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CBD for sleep – but does it work?

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Home » CBD for sleep – but does it work?

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A lot of people are suffering from poor sleeping habits or restlessness in bed. They often rely on over-the-counter or prescription medication which comes with warning labels and lots of side effects. Sleeping tablets can be ineffective over time and very addictive. An alternative could be CBD for sleep – but does it work? is a natural alternative, but the effects are different from person to person and you need to find out if it works for you. The only way to do that is to try. This is how you do it!

1. How can CBD help with sleep?

There are several ways that CBD can help your sleep, both in quality and in duration. Here we are naming a few:

CBD could reduce your anxiety

In most cases, bad sleep quality is caused by anxiety and stress. Because CBD regulates cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for ) it tends to have a huge impact on the non-REM sleep cycles. Some case studies have identified that CBD is very beneficial to anxiety-related disorders and will increase the quality of sleep when taken daily and consistently.

Learn more about CBD and anxiety here

Pain Relief

If you struggle with sleep because of pain (acute or chronic) then CBD is a good alternative to over the counter or prescription pain-relieving medications. As a result, it can reduce your sleeplessness caused by pain. This by working on the symptoms of pain instead of providing a sedative effect, like sleep medication on the market. If you choose stronger CBD oils they will also provide you with a calm and relaxing effect, making it easier to fall asleep.

Read more about CBD and pain here

Recovery for sore Muscles

CBD is the best way to relieve post-workout muscle soreness. After having a vigorous session at the gym, you can use an 18% CBD oil for quick recovery. Additionally you can also use CBD balm as a topical to target any discomfort in your body. Sometimes after a hard workout session, especially in the evenings, it can be difficult to fall asleep because you feel so hyped up – CBD oil can have a calming effect on the mind as well as the body.

Eliminating Nightmares

After having a nightmare, your sleep quality is often ruined completely. If you suffer from RBD (REM sleep behavior disorder), together with increased nightmares and restlessness, it’s tough to get a proper night’s sleep. A study with patients suffering from RBD was given CBD and experienced fewer side effects of the condition.

Relief From Somnolence

Somnolence is a condition which is a state of a strong desire for sleep or sleeping for unusually long periods. It is often due to circadian rhythm disorders, or a symptom of other health problems. CBD regulates the body’s sleep/wake cycles thereby promoting wakefulness during daytime and proper relaxation at night. Daytime sleepiness, insomnia, or somnolence have an impact on both daytime productivity and the ability to sleep at night. Taking CBD during the day improves alertness resulting in restful sleep at night.

2. Sleep and your endocannabinoid system!

What is the endocannabinoide system (Infographic)

Researchers have discovered that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in maintaining certain body functions, such as mood, appetite, sleep, and regulating circadian rhythms. Within the endocannabinoid system is a network of cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system. The two primary receptors identified are CB1 and CB2.

Cannabinoids attach to these cells and have a lot of effects. As far as how they may affect sleep, some research indicates that the  CBD oil may interact with specific receptors, potentially affecting the sleep/wake cycle.

Moreover, CBD may also decrease anxiety and pain, which can both interfere with restful sleep. By reducing certain symptoms, it’s also possible that sleep quality may improve.

3. Should you try CBD for better sleep?

Well… you have nothing to lose. CBD has so many other benefits. If you tried it and didn’t find any improvements on your sleep, you may find that it helps you relax better, or take the pain in that shoulder you have battled with for years. Most importantly, CBD oil is a 100% natural product and can do you no harm. Make sure if you take blood-thinning products to consult with your doctor before you start taking CBD.

4. How to take CBD

Once you have decided to start with CBD for better sleep and found your CBD Sleep Solution you should start with the lowest dosage indicated on the product. If you want to know more about How to take CBD or How to choose a CBD brand, click on the links below:

How to choose a CBD brand!

How to take CBD! … or maybe you want to see a video.

5. CBDs impact on your sleep cycle!

Cannabidiol has the ability to reduce your anxiety, which can be helpful in reducing sleep difficulties and improving your sleep quality. Furthermore CBD could increase overall sleep quantity, and improve insomnia. CBD has been shown to reduce insomnia in people who suffer from chronic pain.

In smaller doses, CBD stimulates alertness and reduces daytime sleepiness, which is important for daytime performance and for the strength and consistency of the sleep-wake cycle.

Additionally, CBD may help improve REM sleep abnormalities in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Although CBD research still has a long way to go, research suggests that it can help treat anxiety, which contributes to sleeplessness. A study conducted by Scott Shannon, MD et al. involved 72 patients. 47 subjects had anxiety, while the remaining 25 experienced a hard time sleeping. The results showed that a 25mg CBD ingestion on the first month showed the following:

  1. 79.2% of all the participants said that CBD resulted in lower levels of anxiety; and
  2. 66.7% of all the participants said that CBD gave them a better sleep experience.

