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CBD oil for wrinkles

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Home » CBD oil for wrinkles

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CBD Skincare is everywhere! But does it work? Fine lines and deeper wrinkles may seem unavoidable as we get older. To be honest, there are plenty of products on the market that claim to turn back the clock and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. With the growing popularity of (CBD) in topicals, it’s natural to wonder if this phytocannabinoid derived from hemp plants can also be an anti-wrinkle miracle. Does CBD oil help with wrinkles? How does CBD help the skin’s overall appearance? In this article, we’ll look at how CBD interacts with the skin and supports overall health and radiance.

What Causes Wrinkles to Form?

Before we get into the effects of CBD Skincare on wrinkles, it’s important to understand why they form in the first place.

To begin, the proteins collagen and elastin are in charge of preventing wrinkles and maintaining a smooth skin surface. As the body produces less collagen over time, skin firmness declines. Because this is a natural biological process, older people are more prone to visible lines and wrinkles.

The decrease in natural oil production in the skin is another factor in the formation of wrinkles. When oil production decreases, the skin’s ability to maintain optimal moisture levels suffers.

This reduces elastin levels, impeding the skin’s natural ability to reconstruct and regenerate.

Other wrinkle risk factors include:

  • Hormonal condition ()
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Concurrent disease
  • Exposure to sunlight

According to one study, people with white skin are more likely to have wrinkles than people with other skin types.

How do wrinkles appear?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. Fine lines and deeper wrinkles form along the eyes, lips, and face due to a decrease in the skin’s moisture content and elasticity.

Some wrinkle causes are genetic, while others are caused by the environment and other external factors. One of the leading causes of wrinkles is spending too much time outside without adequate sun protection. According to a 2019 study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, air pollutants also contribute to premature skin aging.


How does CBD skincare function?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the body system in charge of maintaining our balance. (All mammals, in fact, have an endocannabinoid system.) Endocannabinoids, which are compounds that interact directly with the ECS, is produced by our bodies.

Plant-derived phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, act similarly to the compounds produced by the body and interact with the ECS.

The ECS is intimately linked to the skin; a 2019 study published in Molecules concluded that this system is “deeply involved” in the skin’s function.

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refers to a person’s natural state of being. That is, a healthy ECS and happy skin are inextricably linked.

How Does CBD Oil Aid in the Treatment of Wrinkles?

CBD oil may aid in the treatment of wrinkles by addressing both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. CBD works primarily by balancing the body’s natural ability to produce cannabinoids via the endocannabinoid system and compensating for age-related declines.

The endocannabinoid system controls many internal brain functions, including sleep, mood, and appetite. CBD oil may help regulate the body’s natural hormonal balance by influencing internal receptors.

This ostensible function may promote healthy skin. However, research is limited, and there is insufficient hard evidence to draw any conclusions at this time.

Let’s take a look at some of the other mechanisms CBD skincare may use to potentially reduce the prevalence of wrinkles.

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CBD is a phytocannabinoid that is found in the Cannabis Sativa L plant. It’s one of the plant’s main active ingredients, but there are at least 80-100 naturally occurring — if not more.

Because CBD oil can contain pure extract isolated from other cannabinoids, it stands to reason that CBD skincare could play a role in wrinkle reduction.

CBD molecules were originally thought to bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain, but current thinking suggests that CBD influences these receptors indirectly. This effect alters the activity of the body’s endocannabinoid system, which generates naturally occurring cannabinoids.

Antioxidant Capabilities

CBD has been shown in studies to be an antioxidant. Its antioxidant properties aid in the fight against free radicals, which cause cell damage. CBD can slow down collagen breakdown within skin tissue and cells by reducing free radical activity in the body.

Skin Inflammation Has Been Reduced

It is well known that skin inflammation causes the body to release chemicals that damage elastin, collagen, and other structural aspects of the skin. As a result, wrinkling occurs.

CBD’s properties may help to reduce natural skin inflammation, slowing the aging process.

Increasing Natural Oil Production

The loss of the skin’s natural oil production is one of the primary causes of wrinkles. CBD’s influence on the endocannabinoid system suggests that it may enhance the natural oil secretions of the face.

CBD skincare products help maintain high skin hydration levels by promoting natural oil production, promoting healthy and supple skin.

