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CBD and Sports – The important connection!

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Many studies claim that CBD is beneficial in helping alleviate several diseases. Seeing the positive impacts of CBD on our health, many athletes and sportspersons are using CBD oil in their training. CBD helps to boost muscle growth, reduce inflammation, accelerate regeneration, and relieve pain. Here, we are going to tell you about CBD and Sports – The important connection!

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1. CBD and Muscle Building

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For muscle growth, efficient protein synthesis and a high testosterone level are crucial. But it is precisely these two factors that can be greatly affected by excessive stress. When we suffer from chronic stress, the body releases more cortisol (a hormone that lowers testosterone levels and hinders muscle building).

After intense weight training, it is extremely important to give your body rest and relaxation. And that’s exactly where CBD can be used wonderfully. CBD reduces stress levels and lowers levels. It enhances the relaxation an athlete needs. CBD and sports are now a common supplement used in the bodybuilding community.

2. CBD oil for better Sleep

CBD boosts qualitative sleep and as we know the body recovers best in the deep sleep phase, which usually only lasts a few hours. New muscle fibers are best formed during deep sleep. Athletes who take CBD are said to falling asleep much faster, than they would without CBD. It is a general fact that a full spectrum CBD product can bring a good night’s sleep and even edibles can work wonders when you need a good nights sleep. CBD helps to qualitative sleep which eventually leads to recovery of the muscles and building muscles.

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3. The Anti-Inflammatory properties of CBD oil

Sore muscles are not a bad thing and affect every athlete equally. Whether you are a top professional sportsman or a sports enthusiast in your free time – sore muscles are a part of getting better.

Apparently, a muscle only grows when the small muscle fibers tear open during training and then form into a stronger cord. However, if you have pushed too much and therefore destroyed an undesirably high amount of fibers, it will take far too long until the body is ready for training again. This can quickly break motivation and even cause real injuries.
CBD for athletes helps the brain to properly control the alarm bells of the immune system so that the body does not overreact even after intensive training and unnecessarily prolongs the healing process. This can reduce inflammation in muscles and joints.

In addition, CBD oil has an antioxidant effect, which binds harmful substances in the muscles. Especially if the stomach becomes inflamed, in most cases this automatically means the end for ambitious competitive athletes. While CBD cannot prevent the stomach from becoming inflamed due to dehydration or overheating, it can largely alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and even slow down the speed at which the occurs. Neuropathic pain is pain caused by damage to the nerves. This type of pain is common in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, injuries such as herniated discs, and infections such as shingles.

4. CBD as pain relief – CBD and sports

If is well known that top athletes and professional sportspeople end up using some form of opioids or prescription painkillers. In the last decade, the film industry has made big motion pictures about this subject to throw light on the taboo of opioid abuse.

CBD has got pain-relieving effects and has already been recognized by American football clubs as part of the daily supplementing routine for their players. Both as prevention of sports-related conditions and as pain relief.

Specialists have concluded that CBD is an effective painkiller and doesn’t cause any adverse side effects. Even if CBD performs like opioids — substances that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects by blocking pain at the neurological level — it simultaneously helps whole-body homeostasis by diminishing inflammation and relaxing muscles at the site of injury.

A guide for using CBD for sports Injuries – click here

Painkillers affect the brain to produce a variety of effects and can ease the pain. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Non-opioid painkillers
  • drugs
  • Compound painkillers
  • Opioid painkillers

Opioids can be used to relieve pain when other painkillers don’t work, and pain is considered severe when:

  • It interferes with your daily life
  • You have to take frequent rests
  • You start moving awkwardly

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5. Chronic pain with CBD

If the damage has been done and an athlete experiences chronic pain, they can still use CBD as pain relief. A report studied CBD use for general . Researchers compiled the results of multiple systematic reviews covering dozens of trials and studies. Their research concluded that there is substantial evidence that -derived CBD oil is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.

The researchers also found that the test persons were not likely to build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so they would not need to increase their dose over time. They noted that cannabinoids, such as CBD, could offer helpful new treatments for people with chronic pain.

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6. CBD oil while exercising


CBD and Sports

The intake of CBD oil while exercising is particularly recommended, for its many benefits and the creation of homeostasis (inner balance in the body). As an athlete or sports enthusiast, it can simply be added to your daily routine. Just a few drops of CBD oil are enough. The amount required can vary greatly from person to person, depending on how severe the pain is or how high the stress level is. Depending on your training routine and how hard you are training.

The best tactic to find the individual dose is to find out for yourself. To do this, you just gradually increase the amount and pay attention to how your body reacts. You should also keep in mind that a person cannot overdose on CBD consumption. It is a natural substance so it doesn’t have any dangerous side effects. If you want to know more about some of the short-term side-effects of using CBD head over to our blogpost: Does CBD have any side-effect?

7. CBD oil for athletes and professional sportspeople

For high-level athletes, and those of us who strive to reach such heights, the search for performance-enhancing substances is eternal and challenging. Supplements have to conform to anti-doping laws, be safe, and preferably natural.

CBD (cannabidiol) is currently creating ripples among athletes, who claim benefits as varied as accelerated recovery from injury, sounder sleep, and reduced muscle pain.

Although many organizations regard CBD as another main cannabinoid, THC, an illicit substance, the World Anti-Doping Agency permits the use of pure CBD isolate. CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid with anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-, and analgesic properties, and could represent a legal, game-changing supplement.

Continue reading about CBD oil for athletes.

CBD powder for athletes

A CBD product targeting both recreational and elite athletes could be The Real CBD water-soluble CBD powder capsules. One of the most versatile CBD products on the market.

List of CBD benefits for athletes and professional sportspeople:

  • Enhanced bone health
  • Anti-anxiety before an event
  • Anti-inflammatory and decrease of chronic injuries
  • Better sleep quality
  • Quicker recovery
  • Protection against gastrointestinal damage
  • Neuroprotective qualities to protect against brain injury

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8. Conclusion

As is often the case with CBD research, more data on human populations is needed for more conclusive outcomes. The authors of both the Sports Medicine and Pharmacological Research studies emphasize the preliminary nature of their findings. While the current data is very promising, clinical research in athlete populations will provide more definitive insights into CBD for athletes and sportspeople.

Fortunately, it looks like such research initiatives are already getting underway. In 2019, a CBD manufacturer teamed up with the UFC to develop clinical research on CBD, athlete wellness, and recovery, and other research is sure to come. Expect to see more studies unfolding in this space in the near future.

9. FAQ – CBD for Sports

What are the benefits of using CBD for sports?

CBD may help athletes by potentially reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and promoting better sleep, which are crucial for recovery and performance.

How does CBD help with inflammation?

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating inflammation. It may help by reducing the production of inflammatory molecules and calming the immune response.

Can CBD help with sports-related pain?

Yes, CBD may help alleviate sports-related pain by interacting with receptors in the body that are involved in pain perception and modulation, potentially reducing discomfort and promoting faster recovery.

Is CBD safe for athletes to use?

While more research is needed, CBD is generally considered safe for most people. It’s important for athletes to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into their routine, especially if they have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications.

How should athletes use CBD for sports benefits?

Athletes can use CBD in various forms such as oils, capsules, creams, or topical balms. The dosage and timing may vary depending on individual needs and preferences, so it’s advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed while monitoring its effects.


9. The Real CBD for Sports

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