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CBD oil for Obesity: Can I lose weight with CBD oil?

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Do you find it difficult to shed those extra pounds? Then you are far from the only one. Some people find it easier to lose weight than others. There are many reasons for this. While our diet and lifestyle have a big influence on our weight, part of the explanation can also lie in our genes and even be traced all the way back to our mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy. A new question has arisen because of its popularity: CBD oil for obesity – can I lose weight with CBD oil?

Home » CBD oil for Obesity: Can I lose weight with CBD oil?

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

1. What is obesity?

How long does CBD stay in your body

Since the 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of what has quickly become known as the obesity epidemic. Figures from 2016 show that worldwide there are 1.9 billion adults and 381 million children who are overweight or obese.

Extreme obesity and overweight are not an actual disease. However, the conditions are nevertheless perceived as a major threat to our health. This is because the fat often settles around the internal organs, and therefore can create inflammation. The side effects of obesity are many, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, sleep problems, impure skin, and even cancer.

Our modern lifestyle is probably our biggest challenge because of a lack of exercise and a poor diet. But can CBD oil help us achieve a normal weight?

2. What can we do to fight obesity?


We know that fruits and vegetables are healthy. However, it is not always the healthy foods that end up in our shopping cart. At the same time, we also move less. On top of that, if you suffer from stress, for example, you are also at risk of being or becoming overweight.

In the past, the cure for obesity and overweight was strict diets that rarely worked. Adding of course healthier eating and more exercise. Recent research shows that while diet and exercise for the vast majority of us are actually the easiest way to lose those extra pounds. However, there are some cases where it just isn’t enough.

Research say about CBD oil for Obesity

Research has now found that obesity and overweight are not 100% self-inflicted. Having too many kilos on the side is not only due to the fact that we eat too much and move too little. Also, our environment can affect our weight. This is because our cultural and social relationships create an unconscious connection to food, which is not always the healthiest.

For example, every fourth person in the western world eats in front of the television or computer. When we do this, we also tend to eat more calories. Our attention is on other things while we eat. We do not think about how much and even what we actually consume. We don’t taste the food and we don’t really think about it. This makes it easy to eat too much.

Overeating, fatty foods and many calories are not healthy in the long run, especially not for the gut. Your gut bacteria have a big influence on how much fat accumulates in your blood vessels and internal organs. This is exactly why researchers are now interested in whether CBD oil might help against obesity. CBD oil has a really good relationship with our gut.

If you want to learn more about CBD and your gut health click here

3. CBD oil for obesity

What is the endocannabinoide system (Infographic)

CBD oil is an extract from the plant, also known as . Unlike THC, CBD can neither make you high nor give you the munchies, but instead works the exact opposite: it can give you peace and balance. The reason lies in the way our body uses CBD: CBD oil is not absorbed directly but help activate our endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors that help stabilize the body’s other systems, including the central nervous system, the , the cardiovascular system, and also our intestinal system. So as CBD can activate and balance our endocannabinoid system, CBD oil can potentially help to create a natural balance in our intestinal flora.

Specifically, studies have suggested that CBD oil can help the body burn fat and thus potentially prevent overweight and obesity. This is because CBD appears to increase the effect of the genes and proteins that activate brown fat cells.

4. What is brown and white fat?

All fat is not created equal. There are two types: brown and white. But while the brown fat cells burn energy and therefore also fat, white fat cells store energy. So white fat is fat, while brown fat can burn the white.

Obesity is characterized by a growth in white adipose tissue, which accumulates when we consume more calories than we burn. If the white adipose tissue grows a lot, then the body’s metabolism (burning) is disturbed, which can increase the risk of developing high blood sugar, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

By activating the brown adipose tissue that burns energy/fat, you can potentially protect the body from the dangers of the white adipose tissue. White adipose tissue is more susceptible to than brown fat, which is also the reason why overweight people are more often affected by diseases than normal-weight people.

CBD oil can help the endocannabinoid system activate the genes and proteins that activate brown fat. At the same time, brown fat cells burn the whites through heat production, and therefore exercise and cold can thus help to set the body’s natural burning of white fat in motion.

But before you head out into the snow hoping to freeze the fat away, it’s worth considering how to balance your endocannabinoid system.

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5. Obesity and endocannabinoids

By activating the endocannabinoid system, CBD oil can help the body to activate a natural burning of fat. At the same time, activating the system can also help the body efficiently absorb the energy from our food and burn it again – as long as we live healthily.

Because of the link between our endocannabinoid system, the gut, and our weight, researchers point out that regulating the endocannabinoid system may prevent and even reverse obesity.

