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Why Cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly being produced in Spain

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Home » Why Cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly being produced in Spain


CBD is becoming increasingly popular, and Spanish farmers understand that all too well. Subsequently, CBD is produced in Spain.

Spain is, of course, a sun-drenched country, which makes growing the plants relatively inexpensive because no greenhouses are needed. Still, there is a long way to go to play a leading role in cultivation in the European Union.

CBD: what is it good for?

The hemp industry is a traditionally popular industry in Spain. It used to be mainly used to make ropes, but today hemp is used to make CBD oil. Other uses of Cannabidiol (CBD) include CBD pills or a CBD-based cream. CBD has many according to users benefits for physical health but also mental health.


The oil is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. This means that there is no THC in the oil, or at least a lower percentage than 0.2%. THC does appear in recreational such as marijuana. It also means that CBD oil has no psychotic effects and is therefore considered a safe product by the European Union. Products containing CBD are used to relieve pain symptoms or solve sleep problems.

Spain also has illegal growers who grow a higher percentage of THC than allowed (more than 0.2%). That is why legal growers have to sell every plant in advance under contract. This way, there is certainty about the correct THC content in the plant.

Spanish government finally approves use of CBD

The Spanish government has approved two drugs containing CBD for rare forms of . This is a big step in Spain. Until recently, there was no distinction in Spain between recreational and medicinal cannabis use. The fact that medicinal cannabis use is now allowed in Spain also means that the way is clear for rare medicines such as these epilepsy medicines.

What are the current laws regarding CBD in Spain?

Spain has relatively complicated laws around CBD. It can be quite difficult to understand whether CBD is legal, as Spain follows some EU laws on cannabis and CBD, but not others. There are several aspects to these laws.

First, CBD products are allowed to contain less than 0.2% THC. THC is the substance in cannabis that gives you a ‘high’. This law prevents you from accidentally experiencing this.

CBD that you ingest (eat or take in your mouth) is classified as a novel food by the EU. Subsequently, this means that companies must have a licence to sell it. Because if a company only sells CBD products for your skin, they do not have to get this licence. In Spain, you can only sell CBD oil for ingestion if it has been grown and produced in another European country.

Where to buy CBD in Spain?

Farmers can grow hemp on a large scale in Spain, as long as they use EU-certified seeds. These are seeds for varieties containing less than 0.2% THC and the plants can only be used for fibre and seed production. If farmers want to grow hemp for CBD products, they must get a special licence from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health. Furthermore, this can only be done for CBD products applied externally, not for CBD oils you take in your mouth.

More interesting articles related to CBD produced in Spain:

Big plans for CBD industry in Spain

In January 2021, Daniel Fernandez of the Spanish Hemp Association announced that the hemp industry needs to change radically. In Spain, the law now states that hemp cultivation is limited to fibre and seed cultivation. Subsequently, this means that the extraction of CBD is only allowed from the seeds of hemp. According to Fernandez, this view is too narrow because the European Union has just announced that CBD is safe and should actually be able to be sold freely in the European Union.

If Spain modernizes hemp cultivation, the country can take the high ground in Europe by producing CBD in Spain. Fernandez thinks and enters into cooperation with countries in Central Europe and with neighbouring Portugal on cultivation.

Benefits of CBD

Is CBD actually such a wonder drug, or is it a placebo effect? Often, the right mindset can already change your well-being.

To answer this question, we looked for scientific studies.

According to a study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD offers many health benefits. The benefits talked about are:

This report also talks extensively that CBD can help and support Parkinson’s.

In addition, the natural power of CBD can help with many complaints. From severe chronic complaints to mild ones.

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