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CBD oil and Weight Loss

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CBD oil and weight loss? Have you ever wondered if it works? Could it be the easy way out to get rid of those extra kilos? We have all been there, standing in front of the mirror wondering why you had that piece of cake or those extra drinks. Food and drinks surrounds us everywhere and the temptations are endless. Now, saying no just suddenly got a whole lot easier……..

Home » CBD oil and Weight Loss

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Why is it so hard to keep a diet?

From an entirely logical perspective, eating covers several requirements. It brings the energy to do things, helps us build up stores of energy and provides the materials we need, to build and maintain our bodies. Therefore, our body requires a regular intake of nutrients, vitamins and calories to maintain day-to-day functioning.

However, at some point the human brain gets involved and then everything goes to hell.

Making the right food choices!


Finding food these days isn’t a problem; we can literally get it at the touch of a button – you don’t even have to get up and go to the fridge anymore, with easy apps to have fast food delivered to your door. The fundamental systems in our brain, haven’t quite figured this out yet though (evolution takes a long time, apps do not), so the instinct to eat as much as we can of a thing we like, stays with us.

The fact that while the brain tries to do a sensible job of regulating our appetite, based on calorific requirements, consuming high-calorie foods induces pleasure, all via the reward pathways in the brain This is giving us a very strong liking for these things, regardless of whether we need them or not.

This positive association with certain foods can be so strong, that the brain overrules the stomach when it’s telling us we’ve eaten enough. You’ve probably tried this yourself. You’ve sat groaning after a big meal where you ate a starter and a big main course, meaning your stomach has stretched and released signals saying “no more”. Then the waiter offers to show you the dessert menu, and you say “sure”.

Habits are another problem. The brain is good (and really quick) at habit-forming, especially with food, hence the common term “eating habits”. This is why it can be very hard to stop eating unhealthily.  The brain learns to expect food at certain times, and prompts us when we don’t supply it. Ergo, it takes a lot more willpower than you think to cut down on snacks. Good news is that it only takes 10 days to get rid of a bad habit.

What happens in the brain when we diet?


As most diets are about eating fewer calories than spent, over a period of time, at any start of any diet: YOU ARE HUNGRY!! – both physically and also mentally.

Two hunger hormones are responsible for trying to regulate the body’s need: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is known as the hunger hormone, as it is released when energy in the brain is low. This hormone creates that hungry feeling that convinces you to consume glucose (sugar, carbohydrates) which is your brain’s preferred source for energy. Leptin is known as the satiety hormone, because it signals the brain when you’ve eaten enough and energy levels are met.

These signals have 3 functions. They tell your body when to think about and look for food, when to slow down and conserve energy, and when to store fuel for a coming “famine”— all in the name of survival. “The practical brain isn’t concerned with looking slim and pretty. It is concerned with maintaining life. Your body and brain are programmed to remain stable at your current weight.

How can we alter our thoughts with CBD oil?


Some studies have shown that eating disorders, revolve around the reward system, which ultimately changes our dopamine levels. We can not deny that eating a 3-course meal and coffee and cake is a disorder. Seen from a primal point of view. Additionally, other studies have shown that CBD helps promote a healthy appetite without developing addictive behaviours such as binge-eating or craving unhealthy foods. Research has also shown that CBD-high and THC-low products can actually curb carvings of feel-good snacks and carbohydrates.

This is because CBD works within our own Endocannabinoid system (ECS) a communication system made up of internal cannabinoids, receptor cells, and enzymes found all throughout the body which promotes and maintains a homeostatic balance which includes the way we feel and think. CBD and weight loss – does it work?

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How can it be done? – THCV is the answer!

One of the 113 cannabinoids in the hemp plant called tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) can actually block your mental appetite. Just like THC gives marijuana smokers “the munchies” – does the opposite.

If you want to know more about the cannabinoid THCV read our blog: What is THCV? To learn more about our Natural Appetite Suppressant CBD Oil – Eat Less – please view the video below, and continue reading this article.

How Does CBD Oil Aid Weight Loss?

CBD oil may promote weight loss through several mechanisms. It can enhance metabolism, reduce appetite, and alter fat cell activity within the body. Think of CBD as a conductor in an orchestra, ensuring that all parts of the metabolism play in harmony to optimize fat burning.

The Science Behind CBD Oil and Metabolism

Research suggests that CBD can influence metabolism through its interaction with the , which plays a role in regulating a variety of bodily functions, including metabolism and energy expenditure.

