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CBD Overdose: Can you take too much CBD?

Home » CBD Overdose: Can you take too much CBD?

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It’s natural to wonder what may happen if you take too much CBD. In this article, we explain everything that you need to know.

CBD is known for its many benefits in providing relief for a host of health conditions. But, as CBD’s popularity continues to grow, so do safety concerns — and for a good reason. You can find CBD in almost anything from food to deodorant, you start to wonder whether CBD is safe and about the possibility of CBD overdose.

CBD () is a naturally occurring chemical compound derived from (marijuana and ) plants. The CBD supplements most people encounter are made from legal industrial hemp.

CBD is safe and non-addictive and has no potential for dependence or toxicity. And while there’s no possibility of a dangerous overdose, it is possible some people may experience unpleasant side effects.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most occurring of the active ingredients of cannabis. While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant – both being cannabis. While CBD is a part of marijuana (one of the hundreds), by itself it does not cause a feeling of “high.” According to a report from the World Health Organization, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

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Can you overdose on Cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol products help people get relief from a wide variety of illnesses and discomforts. However, as popularity grows, it is important to stay updated with the research if you decide to use it. While the overdose limit is like drinking 1 liter of a strong oil in two minutes.

According to the National Cancer Institute: “cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur.”

So you can not take a lethal amount of CBD oil, however as we all are reacting differently to cannabidiol – there are a few things to consider before you start your CBD regime.

What happens if you take too much?


CBD is well tolerated by the majority of people and can not lead to any fatal overdose. It is, therefore, considered a safe food supplement.

Most of the time, unpleasant experiences because of cannabis use are due to too much as opposed to CBD. Too much CBD for you may mean the experience of some mild side effects. These can include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizzyness
  • Drowsiness
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • and vomiting

Like any other food supplement, everyone reacts uniquely to different amounts of doses. Besides, factors such as body weight and body chemistry contribute to CBD amount a person should take. Another factor is how you take the product: you might react differently to a dose depending on whether you take a tincture, or eat an edible CBD product such as CBD Gummies. In general, the CBD found in topical products is unlikely to cause side effects, though your skin could still react to other ingredients in the product.


Read more about CBD side effects here

Can you build a tolerance to it?

Short answer: Yes. However, It is hard to say how quickly this happens, and there are factors to consider when taking CBD oil. Science Direct shares that a study conducted by Shimrit Uliel-Sibony, MD, on 92 children and adults with treatment-resistant found that 37% of users built a tolerance that required higher doses of the oil. 

Something to consider when taking cannabidiol is its ability to create reverse tolerance, another thing is your dosage. Some people prefer to micro-dose and change doses to switch up their CBD intake and flow in the system. Like with any supplement you take. Don’t continue forever and ever as your body will “get used to it” and build up a tolerance to it. Take breaks from them occasionally and switch them up.

So, what do you do if you do build a tolerance? Most specialists suggest taking a tolerance break. How long should the break be? This depends on your system. 

A few things to try and write down before, during, and after your first tolerance break are:

  • How long you have been using Cannabidiol
  • Note changes in behavior, symptoms, or side effects
  • Dose amount
  • Dose after you start taking again
  • Whether you are Increasing doses

Good news, though, unlike the suggested four weeks it takes to clean your system of any prescription drug, CBD oil only takes about 3-4 days to reset. Also, The body is such a complex system that it is hard to say that what works for one person works for the next.

CBD and Medication interactions!

The liver breaks down medications with the help of a family of enzymes called cytochrome P450, which converts foreign substances for easy elimination from the body. The CY450 enzyme is responsible for metabolizing several cannabinoids, including THC. However, some medications may speed up or slow drug metabolism.

Some drugs come with a “grapefruit warning” because the fruit can interfere with the metabolism of the drug, and the rate at which it passes from your body. Some research suggests that CBD could affect the same enzyme for drugs containing a grapefruit warning on the label.

If you’re looking to introduce CBD oil to your daily routine, consult a healthcare professional first, especially if you take a drug with a “grapefruit warning.”

Read more about CBD and blood-thinning medication here

Can Pets OD on CBD?

Medically speaking, no. You can’t give your pet too much CBD. However, you CAN give your cat too many terpenes which are part of any Full-Spectrum CBD oil higher than 2.5% in strength

While there are exceptions to every rule, cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t interact with receptors in the brainstem, or areas controlling respiration. This means that lethal overdoses from cannabis, especially CBD extracts, are statistically zero.

Having said that, dogs can only absorb so much CBD oil at a time, so giving them too much will be a waste. Even in extremely large doses, pure CBD is unlikely to cause any serious symptoms.

According to a 2018 critical review report by the World Health Organization, any negative effects from large doses of CBD are likely to top out in extreme drowsiness, lethargy, upset stomach, and in some cases, diarrhea.

Another WHO study on cannabidiol in both humans and animals found “no effect on a wide range of physiological and biochemical parameters or significant effects on animal behaviour unless extremely high doses are administered…in excess of 30 mg per kg of body weight given orally daily for 90 days.”

So while too much cannabidiol isn’t going to hurt your pet in the same way that, say, too many painkillers might, it’s important to start low, go slowly when increasing your dose, and work up to a CBD dosage that most benefits your pet’s quality of life.

What do you do if your pet accidentally gets too much?

You were outside for 5 minutes. This was all the time it took for your dog to get into their bag of cannabidiol dog treats and eat way more than the recommended amount. Now they’re lazing around the house and vomiting and you’re not sure what you should do!

First things first, take deep breaths. Panicking isn’t going to do your dog much good. As cliché as it sounds, the answer to treating CBD overdose symptoms is love. Your sick dog will need a lot of pets, cuddles, and comfort until they start to feel better.

If they don’t start to feel better after 24 hours, you’ll need to bring them into the vet’s office to let a professional take charge of the situation. They’ll be able to provide a little extra comfort and love to stop your dog from panicking.

Can CBD break a fast?

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