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CBD Oil vs. Hemp seed Oil

Laboratory man standing in a hemp field with a clip board

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes


As many of you may already know, CBD oil comes from the plant. So why then are CBD oil and such vastly different products?

If you’ve ever pondered this question or have found this page in search of the answer -read on. In our article CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil, you will find out exactly how and why they are so different and which is the right one for you!

What is CBD Oil?

To start answering this question, we will first take a quick look at what CBD oil is. Most people are more aware of what CBD oil can do for you. Fewer people know what it is, how it’s made, and why it’s different from other hemp and hemp-based oils.

What are Cannabinoids?

CBD is the shorthand name for a cannabinoid called . Cannabinoids are compounds found within the plant (of which hemp is a derivative). The most famous of the other cannabinoids is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The one which has the psychoactive element that makes you high when taken. You may have also heard of Cannabigerol (CBG), which has many similar benefits to CBD.

How is CBD Oil Made?

Where hemp and cannabis plants differ, is the levels of each cannabinoid that they are grown specifically to produce. For example, cannabis plants are grown to have much higher concentrations of . Hemp is grown to contain much higher levels of CBD and as little THC as possible.  

CBD, as a compound, is extracted from every part of the hemp plants, including the leaves, stalks, flowers – everything. By extracting from the whole plant, you can get as many cannabinoids, including CBD, from the plant as possible.

The cannabinoids are separated from the other plant compounds, depending on the type of oil you are trying to create. The most common, due to its safety and purity, is a method called supercritical .

If you then separate the CBD from all of the other cannabinoids, you are left with a product known as CBD distillate. This can then be sold on its own as an incredibly potent form of CBD or mixed with other oils and cannabinoids to form what is known as broad or full-spectrum CBD oil.

Full-spectrum CBD oil is generally made by combining the higher-level CBD pastes or isolates with a carrier oil (just to make matters more confusing). Typically, Hemp Seed or Coconut oil.

How is CBD oil made?

Why is this Important?

So, as you can see, CBD oils are made by a rigorous process of extracting and isolating the CBD to give manufacturers control over strengths, dosages, and mixtures of a massive range of products.

Because each cannabinoid can be isolated and removed, THC levels can be controlled to a level where they won’t produce any psychoactive effects. It also means that other cannabinoids (each with its unique benefits) can be mixed in at greater or lesser levels depending on the desired effect of each product.

What is Hemp seed Oil?

Whilst it sounds as though CBD oil should be called hemp oil (bearing in mind it’s taken from the whole hemp plant), it’s a very different product.

Hemp seed oil is essentially a more common marketing name given to hemp SEED oil. The latter name gives away precisely what part of the hemp plant you are getting with hemp oil.

Hemp seed oil is made by grinding up and seeds of the hemp plant and extracting the oil. The hemp seeds, comparatively to the rest of the plant, contain very little in the way of active cannabinoids. However, they are a fantastic source of vitamin E and fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6.

What is Hemp seed Oil Used For?

Because of its high levels of vitamins, omegas, and fatty acids, hemp oil is a sought-after product in the world of skincare and beauty. Another of the most popular uses of hemp oil is actually in cooking for this exact same reason. You can take it in pill form, oil form, sprays, and topical lotions (much like CBD oil).

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What are the Benefits of Hemp seed Oil?

Fatty acids and omegas are great for a healthy heart, brain, circulation, and immune response. This makes hemp oil a great healthy alternative to vegetable or olive oil when cooking as it contains as much as 25x more omegas than olive oil with no trans fats (bad fats) whatsoever.

Why all the Confusion?

A lot of the confusion about the two oils revolves around the fact, that both products come from the same plant. There is also a lot of crossover in the marketing of both CBD oil and hemp oil. Both types of products use many of the same wordings, designs, and logos as each other. This can make it hard to visually separate the two online or in-stores.

Another cause of confusion is because most full-spectrum CBD oils are made by combining a higher strength CBD paste or distillate with a hemp seed carrier oil. This is done so that strengths and dosages can be controlled precisely, and people can have a choice of CBD oils that are right for them and their needs.

Which oil is Right for Me?

If you are looking to increase the levels of healthy fats in your diet, you can definitely do worse than taking a good organic hemp seed oil.

However, the range of health benefits associated with taking CBD has been growing every year. It seems as though we have only scratched the surface, of what CBD is capable of as a compound. Some of the health benefits already associated with CBD are:

CBD is also being used to alleviate and control some symptoms associated with severe and debilitating conditions such as epilepsy and cerebral palsy.

Can You Take CBD and Hemp seed Oil Together?

The best thing about CBD and hemp oils is that if you don’t know which you would rather take, it doesn’t have to be a choice.

You can safely take both CBD oil and hemp oil together with no side effects or interactions with one another. In fact, they both work very well in tandem with one another, and you can experience the best that both have to offer as a result! We hope you’ve found this article informative, and it answered any questions you might have. However, please feel free to get in touch with our wonderful team who will be more than happy to help if you do have any further questions. Alternatively, check out our blog page, where we have hundreds of posts regarding all things CBD-related.

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