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Is CBD safe when breastfeeding?

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People often ask us at The Real CBD if CBD is safe when breastfeeding.

In a world where too many busy schedules make it hard to deal with and get enough sleep. Being a new mom can cause more stress. Sleepless nights, and worries about what’s safe for a nursing mom and what isn’t. Like, what foods and medicines (like medicinal herbs, caffeine, and alcohol) are safe? Do they get into the breast milk, and will that help or hurt the baby?

As with any choice that affects your health or the health of your new baby; you should talk to your doctor about whether CBD () or any other functional plant is the right choice for you. For now, let’s start with the basics to help figure out if CBD is safe to use while breastfeeding.

CBD and : Learn everything you need to know:

What is breast milk really made of

So is CBD safe when nursing? Scientists have found that endogenous cannabinoids are the building blocks of breast milk. Yes, you’re right! Cannabinoids like CBD are already found in breast milk. They play a very important role in a baby’s development and growth.

Researchers think that one of the main jobs of the cannabinoids in breast milk is to make babies want to eat and want to suckle. Research also shows that cannabinoids may help an infant calm down and sleep better.

Breast milk has a natural mix of both commensal and mutualistic probiotic bacteria. These are good for the baby’s gut. These chemicals also keep the baby from getting sick and help the immune system develop. For some moms, this makes breast milk the best choice.

Understanding how CBD works in the body and how the endocannabinoid system (ECS) works

The human body and brain consist of a network of cannabinoid receptors called The or ECS. The ECS is in charge of important things like mood and stress. Sleep, hormones, digestion, memory, pain, immune function, , and metabolism, just to name a few. By incorporating plant cannabinoids such as CBD into our body daily we supercharge our ECS by activating receptors in the body to maintain homeostasis. Biological harmony for optimized function for mind, body, mood, and sleep.

Let’s look into the possible benefits of CBD for new moms. Learn more about the research and arguments about using it while breastfeeding. CBD while breastfeeding/nursing!

CBD for Stress, Anxiety, and Sleep


New mums are trying to get their hormones back in balance. Often having trouble getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. 1 in 7 women also suffers from post-partum depression, which is linked to higher levels of stress and anxiety.

When women tell their doctor about these symptoms, they are often given an antidepressant. Zoloft is safe for breastfeeding. These prescriptions take time to work in the body and may have side effects like insomnia.

Because CBD is bound to the body’s receptors to create balance, works to minimize stress and anxiety, and helps support sleep. It’s often a first choice for moms seeking a natural, plant-powered remedy that is non-pharmaceutical.

Why do some moms think about using CBD while nursing

We know that a new baby brings a lot of changes to the whole family. The time after giving birth is happy, but it’s also hard. In the nine months before they give birth, a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes. After giving birth, this can lead to pain, hormonal problems, stress, anxiety, and sometimes depression.

CBD’s ability to help with stress, mood, sleep, and pain has got so much attention. Now many new mothers think of CBD products as a safe, natural way to improve their health.

The most important thing to know is whether taking CBD oil is safe for a baby who is being breastfed.

Even if the mother doesn’t use CBD, breastfeeding is good for both the mother and the baby. Researchers have found that mothers who breastfeed tend to feel less stressed, have fewer signs of depression, and lose more weight than mothers who don’t breastfeed.

 When breastfeeding, you can use CBD topically or eat it.

There isn’t much information about the long-term effects of topical CBD vs. CBD that is taken by mouth for breastfeeding moms. But at The Real CBD, we see that many new mothers use our products for both purposes. Our massage oil speeds up the turnover of skin cells, which helps the skin heal and recover from pregnancy.

Some experts think that CBD products that you put on your skin are a bit safer than those you eat because CBD doesn’t get into your bloodstream the same way. Also, many women use our CBG oil to help relieve physical and mental tension and inflammation. They also use our CBD/CBG drops to relieve stress, calm nerves, and improve their overall mood.

More from our blog:

How long does CBD stay in the milk a mother makes?

How long cannabinoids stay in your body depends on many things, like your metabolism, how often you use them, and how much you take. When it comes to drug tests, we know that THC can stay in your system and be found in your urine for up to 30 days after the last time you used it. Some information suggests that small amounts of can be found in breast milk for up to six days after use. Of course, this is different for each person.

Risks of Breastfeeding/nursing while using CBD

What you need to know

You might think that CBD is safe for nursing mothers because mother’s milk contains cannabinoids, which are similar to CBD. These cannabinoids might help a newborn get hungry. In fact, they work on the same receptors that get turned on when someone smokes THC and gets the munchies.

But don’t assume that the more people there are, the better. What the body makes naturally is very different from the “artificially imported chemicals” in commercial CBD. Women have been breastfeeding forever. There are no impurities, chemicals, or pesticides in mother’s milk, and it is impossible to get too much of it.

CBD is still not regulated by the FSA, so it is up to each company or brand to make sure that it is safe. Some businesses can pay for tests and studies. Some are not.

A very real problem is that the products are not regulated and may contain harmful chemicals like pesticides, bacteria, fungi, and heavy metals that can hurt the fetus or baby.

So, is it safe to take CBD while nursing/breastfeeding?


CBD oil is generally thought to be safe for most adults, but there is some debate about whether or not it should be used while pregnant or breastfeeding. Cannabidiol was found in the milk of some breastfeeding mothers who used cannabis up to six days after their last use.

To take CBD is a choice that many new mothers make on their own. But if you take prescription drugs, you should talk to your doctor before taking CBD. Cannabinoids are processed by the liver, just like many other prescription drugs. This can increase the risk of certain drugs being toxic to the body, which can then be passed on to the baby.


Check-in with your doctor or other health care provider regularly. Even though CBD comes from a plant, it works smartly to improve the body as a whole. It can also interfere with some medications, such as blood thinners, but not just those.

There isn’t enough research to show how CBD could affect breast milk, so you and your doctor should make the decision. From what we’ve seen, more and more breastfeeding moms are turning to CBD to help with stress, anxiety, and sleep, and they’re getting the help they need. If you decide to use CBD, choose a brand that has been tested by a third party to show that it is honest.

Thank you for reading “Is CBD safe when breastfeeding?”. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact one of our professionals at [email protected]

FAQ – CBD when breastfeeding or nursing

Is CBD safe to use while breastfeeding or nursing?

The safety of CBD during breastfeeding or nursing isn’t conclusively established. Health authorities like the FSA recommend caution and advise against it due to the lack of comprehensive research on its effects on breastfed babies.

Can CBD affect breast milk?

There is limited research on CBD’s impact on breast milk. However, substances consumed by the mother can pass to the baby through breast milk, so it’s advised to be cautious with CBD use during breastfeeding.

Are there any studies on CBD use during breastfeeding?

Current research on CBD use during breastfeeding is limited. The lack of extensive studies means healthcare professionals often advise against its use to ensure the safety of both mother and child.

What are the potential risks of using CBD while nursing?

Potential risks include the transfer of CBD to the infant through breast milk, which might affect the baby’s development. However, the specific effects are not well-studied, leading to recommendations against its use during nursing.

What should I do if I want to use CBD and I’m breastfeeding?

If you’re considering using CBD while breastfeeding, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider. They can offer personalized advice and discuss potential risks and alternative treatments.

The Real CBD oil while Breastfeeding or Nursing

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