AUDIO: CBD Oil explained on Spanish radio (English audio)

CBD Oil explained on Spanish radio

The Real CBD’s Lisette Miller explains CBD oil on Talk Radio Europe, an English radio station broadcasting in Spain.

CBD Oil explained on Spanish radio (English audio)

Listen here to Lisette Miller explaining CBD Oil Spanish radio. The Real CBD in the media.

Transcript: CBD Oil explained

Date: 01-2021

Talk Radio Europe: Now, I’m sure you will have heard by now of CBD oil. It seems to be the buzz word at the moment, but do you know exactly if it can help you and how it can help you and what it is? Well, here to help us answer these questions we have Lisa Miller. Welcome to the show.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Hi, thanks for having me.

Talk Radio Europe: So what exactly is it? We’ve all heard of it, but is it cannabis? What is it?

Lisette Miller (CBD): CBD is one of the parts of the plant. So there are many different cannabinoids. You’ve got CBD,  you’ve got all of these funny letters and CBD, one of the main ones in the Hemp club. 

Talk Radio Europe: And by having that, you don’t necessarily have the THC and THC is what makes you high, right? I mean, that is not what you’re getting, right? You just get in the good parts of it.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah, well, if this is good or bad, everyone’s choice. But everything has a benefit. But it comes from the hemp plant and it doesn’t get you high, which is the most important thing to remember.

Talk Radio Europe: So is it the same as is hemp?

Lisette Miller (CBD): You know, it isn’t hemp oil. Isn’t the seed extracted necessarily for oil that comes from the hemp, the seed. Yet, It doesn’t have the same benefit.

what does CBD stand for, CBD stands for .

Talk Radio Europe: Ok, lovely, lovely time.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah, we stick to CBD. Exactly.

Lisette Miller (CBD): I can’t even tell you what all of them are. It is ridiculous.

Health benefits and CBD

Talk Radio Europe: Yeah. Yeah. Well, the main thing is that there are health benefits. We’re hearing it all the time. So can you give an example of how it can help people?

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah, there are a lot of benefits and it’s quite difficult to understand how one thing can help so many things. So I will explain a little bit about that. But it can help with level anxiety, depression. It can help with pain, inflammation. It helps with people who suffer from epilepsy. It helps with sleep problems. I mean, the list goes on and on and on. The reason why it helps so many things is because what CBT does and this is really important to understand, it’s not like a medicine, but you take a paracetamol. It put that medication on top of the problem and kind of suppresses it. What CBD does is it talks to the receptors that we have all over our body and it tells the body you need to regulate this. So if you don’t sleep well enough, you’re not producing enough melatonin and it needs to balance out if you have exclamation, if you’re suffering from depression, it talks to all of these receptors and says, hey, hey, lower, higher allows your body to do the work.

Talk Radio Europe: That makes sense. Yes, it makes a lot of sense. I often think that when people, you know, take painkillers, which we all do, I mean, I certainly do. But it is more like a stick in plaster. It’s just hiding what’s really there, isn’t it?

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah, exactly. And you could take ibuprofen over a period of a few days and it would take the inflammation down. But sure enough, it’s going to come back and and things like ibuprofen is so bad for you. I mean, really, there is secondary effects to all of these medications. And the beauty about CBD and the Hempton, it doesn’t have these heavy impacts. So, yeah, basically

CBD Dosage

Talk Radio Europe: So I guess I mean, if I decided I wanted to take it, how would I know how much to take, when to take it, how many times a day that would be the problem, I guess.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah. It’s funny you say that because there are so many products out there. You there are more and more places selling the stuff you can buy online. There’s so much information, but it’s all a little bit overwhelming. You don’t know even like know where to start. And that’s kind of why I do what I do as a consultation base, because everyone is different. And that’s something that you really have to remember. You can’t do what a doctor says is only take one of these every eight hours. It doesn’t work like that. So what we do there is a guideline, for example, you would say if you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, but not too heavy, you start with a five per cent and maybe up to a 10 percent. And these percentages of the amount of the the inside the specific bottle. OK. Right. There are guidelines. So, for example, if you’re suffering from inflammation and pain, we recommend you go for a 15 percent. Maybe you need a 25 percent, which is quite strong for that intense pain. Now. Everyone is different, as I said, you start off slow and slow and you work your way up because someone who suffers with pain may be OK with three drops twice a day, like a 10 percent, whereas other people may need four drops three times a day with 25 percent.

Talk Radio Europe: Yes, of course.

Talk Radio Europe: And it’s important to really listen to your own body because you’re the only one that knows.

Talk Radio Europe: Is it a bit of a trial and error thing and see how you go and see what works for you.

Lisette Miller (CBD): That’s exactly right. It is a trial and error. When you’re starting low, you can stop at some point and keep at that level and see how it goes. And then maybe you want to go down again, maybe for drop the 10 percent, make you more anxious and three drops is the perfect level. It’s funny because it can work in in an opposite effect.

Talk Radio Europe: Right. Okay.

Lisette Miller (CBD): And also the products themselves, you could have a brand that doesn’t work for you, but don’t give up. Try another brand. I tried three or four before I found the one that really works for me. And since I was you know, since I found that point, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

CBD side effects

Talk Radio Europe: Yeah, yeah. And you mentioned some of the medication having secondary effects. Does anybody get side effects from taking CBD oil?