Can you use CBD to lose Belly Fat?

Yes, CBD (Cannabidiol) might be helpful in your journey to lose belly fat, although it should be part of a broader health and wellness routine. Here’s how it could work:

CBD tincture bottle EAT LESS CBD oil - The Real CBD Brand
  1. Metabolism Boost: CBD is known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating metabolism. This interaction could potentially increase your metabolic rate, helping your body to burn calories more efficiently.
  2. Fat Conversion: Some research suggests that CBD can aid in converting white fat cells (which store energy) into brown fat cells (which burn calories). This process can be particularly effective in reducing stubborn belly fat.
  3. Appetite Suppression: Unlike THC, another compound found in , CBD might actually help in suppressing appetite. This could be beneficial in reducing overall calorie intake, a key aspect in weight loss.
  4. Stress and Reduction: CBD is also known for its calming effects, which can be helpful in managing stress and anxiety. High stress levels can lead to weight gain, particularly around the belly area, due to the production of the stress hormone .

However, it’s important to note that CBD should not be seen as a miracle cure for losing belly fat. It’s most effective when used in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep habits. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.

The Real CBD – Eat Less – Natural Appetite Suppressant

Do you struggle to diet? The more you diet – the more you think about food!

The solution is here!

EAT LESS” is a specially formulated CBD oil created to naturally decrease your mental appetite. These drops are designed to help stop you thinking about food all the time. It is a broad spectrum CBD oil with all the necessary cannabinoids. The oil has no taste and no smell. It has no side effects like other appetite suppressants – ex. dry mouth.

Want to curb your cravings and have success with any diet you choose? CBD and weight loss goes hand in hand!

CBD Oil vs. Other Weight Loss Supplements

Hands displaying open CBD tincture bottle and oil dripping from pipette - The Real CBD Brand

When considering weight loss supplements, it’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option available. CBD oil has been gaining popularity as a natural alternative to traditional weight loss supplements, and for good reason. Here’s how CBD oil compares to other common weight loss supplements:

Natural Composition

CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant and contains minimal ingredients, primarily the extract and a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil. This natural composition is a significant advantage for those who prefer clean, minimally processed supplements. In contrast, many conventional weight loss supplements contain a mix of synthetic ingredients and stimulants such as caffeine, which can have undesirable side effects.

Mechanism of Action

CBD oil works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating appetite, metabolism, and energy balance. This interaction can help modulate cravings and improve metabolic functions, potentially aiding in weight management. Other supplements often work by temporarily boosting metabolism or suppressing appetite through stimulants, which can be effective but may not be suitable for long-term use due to potential health risks and side effects.

Long-Term Usability

CBD oil is generally considered safe for long-term use, which is not always the case with traditional weight loss supplements, particularly those containing stimulants. This makes CBD oil a more sustainable option for individuals looking to manage their weight in the long run without the risks associated with prolonged use of stimulants.


The cost of CBD oil can vary, but it is often more expensive than some over-the-counter weight loss supplements. This cost can be attributed to the high-quality hemp cultivation practices and the extraction processes necessary to produce pure, effective CBD oil.

Frequently Asked Questions About CBD Oil and Weight Loss

FAQ in a magnifying glass
How does CBD oil aid in weight loss?

CBD oil can enhance metabolism, reduce appetite, and alter fat cell activity within the body. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help modulate cravings and improve metabolic functions, which can aid in weight management.

Can CBD oil be used to lose belly fat?

es, CBD oil might be effective in reducing belly fat by boosting metabolism and converting white fat cells into brown fat cells that burn calories more efficiently. However, it should be used as part of a comprehensive health routine that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

What are the advantages of CBD oil compared to other weight loss supplements?

CBD oil is derived from natural sources and interacts with the endocannabinoid system to regulate appetite and metabolism without the severe side effects often associated with synthetic ingredients and stimulants found in traditional weight loss supplements.

Is CBD oil safe for long-term use for weight management?

CBD oil is generally considered safe for long-term use, offering a sustainable option for weight management compared to supplements that contain stimulants, which may pose health risks over prolonged periods.

What should I look for when choosing CBD oil for weight loss?

When selecting CBD oil for weight loss, look for high-quality products that are third-party tested for purity and potency. Ensure the product is derived from reputable sources and contains minimal additives. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

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