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CBD Oil for Candida

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Home » CBD Oil for Candida

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Fungal infections can be annoying, like a mother-in-law who has been there for too long.

Fungus. Infections from yeast. We’re going there, sure. We’ll tell you everything about a Candidiasis fungal infection that you probably didn’t want to know, including how to get rid of it and what you need to know before trying CBD oil.

Everything About Candida

Candida albicans, which we will call Candida for short, is the most common type of Candida. Candida is a type of yeast, but it’s not the kind you use to make bread with. Instead, it is a type of fungus that can cause a fungal infection called Candidiasis.

Candida is a common yeast that likes to live in our mouths, digestive tracts, vaginal tracts, and gut microbiome. Its main job is to help the body digest food and take in nutrients. But when it gets out of hand, it can cause a lot of trouble. Candida could get out of hand if:

  • You have a diet high in sugars, high-lactose dairy, and refined carbs (all our favorites, unfortunately)
  • Suffer from a weak
  • Have high- levels (who isn’t stressed nowadays?)
  • Drink lots of alcohol
  • Are taking birth control pills
  • Are taking a long course in antibiotics
  • Have diabetes

Where does Candida Love to Live

Candidiasis is worse in some parts of the body than in others. Here are the most common places where candidiasis happens and the kinds of symptoms you might have:


People with the weak immune system, babies, and older people can all get thrush. You’ll have redness and white, bumpy spots in your throat, tongue, gums, tonsils, and inside of your cheeks. These little white bumps can hurt and even bleed.


The digestive system is full of bacteria, some of which are good and some of which are bad. Getting a good mix of these will help you keep your digestion healthy. But if the balance is off, it can cause Candida to grow too much. When Candida is out of control, you may spend a lot of time in the bathroom because of problems like constipation, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bloating, and feeling sick. It could even lead to autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Skin and Nails

There are also skin and nail infections caused by fungi. Just like the bacteria in your gut, the bacteria on your skin can help stop Candida from taking over. But if the healthy balance of bacteria is upset (which can happen with something as simple as a new cosmetic or soap), you may feel itchy and see a rash. This happens most often in the armpits and, um, other places. It can also cause eczema, rosacea, and dandruff. On top of that, you might get skin and nail infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, and toenail fungus.


Candida can spread all over your body if it gets into your bloodstream. This dangerous takeover is called invasive candidiasis, and it can affect your heart, eyes, brain, and other parts of your body. It will get into your joints and give you arthritis or even an infection in your bones. Invasive candidiasis happens when the problem has been ignored for a long time or after surgery. Even though these problems don’t happen as often, they are the hardest to get rid of. Even though our lives are busy, we must always remember to put our health first.


If you are always surrounded by boxes of tissues, you may have a chronic sinus infection. Some of the signs are a runny nose, headaches, not being able to smell, and feeling generally stuffed up. Having a sinus infection for a long time is more likely to be caused by fungus than by bacteria. And Candida could be to blame.


A yeast infection is another name for vaginal candidiasis. Some women have them often, while others may only have one in their whole life. Itching, redness, swelling, discharge, and painful sex are all signs. If you have this problem and wish you were born a man, remember that men also get penile candidiasis. Candida, the gift that keeps on giving, can also cause an infection in the urinary tract (UTI). UTIs cause painful urination and the need to go to the bathroom often, even when you don’t have to. Urine may be cloudy and have some blood in it. It may also smell bad.

Systemic Candidiasis

If you don’t treat Candidiasis quickly, it can spread to many parts of your body. A weak immune system is the direct cause of this.

On top of that, candida often causes people to want sugar and feel tired. We know that having a busy life is enough to make you completely and totally tired (Moms, we’re talking to you). But a fungal infection shouldn’t be one of the reasons. Candida can be stopped before it gets out of hand, and we will show you how.

More from our blog:

How to Prevent and Treat Candida Overgrowth



We really don’t want fungal infections, so prevention is very important. To keep Candida from staying too long, you need to find ways to keep your fungi in balance. You can do a few things:

  • Practice good skin hygiene
  • Eat foods that are high in beneficial nutrients, coconut oil, turmeric, garlic
  • Stay away from sugar (this one hurts.. we know it’s difficult, but worth it!)
  • Include in your diet good-quality probiotic supplements or foods with beneficial bacteria, such as yogurt, kefir, pickles, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut
  • Healthy lifestyle focusing on getting good sleep, exercise, and taking it easy with stress


If it’s already too late and Candida is giving you a run for your money, some things may help treat these infections.

