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CBD oil for Dog Dementia

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Home » CBD oil for Dog Dementia

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Have you started to notice that your older dog may no longer know where he or she is? They may also seem lost and wander around the house. Furthermore, they may get stuck in a room and not know how to get out. All of these are signs that your dog has Alzheimer’s.

When your dog has dementia, there are many things you can do to help. If you have seen any of these signs in your dog, you should talk to your vet about the best way to treat your dog, but you should strongly consider CBD for dog dementia as a way to help.

What is dementia in dogs? 

Dog dementia can also be called CCD, which stands for “Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.” This is a lot like Alzheimer’s disease in people. Your dog’s mind will slowly lose its ability to work. This is something that older dogs often have.


There are no specific signs that would make you think your dog has dementia. Moreover, many of these signs could be caused by something else. Some of the signs that a dog has dementia are:

Disorientation and a higher level of worry

If your dog has CCD or dementia, you may notice that he or she paces behind closed doors. Most of the time, people pace because they are lost. They might not remember how to leave the room or even where they live. You might also see them staring off into space as if they were looking at a wall. This could be a home they’ve had for a long time. They might not even realize it because their mind is getting worse.

This makes sense to make people feel more worried. Think about what would happen if we were totally lost and didn’t know where we were or where to go. We would start to worry, too. There may be a lot of anxious barking. In addition, you know what each bark means to your dog. You might hear them barking and howling, which are both signs that they are in trouble.

Lack of Control Over Bowel

Lack of bowel control is another sign that a dog has CCD or dementia. Even if your dog has always gone to the bathroom outside, it could start having accidents in the house. Don’t get upset if this happens; it’s not their fault. They may not be able to control their bowels because they are anxious or because they have another health problem. Give your dog comfort and reassurance that everything will be fine. If you stay positive, they’re more likely to do the same.

Changes in Hunger

When a dog has CCD or dementia, it may also eat less or more than usual. Most of the time, this is because they are anxious, but it could also be because they forget to eat because of their CCD. You can make them wait to eat until they remember, or you can put their food bowl right in front of them.

Changes in how your dog hears and/or see

It’s important to remember that a dog’s hearing or vision can change, which can cause some of the same symptoms as CCD or dementia. For example, if a dog loses the ability to hear or see, it might get lost and feel more anxious as a result. To rule out CCD or dementia in dogs, you should have your vet check your dog’s hearing and vision.

Supporting Dogs With Dementia or Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Dog with bowl

There is no cure for dementia in dogs or Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. However, there are ways that you can help keep your pet comfortable and slow its decline. 

Minimizing Stress for Dogs With Dementia

For dogs with CCD or dementia, it is important to keep them on a regular schedule. Even if your dog has trouble remembering the routine, it can help them feel calm and in control. Also, listening to soft music and working out regularly can help ease their anxiety.

Adding omega-3 fatty acids to a dog’s diet is another thing you can do to help their brain health. Full Spectrum: One option is Extract, which is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are good for the brain. Also, essential oils like lavender can help calm older dogs with dementia and make them feel more at ease.

It is important to talk to your vet, preferably a holistic vet, about supplements that can help slow down the decline and about all of your options for dogs with dementia.

CBD Oil for Dementia in Dogs

CBD has been shown to help with a wide range of symptoms and illnesses in animals, including seizures, pain, anxiety, and even neurological problems in dogs. In fact, Some governments have a patent on as a neuro-protectant

CBD has been shown to help brain function. Furthermore, this review showed how CBD products can provide symptomatic relief for Alzheimer’s.

More from our Blog:

Research on CBD for Dementia in Dogs

The AHVMA recently published a Scientific Review on the Integrative Treatment of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, by Janice L. Huntingford, DVM, MS.

CBD affects both GABA and serotonin receptors and has been shown to have anxiolytic properties. A review by Maroon and Bost discussed the neuroprotective benefits of CBD, which include decreasing the production of inflammatory cytokines, influencing microglial cells to return to a ramified state, preserving cerebral circulation during ischemic events, and reducing vascular changes and neuroinflammation. CBD has been shown to reverse or prevent the development of cognitive defects in a mouse model.

Other studies show that a combination of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD in a full-spectrum product reduced memory impairment in AD mice. In other murine studies, cannabinoids were found to reduce oxidative stress, microglial activation, and neuroinflammation; facilitate the removal of Aβ plaques and reduce their production, and decrease tau protein aggregation.

Cannabinoids have been used in humans to reduce the signs of dementia in AD patients. Caregivers report decreased distress, agitation, and aggression and improvement in mood, appetite, and sleep quality in AD patients taking cannabis oil. Because CCD is a model for AD, this would suggest that cannabinoids may work in a similar way in canine patients.”

CBD Dosage for Dementia in Dogs

We usually recommend 35–50 mg of CBD per day for dogs with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, or dementia. This is not a set dose for every pet because the best dose depends on many things, like age and how the disease is getting worse. Our top pick for with dementia is The Real CBD oil for dogs, because it comes in three different strengths based on the size of your dog.

For the best and fastest way to give CBD oil to a dog with dementia, we recommend putting it directly on the gums. We also suggest giving your dog the right amount of medicine more than once a day. This will help keep the level of CBD in your blood steady throughout the day. As your pet’s stomach gets used to the addition of an oil tincture, it will also make it less likely that it will get sick.

What is CBD Oil?

The Real CBD - How to use CBD oil

CBD stands for cannabidiol. Hemp plants have this chemical. THC is not in CBD, despite what some people may think. The euphoric feeling that comes from marijuana is caused by a chemical called THC. CBD works in different ways in the body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the brain. It is used to treat a wide range of mental and physical problems.

When looking for CBD products for your dog, you should look for ones that use CO2 extraction, as this makes the best oils and gives the best results. When CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, it has a number of effects, such as:

  • Reduced joint
  • Reduced anxiety and
  • Higher appetite
  • Reduces itching from allergic reactions
  • Thought to possibly treat

Can CBD Oil help with CCD? 


CBD products are great for helping the brain work better and are thought to be a good way to prevent cognitive dysfunction in dogs. This has also been shown to keep the brain healthy. Cannabidiol can’t cure dementia, but it can help your pet feel less stressed and anxious. These kinds of products can also help with joint pain, depression, and other problems that come with getting older.

CBD is a great thing to give to a dog with dementia. Make sure your dog is happy and healthy by keeping an eye out for signs of cognitive dysfunction and going to the vet as soon as you notice any. You can give your dog a cognitive disorder medicine, but you can also give your dog CBD products to help him or her feel great.

FAQ – CBD for dog dementia

Can CBD help with dog dementia?

Yes, CBD is believed to potentially help with dog dementia by promoting overall brain health. It can help manage symptoms like anxiety, confusion, and sleep problems which are common in dogs with dementia.

How does CBD work for dogs with dementia?

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in dogs, which plays a key role in regulating bodily functions. It may help improve mood, cognitive function, and provide a calming effect on dogs with dementia.

Is CBD safe for all dogs with dementia?

While CBD is generally considered safe for dogs, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before starting any new supplement, especially for dogs with pre-existing health conditions or those on other medications.

How much CBD should I give my dog for dementia?

The appropriate CBD dosage depends on your dog’s size and the severity of symptoms. It’s best to start with a low dose recommended by a vet and gradually increase it based on your dog’s response.

How long does it take to see the effects of CBD on dog dementia?

The time to see effects can vary. Some dog owners notice improvements in a few days, while for others, it might take a couple of weeks. Continuous and consistent use is important for best results.

The Real CBD for Dogs with Dementia

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