it’s letting you know it’s time for your next sweet snack. If the body lacks endocannabinoids your hunger regulation system may be out of balance leading to unhealthy eating habits. CBD has a similar molecular structure as endocannabinoids and can restore homeostatic balance in this system which can reduce appetite.

The ECS also regulates your mesolimbic dopamine system (the reward system in the brain that is responsible for habit and addiction). CBD and THCV can interact with this system to modulate emotional processing and block conditioned addictive behaviors and cravings.

Metabolism and CBD


The acceleration of your metabolism is something that you need to focus. This is if you want to be successful in warding off your appetite. You could assume that you would have greater cravings, but what you really need to do is figure out what you can do to make sure that your body starts burning fat as soon as possible.

If you are attempting to lose weight and at the same time keep your body from becoming stressed out; you won’t have as many cravings as you normally would. If you use CBD oil, you will have a lot more confidence in how your body will start losing weight. This is because CBD oil has been shown to reduce appetite.

CBD for Anxiety

When people are worried, they often start to feel as though they need to eat to pass the time. This in turn causes them to have desires for food. If you are having problems with the way that you are feeling about how you are losing weight, you need to look into what you can do to use CBD oil specifically for your anxiety and see if it helps. You’ll know you’ve arrived to the right place when you start to experience significantly less anxiety. A location where you can successfully relax your body for an extended period of time in order to achieve your weight loss goals. You should also keep in mind that if you have been using CBD oil on a daily basis to treat your anxiety, you will have a great deal more energy.

Depression with Cannabidiol

When people begin to experience symptoms of depression, many of them have a tendency to eat their feelings. People do this without ever realizing it, and it would be smart for you to figure out how you can get your body to quit needing food every time you feel unhappy. This is something that people do without even thinking about it. You should try using CBD oil to make sure that you feel much less depressed if you want to be able to get a handle on your depression and get your life back on track. When you’ve overcome your depression, you’ll be in a position to make positive changes to your life and the way you live it.

Additional Benefits of CBD Oil

benefits of cbd

As previously stated, sugar addictions can be triggered by emotions such as stress, despair, and anxiety. These are frequent mental health issues that can have long-term consequences for a person’s health, social life, capacity to work, and overall well-being. When people are upset, anxious, or sad, they often resort to sugary sweets to make them feel better. CBD oil has been demonstrated in numerous trials to be an effective treatment for each of these illnesses.

Research has also shown that lack of sleep can increase sugar cravings in an attempt to boost energy levels. Studies suggest that CBD can help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.

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Other Interventions

It’s important to remember that CBD Oil should be used in addition to other positive changes to your lifestyle. Introducing mild to moderate exercise, and stress management techniques such as and will greatly benefit your chances of reducing your sugar intake.


CBD can help you become Sugar-free in 28 days!

Are you the person that wants to eat healthily, but can’t manage to sustain it?

You eat healthy for a little while, but then end up going on a long binge? You hate yourself for doing it…but you just don’t have the willpower to resist the urge.

It is not easy to stop eating sugar on your own as it is highly addictive. There is no shame in reaching out for help.

The answer is here:

Sugar-free in 28 days self-study course

If you have had enough of looking for a new diet and would like to change the way you are looking at your extra kilos Marijana would love to help you.

She will guide you, step by step, so you can find peace with food without adding more stress to your life.

You can let go of unhealthy foods without being hungry and you will still lose weight if that is your goal.

Instead of judging yourself, you will start seeing reasons for your compulsions so you can stop feeling shame.

The dosage needed will vary from person to person depending on your weight, body chemistry, and tolerance – this makes it difficult to figure out the proper dosage which is commonly between 2mg and 80mg. The best way is to start small and build up slowly to get the desired effects.

Conclusion – CBD to help sugar addiction

There are several things that you can do to get rid of your cravings, but your CBD oil dosage will help calm your appetite.

Food (not sugar..) for Thought

Sugar offers almost no nutritional benefit to the body. When consumed in large quantities over extended periods of time, it can lead to addiction and is detrimental to our health and well-being.

CBD can help bring balance to your mind and body by activating the cannabinoid receptors that are located throughout your body. This can also assist in resetting harmful behaviors. It has the ability to reorganize the brain, thereby decreasing the desire to eat and helping to regulate appetite. If we have less hunger and cravings as a result of this, we may eat fewer foods that are high in sugar.

Because CBD can also address the emotional responses that lead people to turn to sugar in the first place — such as stress, worry, sadness, and a lack of sleep — sugar may lose its attraction if you feel better in general.

Taking CBD on a daily basis, in addition to making some positive changes to your lifestyle, can help you cut back on or totally remove sugar from your diet.

Thank you for reading “CBD to help sugar addiction”. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]  .

If you would like to speak to Marijana before signing up for the SUGARFREE IN 28 DAYS you can contact her at +44 7960 561874  or click on the button underneath and send her an email.

FAQ – Can CBD help sugar addiction

Can CBD help with sugar cravings?

Some people believe CBD might help reduce sugar cravings because it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pleasure, reward, and pain. This interaction could potentially affect cravings and addiction mechanisms, though more research is needed to fully understand its effects.

Is there scientific evidence to support the use of CBD for sugar addiction?

Currently, the scientific evidence specifically linking CBD to the treatment of sugar addiction is limited. However, studies on CBD’s effects on other types of addiction suggest it could have potential benefits due to its influence on the brain’s reward system. More targeted research is required to establish a direct link.

How does CBD interact with the body to potentially reduce sugar cravings?

CBD interacts with the body through the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating various bodily functions, including appetite and the reward system. By potentially influencing these areas, CBD might help in managing cravings, including those for sugar.

What are the best ways to use CBD for managing sugar cravings?

If considering CBD for managing sugar cravings, it’s advisable to start with low doses and gradually increase as needed. Forms such as oils, tinctures, or edibles can be convenient. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Are there any side effects of using CBD to combat sugar addiction?

CBD is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, but it can cause side effects in some people, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. Always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it’s safe for your individual health circumstances.

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