Therefore, an endocannabinoid balance with the help of CBD oil can potentially help our body prevent and treat many of the consequences that obesity and overweight can cause, for example:

6. What does the research say?

At the same time, research shows that because CBD oil balances the endocannabinoid system, the body is also better able to minimize the damage of type 1 diabetes. Part of the reason is the terpene limonene, which is found in many citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, lime), plants such as marigold and thus also in CBD oil from the hemp plant.

7. CBD oil for obesity and overweight


Our new CBD products have a delicious scent and taste of citrus, which comes from the fragrance limonene, also called a terpene. Lemonene is one of the most common terpenes in nature.

In a research study, lemonene has shown the potential to treat the damage that can occur in the brain and on the blood vessels after a stroke caused by high blood pressure. This specific terpene have lowered (both upper and lower) and also reduced the risk of inflammation and increased amounts of oxygen, which are formed in the blood vessels of people with high blood pressure.

At the same time, the limonene in CBD oil can also benefit people with high blood sugar because an active endocannabinoid system can help balance insulin levels in the blood. In this way, CBD oil can potentially prevent type 2 diabetes, because, among other things, limonene ensures that insulin production is balanced. CBD oil activates the endocannabinoid system and stimulates the burning of white fat.

Studies have also shown that limonene possesses antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering properties, and CBD oil with limonene as a daily supplement may also benefit the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases, according to research.

CBD oil as a daily supplement can thus help balance blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and metabolism, and therefore potentially prevent a wide range of diseases, even in people on a fatty diet. But the best thing about CBD oil is probably that it can also give you strength for your daily exercise.

8. Can I lose weight with CBD oil?


CBD oil as a daily supplement can be an ideal supplement to a healthy diet and lifestyle, but can one lose weight by using CBD oil?

CBD oil can help prevent obesity and CBD activates our internal system of endocannabinoids that help speed up fat burning. But most importantly, CBD oil can help you on your way to a healthier everyday life.

Many of our users tell us that they experience an inner calm and a surplus of energy after they started using CBD oil This motivates one to live a healthier and more active life. In addition to the fact that CBD oil contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids that strengthen the body, CBD can also contribute to a better mood, because it stimulate the production of the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which make us happy and relaxed

With CBD you can enjoy your exercise and you generally will feel healthier, happier, and calmer. According to a study, CBD could make it easier for you to lose weight. CBD has been associated with smaller portion sizes in obese rats. You could feel satiated quicker and could prevent you from wanting to snack in between meals.

Through activation of our endocannabinoid system, CBD can regulate our feeling of hunger and satiety, while helping to alleviate and depression. This means that CBD oil can potentially also be a great support for those suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and overeating, and help create a good relationship with food.

9. The benefits of CBD oil for weight loss

  • Reduces appetite to curb eating habits
  • Helps chronic inflammation associated with obesity
  • Supports optimal hormone function
  • Alleviates digestive disorders and inflammation
  • Optimizes mitochondria function (where sugar and fat is burned for energy)
  • May reduce insulin resistance

10. CBD and insulin


In a large study involving nearly 4700 patients with metabolic disease, CBD use were shown to offer a 17% reduction in fasting insulin.

This is significant because if we can lower insulin levels, it becomes much easier to shed those last remaining pounds.

These effects are also extremely valuable for those with obesity, as it helps to stabilize insulin levels, and starts the process of curbing weight back down to healthy levels. It is perhaps the most beneficial activity provided by CBD oil for obesity in the long run.

It’s important to note here that, although CBD is considered the main cannabinoid for producing these effects, it works better in a full-plant extract than in CBD isolates.

We always recommend going with a high-quality full-spectrum hemp extract for supporting insulin levels and cutting weight.

11. CBD and Belly Fat Reduction


Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight. It’s seriously harmful and linked to many chronic diseases. CBD’s influence on the ECS could help in regulating the storage and metabolism of fats. Research indicates that CBD may promote the conversion of white fat cells, which store energy, into brown fat cells, which burn calories. This conversion process is crucial for reducing visceral fat, the dangerous fat type stored in the abdominal cavity.

Boosting Metabolism with CBD

A key factor in losing weight is to have a functioning metabolism that effectively burns calories. CBD might boost metabolism by increasing the number and activity of mitochondria in the body’s cells. This increase leads to a rise in the body’s ability to burn calories, thereby aiding in weight loss and reduction of belly fat.

CBD’s Role in Appetite Suppression

Contrary to popular belief that cannabis stimulates appetite, CBD does the opposite by potentially suppressing appetite. This is crucial in reducing calorie intake, a vital aspect of any weight loss journey, particularly when it comes to shedding belly fat.

12. The Real CBD for Obesity

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