  • Antifungal agents:  If you have Candidiasis in your mouth, on your skin, or in your vagina and you are generally healthy, your doctor will probably give you a short-term treatment or a one-time dose of antifungal drugs. This is quick, easy, and works well. However if your Candidiasis keeps coming back like a bad ex, you might have a weak immune system. Your doctor might keep you on a more specific antifungal treatment. But over time, your body may get used to these drugs and stop responding to them. There are also some serious side effects, especially if you take them for a long time.

CBD Oil for Candida: The Science


We’d like to tell you about cannabidiol at this point. Just keep in mind that no treatment is 100% safe. But the side effects of CBD are mostly mild, like feeling sleepy, having diarrhea, or having a dry mouth.

This cannabinoid comes from hemp plants, which are a powerful, healing type of cannabis that are low in THC. It has been shown to fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. But this is just a drop in the bucket compared to all the other things CBD might help with.

Antifungals only do one thing, but CBD oil can be used for many things. Best of all, CBD’s natural effects are soothing and relaxing, which is why it’s so popular among us anxious, stressed-out workaholics who can’t seem to slow down.

So how does CBD help kill Candida? CBD can calm our bodies in the same way that it calms our minds.

What CBD Does


The best way to understand this is to know how CBD works. People think that the key is how CBD works with the CB2 receptors in our endocannabinoid system (ECS). Endocannabinoids, enzymes, and cannabinoid receptors all work together to make up the ECS, which is a network in our bodies that controls things like inflammation.

CBD and other phytocannabinoids are like the endocannabinoids that this system makes, so they fit into the ECS like puzzle pieces. CBD can break down the barrier that causes infections to keep coming back. The barrier that keeps your problem from going away is called a biofilm.

Biofilms are groups of microorganisms that are covered in sticky goo to keep them safe. This colony acts like a shield, making it hard for immune cells to fight back and for medicines to treat diseases.

If biofilms aren’t broken up, that stubborn infection will probably keep coming back. Antifungals have trouble getting rid of Candida biofilms because they are resistant, but there is evidence that CBD can break up this layer of protective goo. This means that CBD might be able to help treat the infection better.

CBD for Fungal Infections

How does CBD help Candida?

The fact that CBD affects biofilms was a great discovery, but it doesn’t tell us much about how CBD helps Candida. But the most promising discovery about how to treat this annoying fungus is how CBD affects our immune system.

Cytokines are your body’s natural heroes. They are the first to fight off an infection caused by a pathogen. These are molecules that let your cells talk to each other and help control things like immunity and inflammation. When cytokines attach to receptors, they can tell cells to grow or change how they act.

But the body can get sick if it has too many heroes. The infection makes the heroes tired and hurts their pain receptors and nerve cells, which makes them feel pain more. This can make pain signals go off more often, which can make thrush or yeast infections in the vaginal area hurt even more.

So, who helps the hero when he or she needs it? Caspase proteins. This happens because CBD interacts with the CB2 receptors on our immune cells. When CBD gets to these receptors, it turns on caspases, which are proteins that stop inflammation without losing their heads. This slows down the speed at which cytokines work.

Caspase proteins put cytokines out of their misery (#goals) by making their programmed death happen. And once they are gone, the immune system can start to work better.

Other Ingredients in CBD Oil That Can Help Your Candida


CBD oil’s cannabidiol is not alone in its fight against fungal infections. oil has a lot of other cannabinoids and terpenes that are also good for you.

  • – Cannabinoids: Cannabichromene (CBC) and cannabigerol (CBG), as well as many other cannabinoids, have antifungal properties, which just adds to the synergistic entourage effect of the oil.

  • – Terpenes: CBD, CBC, and CBG may even strengthen caryophyllene oxide (an oxidized form of beta-caryophyllene, a terpene), which is a known antifungal. What are terpenes? These are the compounds in cannabis that give off its trademark smell and taste. Terpenes are anti-inflammatory or antifungal in their own right.

  • – Essential oils: There is an array of essential oils that not only smell good, but can have antifungal properties: Tea tree oil, geranium, lemongrass, citronella, eucalyptus, and peppermint, to name a few.

