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CBD oil for pets – What scientists really think!

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Home » CBD oil for pets – What scientists really think!

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For many of us, the furry friends are not only companions but part of the family. We take their health as seriously as our own (if not more…). As supplements continue to rise in popularity, it might not come as a surprise that there are similar supplements available for dogs as for us. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become a popular addition to people’s everyday lives in the past few years, but are you aware of its potential benefits for your four-legged friends? Find out more about the benefits of CBD oil for pets – what the scientists really think here.

1. CBD oil for Pets

Although your veterinarian will likely tell you something along the lines of “research is ongoing and we’re not making recommendations now,” it’s worth doing your own research to find the best solution for your pet. You may be on your own, but you can still find healthy solutions that work—just know that you’ll be giving your pet CBD at your own risk.

Dogs and CBD oil

When it comes to cannabis, dogs have a slightly different endocannabinoid system than humans. Canines have a higher concentration of CB1 receptors in the cerebellum than any other species, and THC is a partial agonist of these receptors. This means that dogs have increased sensitivity to THC, but CBD is different because it does not have much direct action with these CB1 receptors. Because of this, it’s unlikely that CBD would harm your dog, but anything heavy in THC should probably be avoided unless prompted otherwise by a trusted vet.

Although THC and CBD should be used together for therapeutic purposes, extracts that are high in CBD and low in THC are preferred, as they are considered to be widely available and legal in more areas. Lab test results, especially from a third-party lab, can determine the percentage of CBD and THC within a hemp extract. This way, you can ensure that any CBD oil given to your dog as accurately labelled.

Cats on CBD oil

Besides what’s stated above about CBD and THC for dogs, there is another factor to the CBD oil if you want to give it to your cat, that you should be aware of. Cats can only tolerate very small amounts of terpenesTerpenes are another part of a full spectrum CBD oil. Therefore, we can only recommend you to give a maximum strength of 2.5% CBD to your cat at any time. Too many in a cat liver can be toxic.

2. Pet conditions CBD can help alleviate!


Our beloved pets require regular medical attention to treat minor ailments. While common issues such as ear infections and skin allergies are rarely life-threatening, they can be unexpected and expensive. To help identify common medical conditions, we encourage pet owners to familiarize themselves with their pet’s daily routines and schedule regular medical checkups as recommended by their vets. The majority of conditions on the top 10 list can be successfully managed if treated promptly by a vet. Early detection can prevent many of these issues from becoming severe and making treatment more costly.

More information:

3. Pets Growing old with CBD oil


Our senior pets can suffer from a mental decline in their old age just as we humans do. CBD oil may help protect the brain from toxicity, which can protect brain cells from death or damage. While more research is needed, studies have suggested beneficial effects for conditions like disease in humans.

As our furry friends start to age, they can begin to experience a decline in their digestive system functions. CBD and other cannabinoids have been shown to improve symptoms of a slowed digestive system and the ability to take nutrition from foods.

is a common problem for older dogs and new research shows the benefits of CBD for exactly this condition. Read more about that here

4. CBD for Anxiety

Does your dog or cat hide under the bed every time there’s a thunderstorm? How about when you take him for a car ride or when he has to meet new people? Or what about when you leave him alone at home for a few hours?

If your dog gets nervous, anxious or stressed out, there are certain things you can do to calm him down …

Dogs, Cats, and horses can become anxious from many different things like thunder or fireworks or in situations where there is a lot of happening. If you have a pet that suffers from , CBD oil might be able to help, as CBD has soothing and calming properties.

More about CBD for Pets

5. Benefits of CBD for Pain

CBD is well-known for its ability to ease pain. CBD oil could help your pet with long-term pain without the side effects that come with conventional painkillers.

In theory, the anti-inflammatory effect seen in pets with arthritis could also be seen in animals with other types of inflammatory pain, especially back pain from intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).

Preliminary studies in people have shown that combo products containing both CBD and THC are more beneficial for pain relief than when either drug is given alone. So we always recommend a full-spectrum CBD oil with a trace amount of THC in.

6. Pet cancer and CBD


Research has shown that CBD oil and other compounds found in hemp may have an anti-tumor effect. CBD oil could stop cells from growing.

Like seizures, the term “cancer” is an umbrella term that refers to an extremely diverse set of specific diseases, each with its own set of beneficial treatments.

However, the anti-nausea effects of CBD seen in people who undergo chemotherapy is documented in rats and ferrets. This suggests that dogs receiving chemotherapy may benefit from CBD treatment.

7. Canine Epilepsy

Many pets suffer from seizures and must take medications that can be hard on the liver with long-term use. In humans with epilepsy, CBD can reduce the total number of seizures. And a small study showed that CBD can reduce seizure frequency in canines, although further studies are needed.

With regards to idiopathic epilepsy specifically, there is some research that suggests that CBD could be useful in reducing seizure frequency in these animals.

8. Cannabidiol for pets is anti-inflammatory

Older pets often suffer from inflammation caused by arthritis, which can be very painful. CBD oil as a supplement may help target those aching joints. In fact, a small study showed that 2 mg/kg of CBD twice a day helped alleviate discomfort in canines.

9. Even Pets can get itchy skin

CBD oil rich in omega-6 fatty acids may help pets who have dry and itchy skin. Since CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, it can help humans with certain skin conditions and therefore may also alleviate these conditions in dogs.

One of the most common skin disease affecting dogs is atopic dermatitis, a chronic inflammatory disease associated with allergies.

10. The Real CBD for Pets

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