Lisette Miller (CBD): If I’m going to be completely honest with you, there are no is well, up until now with studies, there are no heavy side effects like you would get with medication. However, through my experience of consulting, I have found that some people suffer, for example, with a headache when the first few days that they take it because their body is taking time to adapt to the change. There are other people that notice no negative differences. It can make you a little bit too tired temporarily. I mean, again, it’s a trial and error. But I do recommend for anyone listening if you’re going to try it or if you just started trying it and you do suffer with these strange feelings at the beginning, it is just your body getting used to it and just give it three or four days, stick it out. If you can fight through that headache or if you can fight through that tiredness, do it because it will be worth it.

Talk Radio Europe: Because that’s what happens when you go through a detox, isn’t it? You know, you cut up coffee or alcohol, you often get a headache, but if you can just get through it, it’s your body clearing it all out.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yes, exactly. Your blood is going to be doing all sorts of things when you start taking CBT because your receptors are starting to fire up.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Well, all there, you know, and it starts to kick your body into gear and go back to your young natural self.

Talk Radio Europe: Right. And it’s obviously a very prevalent subject because we’ve got a couple of emails in asking you questions like that. So if you don’t mind and I hope I can answer that. So I put you on the spot here. So Val in her said, can you ever get addicted to it?

Lisette Miller (CBD): Well, I don’t believe you can. And I think anyone can get dependent on anything. And we’re talking about anything. You can start walking every day and then you need that walk to feel normal. It’s just the chemicals in the body, isn’t it? But I know plenty of people that stop and start and there isn’t any medical you. What word am I looking for? No. Medical research has shown addiction through the plant.

Is CBD Oil fully natural and organic?

Talk Radio Europe: Ok, that’s good. And it is natural isn’t it.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Is, of course, is completely natural, although there are companies that are artificially creating this. And this is also a very important point. Always check the company that you’re looking to you because you want to make sure that there are lab results, that you’re taking the right thing, that it’s produced in the right way, that it’s completely organic from seed.

Talk Radio Europe: Right, OK. Yeah, very important. Yeah. I can imagine there are some naughty companies out there trying to make a profit from it and little people as well.

Lisette Miller (CBD): You know, I mean, it’s a plant that you can grow in your back garden, especially in this weather where we live.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yeah. And then the process that they have to go through to extract the CBD, you don’t know what levels of CBD, you don’t know what process. You don’t know how clean it is. You want to go for reputable company.

Talk Radio Europe: Yeah. Yeah. Good idea. Well, we’ll speak to you at the very end so you can advise us exactly where to look if people want to. But a second question that’s come through from somebody who wants to remain anonymous would like me to solicit if you can take it during .

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yes, you can, because there’s no that again, no research to show that it will damage you or your baby in any way. There’s no harm in taking it when you’re breastfeeding, because remember, you’re not medicating yourself. You’re allowing your body to regulate itself, to create , what we call it, our body’s natural balance.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Right, I do I do, however, I tell everyone to do their own research. Absolutely, 100 percent. I am here for any questions that anyone wants to ask or contact me for any reason. Yeah, but do your own research.

And as far as babies are concerned, I’m thinking of my babies. One of my babies, my my little Westie. Can it work on animals too.

Lisette Miller (CBD): I thought you meant your baby baby.

Talk Radio Europe: No, they’re all grown.

Lisette Miller (CBD): I mean, I give the to my baby. My actual human baby.

Lisette Miller (CBD): You. Yes, I do.

Lisette Miller (CBD): I thought I started about a year ago and it has done very well for her chest phlegm and all of this stuff. But it’s amazing. I won’t go into this. We don’t have time now.

Lisette Miller (CBD): If anyone wanted to know, please contact me and I’ll tell you the whole story as well.

Talk Radio Europe: Give you we’ll give you contact details.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Animals. Absolutely. And in fact, there have been some amazing results with animals. Their metabolisms are very fast. They react very quickly. Whereas with humans, it could take three days, it could take two weeks, it could take two months. We’ve seen with animals the reaction is very far. And all you have to do is think about their weight so an animal can take the body and we recommend between one to five milligrams per five kilos of your animal. And it helps with their stress and their anxiety if they are suffering with that. And very much when your animals are getting old and they’re getting sore and you see it, you see them get better.

CBD Oil and blood thinners

Talk Radio Europe: Yeah, that’s good. That’s good. And I know you wanted to end on a very important point that you should be careful if you’re on blood thinners.

Lisette Miller (CBD): Yes, absolutely. So any type of medication that you’re currently on, you have to remember that CBT allows your body to regulate itself naturally. So if you think about it logically, if you’re taking blood thinners as a medication and you then start taking CBD and the CBT allows your body to regulate your blood thickness and then you’re taking the same amount of medication on top of that, your blood could get too thin. And obviously we all know that that’s extremely dangerous. Yes. So the same way as if you’re diabetic or if you have problems, you can take CBD. You just have to monitor it. Right. You have to monitor your your sugar levels because you’ll probably find that you’ll start lowering your medication as your body starts to regulate themselves.

Talk Radio Europe: Yeah, OK, so your advice is for everyone to do their own research, but you are a consultant as well. So how can people get in touch with you?

Lisette Miller (CBD): Well, you can call me or WhatsApp me or email me. I represent the company, the real CBD, and my brand is to be the rock on line so you can find me on Facebook and on Instagram.

Do I get my telephone if you want to, you can do. You don’t have to. All we can say people have to ring me. If they’re interested in, then I shall give it to them. How about that?

Yes. Yes. Email me and then we can take it from there.

Talk Radio Europe: Fantastic. Brilliant. Well, I tell you what, I’ve learnt such a lot about CBD oil, and I’m really thinking of having a chat with you about my little baby because she’s a bit achy now. She’s a bit old, but yeah. We’ll have a chat. Thank you so much for being on the show.

Lisette Miller (CBD):  You’re very welcome. Thank you for having me. Pleasure. Take care. Bye bye. Bye.

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