What You Must Know Before Trying CBD for candida

What you need to know

Before you put your Real CBD product in your shopping cart, there are a few things you should think about. We want you to have all the information you need. You must know the following about CBD oil for Candida:

There aren’t enough studies done on people.

Even though the research we already have on CBD is very promising, there haven’t been many high-quality clinical studies on the human body. This is because this is a new industry that hasn’t been regulated yet. We still don’t know how different doses will affect different health conditions. Since the market isn’t regulated, it’s hard to tell people how much to take because of this. As of now, the FDA has only approved one CBD medicine for , which is called Epidiolex.

It might not work well with other ways to treat candida.

CBD could affect how well other treatments for your fungal infection work. When you use CBD, you change how your body breaks down and uses other medicines. Some of these drugs could be used to treat fungal infections, reduce inflammation, or even treat depression. Talk to your doctor to make sure that taking CBD won’t mess up any of the other medicines you’re taking.

Pick the Best CBD for Candida

If your doctor has given you the green light to try CBD for your health problems, the next step is to find the best CBD oil for you. Different types of CBD products can help with fungal infections, depending on where they are and how often they happen.

Your problem: Candida infections that keep coming back

Reason: Immune system isn’t as strong.

We suggest putting CBD oil under the tongue.

When you take CBD by mouth, it goes to the ECS cannabinoid receptors all over your body. This calms down the overworked immune cells and gives your immune system a chance to recover.

CBD can also be taken by mouth in the form of oils, tinctures, gummies, capsules, and vapes. When choosing CBD, pay attention to the labels. Some of these items are broad-spectrum, which means they don’t have THC (but can help you pass a drug test).

  • 10% CBD oil: Keep your immune system running smoothly with Ease. Containing equal parts CBD and CBG, this powerful duo not only has antifungal properties but also combats tension and stress in the body. Combined with essential oils turmeric (anti-inflammatory) and lemon balm (antimicrobial), this oil will relax and restore you.

  • 15% CBD oil: Our extract contains CBD, CBC, CBG, and other cannabinoids in the full spectrum This entourage effect along with Beta-caryophyllene (antifungal) and B-Myrcene (anti-inflammatory), CBD full-spectrum oil in its most potent form.

Your issue: Superficial patches of candida on the skin

We recommend: CBD topical

Applying CBD directly to skin infections is the best way to get results in a specific area. Essential oils and extracts may be added to creams, lotions, gels, and suppositories to help your problem even more.

  • 300mg CBD healing Balm: When you have pain, you can use CBD oil topically. Full-spectrum hemp extract is mixed with beeswax, lavender and vitamin E, which smells great and helps reduce inflammation.

Maintaining Balance with CBD for Candida

Like Candida, your mother-in-law is great in small amounts. But they can be too much sometimes. Finding the right way to deal with this problem is the key to keeping your “home” in balance.

And we recommend CBD if you want to keep your body in balance.

FAQ – CBD for Candida

Can CBD help treat Candida infections?

CBD has shown potential in supporting the body’s natural defenses and maintaining a healthy balance of microorganisms. While it’s not a cure for Candida infections, its properties may help manage symptoms and support overall wellness. It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider for a targeted treatment plan.

How does CBD affect the growth of Candida?

Research on CBD’s direct effects on Candida is still emerging. However, CBD’s potential anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties might indirectly support the body’s ability to manage Candida growth by promoting a balanced immune response. Always seek advice from a medical professional for specific conditions.

What is the recommended dosage of CBD for managing Candida symptoms?

The ideal can vary widely depending on individual factors like body weight, the severity of symptoms, and the concentration of the CBD product. It’s crucial to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it while monitoring your body’s response. Consultation with a healthcare provider or a CBD expert can help determine the best starting point for you.

Are there any specific CBD products recommended for Candida?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all CBD product for Candida. Full-spectrum CBD oils or tinctures might offer comprehensive benefits due to the entourage effect, where all cannabinoids and terpenes work together. Look for high-quality, lab-tested products from reputable sources to ensure safety and efficacy.

Can CBD cause any side effects when used for Candida symptoms?

CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals might experience side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, or gastrointestinal discomfort. When using CBD for Candida symptoms, it’s important to monitor your body’s reaction and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you’re taking other medications or have underlying health conditions.

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