Another factor that can contribute to sleeplessness is pain, in any form. A study conducted by Frontiers in Pharmacology reported that CBD helps decrease pain, which ultimately reduces the discomfort felt when sleeping.

If your circadian rhythm is out of wack you won’t be able to experience good quality sleep and that can have a great impact on your long term health. CBD helps to get that circadian rhythm back into balance and you can enjoy a long healthy deep sleep.

6. Can children use CBD for their sleep?

Our children could use CBD oil with many benefits. And helping them sleep better and longer would be one of them. Children and nowadays live a very stressful and fast-paced life and it can be very hard for them to relax in the evening, this means a hard to fall asleep. Screentime with artificial light (blue light) exposure up until they have to sleep, will lower their melatonin production and disturb their circadian rhythm.

Bad sleep or even will create life long health problems, and we all know how important it is for growing children to get their rest, so they can develop properly.

Luckily then children are very susceptible to change and incorporating new things in their lives (especially if they see you do the same). They can quickly change the wrong path. Adding CBD oil to their daily regime could provide them with better sleep quality and they could be more relaxed and calm before bedtime.

If you would like to consult an expert in regards to CBD for your child, please contact us on: [email protected] 

If you wonder if CBD oil is safe for children overall – click here!

7. Calming your pet with CBD

CBD can also have a calming effect on your pet. They also have an and can benefit the same as ourselves from ingesting CBD daily. Daily drops on a treat can help our furry friends feel calmer and more relaxed in situations where they normally are anxious or nervous. This could be when you leave the house and need them to sleep and keep calm, or if you bring them to big groups of either people or other pets.

Administering CBD for pets is quite easy. Either put the oil drops on a treat or directly into the mouth of the pet. Some like it, others run away by the sight of the bottle.

If you want to know more about CBD for pets – take a look at some of our other articles about this subject:

8. What is melatonin?

Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Its production increases with evening darkness, promoting healthy sleep and helping to keep our circadian rhythm intact.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and then released into the bloodstream. Darkness prompts the pineal gland to start producing melatonin, while light causes that production to stop. As a result, melatonin helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with night and day. In doing so, it enables a transition into our sleep cycle and promotes consistent, quality rest.

If you disturb the production of melatonin with artificial light in the dark hours of the day, or don’t expose yourself to sunlight (outside and not through a window) you will produce less and less melatonin and probably need supplementing to be able to sleep well.

9. What can you do yourself to sleep better?


There are many ways to help improve your sleep. To name a few:

Keep in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

The best way to do this is to get up and go to bed with the sun. That is not always possible. The next best thing would be to wake-up and go to bed every day at almost the same time.

Control your exposure to light.

Make sure you get min. 60 min of sunlight outside every day. Spending time in the sun or outside getting natural light into your eyes will set your circadian rhythm in balance. If you are looking at screens in the evening or before bed, you can acquire some blue light blocking glasses and wear them after the sun goes down. This will enhance your melatonin production and better your sleep quality.

Exercise during the day.

It is recommended to exercise or move at least 30 min a day or 4-5 hours a week. This will make your body tired and decrease your levels enhancing the quality of your sleep.

Be conscious about what you eat and drink

Your daytime eating habits play a role in how well you sleep, especially in the hours before bedtime. Limit caffeine and nicotine. You might be surprised to know that caffeine can cause sleep problems up to ten to twelve hours after drinking it. Avoid big meals at night. Try to make dinnertime earlier in the evening, and avoid heavy, rich foods within two hours of bed. Spicy or acidic foods can cause stomach trouble and heartburn.

Avoid alcohol before bed. While a nightcap may help you relax, it interferes with your sleep cycle once you’re out. Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening. Drinking lots of fluids may result in frequent bathroom trips throughout the night. Cut back on sugary foods and refined carbs. Eating lots of sugar and refined carbs such as white bread, white rice, and pasta during the day can trigger wakefulness at night and pull you out of the deep, restorative stages of sleep.


Wind down and clear your head – practice some mindfulness

Our lives are often run in the highest gear. We are multi-tasking work, family, hobbies, and more work. We very rarely sit and just stare into thin air feeling bored. Living a life like that can make it difficult to wind down. Practice some mindfulness or some guided meditations for just 15 min a day. This will make it easier for you to relax and fall asleep in the evening. Falling into a “coma” every night is not good for your overall health. You might feel you are sleeping well, but you won’t be getting your proper amount of REM sleep to restore your body for tomorrow’s trial and tribulations.

Improve your sleep environment.

Create an environment that give you the right conditions you need for quality sleep. Make it cool, quiet, dark, comfortable, and free of interruptions. Check for and remove distractions — light, heat, noise, or other things that may cause stress. Consider adding earplugs, blackout curtains, or white noise to your bedroom.

Take a supplement with melatonin

Supplementing with melatonin can help you fall asleep and keep you in a restful state throughout the night. Don’t take too much as you will stop producing it if you do.

10. The Real CBD recommends

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