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CBD Oil for Pets with Anxiety

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Does your furry friend hide under the bed every time there’s a thunderstorm? Or do you know there will be trouble if you leave him alone at home for a few hours? If your pet gets nervous, anxious or stressed out in certain situations, there are things you can do to calm him down…… and one of the best ones is to use CBD oil for pets with anxiety.

Home » CBD Oil for Pets with Anxiety

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Pet anxiety causes?

First you need to find out what is causing the and there are 2 options:

  1. Situations – such as thunderstorms, fireworks, strangers and travel
  2. Behaviours – like separation anxiety

Symptoms of a pets’ anxiety can include:

  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Whimpering
  • Trembling
  • Aggression
  • Urinating or defecating on the floor despite being house-trained
  • Nervous licking of the lips
  • Loss of appetite

Luckily, CBD oil can work on all of these symptoms and give your pet some much-needed relief.

What does CBD stand for?

CBD is a compound that is found naturally in the plant. CBD does not make you feel high like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another well-known compound in hemp. This means that neither people nor animals can get “high” from it.

What does CBD do for a dog?

ECS system in dogs infographic

The (ECS) in both people and dogs is affected by CBD. The ECS is a complicated network of receptors and chemicals that help control things like mood, appetite, pain perception, and immune reaction.

When dogs eat CBD, it reacts with the receptors in their ECS, which could affect the balance and health of their bodies as a whole. It might help people feel calmer, less anxious, less in pain, and healthier generally.

Benefits of CBD for dogs with anxiety.

  • Pain Relief: It has been shown that CBD may have analgesic qualities, which means that it may help dogs deal with pain. It could help dogs who have ongoing pain, joint pain, arthritis, or are recovering from surgery.
  • Epilepsy and Getting Rid of Seizures: Some studies show that CBD may help dogs with epilepsy have fewer and less severe seizures. It might stop seizures in dogs with epilepsy or other conditions that cause them to have them.
  • Appetite Stimulation and Health of the stomach System: CBD might make a dog hungrier and help with stomach problems. It might make dogs eat more if they have lost their appetite because of illness or a side effect of a drug. CBD might also help with nausea, vomiting, or pain in the stomach or intestines.
  • Supporting general Health: When CBD interacts with the ECS, it may help dogs’ general health. It might help you sleep better, keep your immune system in good shape, and keep your mood stable.

CBD is often used for dogs.

CBD comes in many different forms for dogs, such as oils, treats, pills, and topicals. Some popular ways that CBD is used for dogs are:

  • CBD Oil: CBD oil is a popular way for dogs to get CBD. Most of the time, it is given by mouth, either straight to the dog or mixed with their food. CBD oil makes it easy to dose accurately and change the dose as needed.
  • CBD Treats: CBD-infused treats are a tasty and easy way for dogs to get their CBD. They come in different flavours and types, which makes them a popular choice among pet owners.
  • CBD Topicals: CBD topicals, like balms or creams, are put on the dog’s skin. They may help with skin problems, hot spots, or joint pain in a certain area.

How can we help our pets with the anxiety?

CBD is becoming a fast-growing help for many different symptoms that come along with a pet ageing or their mental health. It is making their quality of life a lot better.

CBD itself is a compound of the hemp plant that is called , and is known as one of the cannabinoid compounds.  CBD Pet products contains less than 0.2% THC when properly produced and this is important; because that amount is nontoxic to dogs. It is also non-psychoactive. Make sure to check that any CBD you administer to your furry friends falls in the less than 0.2% THC category. It should stat the THC content on the label.

CBD for pets with anxiety works its way through the body through the endocannabinoid system, which all mammals have (including humans). This system will use the CBD compound, and have it work its way through the nervous system.  This is also the process that allows the CBD compound to enter the brain releasing serotonin, which is a way to calm the body down, meaning it helps reduce anxiety in pets.

How much CBD should you give your pet?

Every pet and every situation is different, so you will need to try with a dose in the middle of the recommended range and monitor (1mg-5mg of CBD pr. 5kg body weight). You should see calming effects within an hour. If not, you may want to give more CBD oil and observe your pet again. Your pet should not be lethargic, simply visibly calmer, and symptoms such as panting, pacing and whining should be less once the right dosage has been found. There is no known toxicity level, so you can safely experiment to find the right dose.

If you’re using other medications, make sure you check with your veterinarian before using CBD oil. Many holistic and integrative vets are more familiar with this option and will be easily able to answer your questions.

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What’s the best way to give a pet CBD?

A variety of forms of CBD for pets are in the market. CBD treats for dogs can be a convenient and a nice way to dose, but can get expensive for larger dogs over the long term, or may not be good for dogs on a very limited diet.

You may want to choose a full spectrum CBD oil that provide an entourage effect by giving a large spectrum of benefits.

Bottled CBD oils with droppers are a great option because you can easily give your dog the correct dose, adding it to food or a treat.

Since many CBD products have a “grassy” taste, some pets run away just seeing the bottle, and they can detect the “grassy” smell on even the nicest piece of bacon.  Look for a tasteless and odorless product.

Frequently Asked Questions About Using CBD Oil for Pets with Anxiety

FAQ in a magnifying glass
What are the common causes of pet anxiety?

Pet anxiety can stem from various situations such as thunderstorms, fireworks, encounters with strangers, and travel. Behavioural issues like separation anxiety also contribute significantly to anxiety in pets.

How does CBD oil help dogs with anxiety?

CBD oil interacts with the endocannabinoid system in dogs, which helps regulate mood, pain perception, appetite, and immune response. It can promote relaxation, reduce nervous behaviors, and decrease anxiety levels in stressful situations or environments.

What are the benefits of CBD oil for dogs with anxiety?

CBD oil can offer stress and anxiety relief, pain relief, reduce inflammation, help control seizures, stimulate appetite, and support overall gastrointestinal health. It also contributes to general wellness by enhancing sleep and stabilizing mood.

How much CBD oil should I give my pet for anxiety?

The dosage of CBD oil for pets typically ranges from 1mg to 5mg per 5kg of body weight. Start with a dose in the middle of the recommended range and observe the effects. Adjust the dosage if necessary, depending on your pet’s response.

What is the best way to administer CBD to pets?

The best way to give CBD to pets is using CBD oil with a dropper, as it allows for precise dosage adjustments. The oil can be added to food or a treat. If your pet is sensitive to the taste, look for tasteless and odorless CBD oil products to make administration easier.

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