Stress Reduction

CBD’s ability to reduce anxiety is one of its distinguishing features. CBD recreational users report feeling less stressed and anxious when they take it on a daily basis.

Reducing in this way fights off early aging and may delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Furthermore, CBD users report better quality sleep, which contributes to smoothing out facial skin and maintaining a youthful appearance.

Increase Skin Cell Regeneration

Skin cells regenerate more slowly as people age. When the skin is damaged by external risk factors such as sun exposure and pollutants, the skin’s integrity is jeopardized.

Some researchers believe that CBD can stimulate the growth of new skin cells, which can help keep skin supple, youthful, and hydrated.

How to Apply CBD Oil to Wrinkles

CBD oil for wrinkles is by far the most effective way to consume CBD. Other methods of delivery may not be as effective in combating the signs of aging.

For example, smoking or vaping CBD will quickly deliver CBD into the body, but smoking is an environmental factor that may harm the skin; thus, the benefits of CBD may be offset by this delivery method.

CBD oil can be consumed orally by swallowing it or sublingually by placing a few drops under the tongue for at least 30 second.

You don’t have to worry about accidentally taking too much CBD because it’s nearly impossible to overdose on it.

Most human studies use CBD doses ranging from 20 mg to 1500 mg per day. We recommend beginning with low doses and gradually increasing your intake over time.

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Topicals vs. CBD Oil

Ingestion or sublingual consumption of CBD oil is the most effective method for rapidly delivering CBD into the body.

There are, however, differences in how long it takes to feel the effects of CBD:

  • Ingestion time: 1-2 hours
  • Sublingual – 30 minutes or less
  • N/A for topicals

CBD oil provides all of the benefits of ingesting CBD, whereas topicals such as lotions, ointments, and salves provide a more targeted approach to wrinkle reduction.

CBD topicals of high quality can be applied to specific target areas to gradually reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. The key is to buy CBD topicals that contain high concentrations of pure CBD.

There are no drawbacks to using CBD oil and topicals together. Both provide a unique experience and, when combined, may enhance CBD’s anti-wrinkle effects.

Adopt a Good Skincare Routine

The potential benefits of CBD oils and topicals should not be regarded as silver bullets. Consider using CBD products to supplement a healthy skin regimen. This will give you better results and healthier-looking skin.

Here are some helpful hints for maintaining healthy skin:

  • Drink Water – To properly hydrate your skin, drink 6-8 cups of water per day.
  • Eat a Healthy Diet – What you eat has an impact on how you look. Fast food and greasy meals harm the body in multiple ways.
  • Avoid Harsh Products – Cosmetics and facewashes with strong fragrances can irritate the skin and deplete it of its natural oils. Consider using kinder products.
  • Sun Protection – Try to avoid going outside during the hottest parts of the day. If you must go outside, use a high SPF CBD-infused sunscreen.
  • Quit smoking – Any type of smoking is a major risk factor for wrinkles and premature aging. This is why it is advised to avoid smoking and vaping CBD oil.

Precautions to Take When Using CBD Oil for Wrinkles

While CBD oil is generally safe to consume for fighting the signs of aging, you should still use these products with caution.

For starters, higher doses may cause unpleasant side effects, especially if you’ve never used CBD before. Begin each day with the recommended dose on the bottle before gradually increasing your dosage.

You should also avoid vaping and smoking CBD oil. Although smoking and vaping CBD-infused vape juice is a popular method of administration, smoking has been linked to premature aging.

Some evidence suggests that vaping can have the same negative effects on the skin as smoking.

Finally, if you are taking any prescription medication, particularly blood thinners, consult your doctor before using any CBD product. To avoid complications when using CBD oil for wrinkles, always follow your doctor’s advice.

Final Thoughts: Does CBD Work for Wrinkles?

CBD’s exact mechanisms and effects on the body’s endocannabinoid system are still unknown to scientists. Despite this, limited animal research and small human studies have shown that CBD can help with wrinkles.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD has a positive effect on the primary signs of aging. The effects are not immediate, so expect to use CBD oils and topicals for several months before noticing any changes in your skin.

In any case, because CBD is non-intoxicating, there is little to no risk to your health in trying it out.

If you have any serious side effects or are taking prescription medication, stop using CBD right away and consult your doctor.

Thank you for reading the CBD oil for wrinkles blog. Should you have any doubts or any questions feel free to contact one of our consultants for a chat.

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