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CBD oil for dogs with cancer – how can it help?

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Home » CBD oil for dogs with cancer – how can it help?

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You are more fluent in dog than you give yourself credit for being. It’s possible you don’t speak the language; to do so would require you to be a dog in real life. On the other hand, if you moved to a community where the only other inhabitants were dogs, you’d get fairly good at comprehending what they’re saying.

It is possible to differentiate between a frightened yip and a frightening growl. As well as a bark that says greeting and one that screams “get lost”. You are able to read the body language that conveys whether someone is joyful or unhappy. Even exhausted, terrified, or pleading with you to help them right now.

What if you found out your beloved furry friend had cancer? Our first instinct is to help relieve whichever symptoms they suffer from. CBD oil for dogs with cancer could be your best natural option right now!

Signs Your Dog Could Have Cancer


There are various signs that your dog might have cancer. You MUST schedule an appointment with the veterinarian in order to get a diagnosis. Some of the signs and symptoms of dog cancer include:

  • Swelling
  • Difficulty eating
  • Lumps
  • Sudden changes in weight

Keep in mind that some of these symptoms are also common in dogs with anxiety problems. Or simply characteristics of dogs who are getting older.

Warning Signs for Dogs With Cancer

Some warning signs of cancer in dogs are:

  • Lumps or bumps underneath the skin
  • New odors coming from their mouth or ears
  • Discharge from their mouth, eyes, or ears
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Wounds or sores that won’t heal
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Dramatic changes in appetite
  • Difficulty breathing or coughing
  • or lethargy
  • Bathroom habit changes
  • Evidence of pain

If your dog shows any of these cancer warning signs, contact your vet immediately.

Can CBD oil help dogs with cancer?

Even though we do a lot to keep our beloved dogs healthy, cancer is still a common problem. Canine lymphoma, melanoma, mast cell tumours, bone cancer, hemangiosarcoma, and mammary cancer are all types of cancer that can happen in dogs.

CBD won’t cure cancer on its own, and it’s not a miracle drug. However it can be a great way to help dogs who are already getting treatment for cancer. Even though CBD can’t get rid of or remove a cancerous tumour, it has been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells. Also may work well with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. CBD can also improve a pet’s quality of life if it has been diagnosed with cancer.

CBD can help dogs with cancer deal with their pain, inflammation, anxiety, sickness, and seizures. Some dogs who don’t want to eat get better when they use CBD every day. CBD can help older pets whose owners decide that intensive and invasive treatment isn’t the best choice.

CBD supports medicines that fight cancer

A study found that mice were more likely to live when they took CBD with anti-tumor drugs. CBD oil is a safe supplement for your dog. This is because it is made from natural ingredients and has few side effects that could interfere with the anti-tumor treatment.

Lessening of cell growth

Some studies have shown that CBD can even kill cancer cells in dogs with cancer. This is called “cancer apoptosis,” and it means that the cancer cells die. It’s important to note that CBD has not been proven to be a complete treatment for cancer. A lot of research is still in its early stages.

Pain relief that is natural and cheap

Traditional cancer treatments for dogs can be too expensive, costing between 3,000 and 10,000. Furthermore, cancer in dogs can have many of the same bad side effects as they do for people. Here we can mention vomiting and loss of appetite.

CBD is still highly thought of as a way to relieve pain. Even though more research is needed in this area to find out if it can cure diseases.

Moreover, CBD in particular has been identified for its ability to reduce oxidative stress. This is an important process related to the body’s ability to fight off invading pathogens without further attacking and damaging healthy tissue.

In addition, cannabinoids can help regulate healthy gut function, which is also connected to immune health. We will explore this in more detail below.


Could Make Sleep Better

A study found that CBD oil is actually a “wake agent” that will help your dog stay awake during the day. This is so it can sleep better at night. But the way CBD affects sleep is still not clear, and more research is needed to prove it.

Boosts the Immune System

We now know that the and the are closely linked. This relationship is so strong that some researchers have coined a term for these interrelated systems: the “immuno cannabinoid system.”

May help with nausea and appetite.

Unfortunately, the most common side effects of cancer treatment in dogs include problems maintaining a strong appetite and persistent that can lead to anorexia. In addition, cancer-induced cachexia is a metabolic disorder that can be caused by several forms of cancer. It can also cause a severe loss of appetite. This is the cause of as many as 20 percent of deaths among patients.

One of the reasons many oncologists are enthusiastic about the integration of cannabis-based medicine. Integration into a complete treatment program is the benefits various cannabinoids have for improving appetite and nausea.

The Endocannabinoid system in dogs

ECS system in dogs infographic

In fact, it has been argued that the endocannabinoid system is deeply involved in regulating metabolism as well as overall gut health.

Believe it or not, the gut is jam-packed with endocannabinoid receptors, transmitters and enzymes. These systems help to maintain an environment favorable for the “good” gut flora. Also to maintain a newly discovered “brain-gut” pathway thought to be critical to regulating a host of autonomic biological systems.

Most dogs with cancer have to go through treatment, which makes them feel sick and lose their appetite. Some studies are starting to show that CBD might be able to make nausea go away. This will make your dog hungrier.

More from our blog about CBD for dogs:

Do veterinarians recommend CBD for cancer in dogs?

Natural CBD oil combined with standard cancer therapies is one option. Discuss your options with an integrative veterinarian for the best course of action. A veterinarian with training in integrative medicine is in a prime position to understand CBD’s potential benefits. Also how to best employ it in conjunction with other therapies. You’ll need to bring up the idea of adding CBD to your dog’s cancer treatment plan on your own. You see – vets aren’t allowed to initiate conversations regarding CBD.

What does CBD do for dogs with cancer?

Your dog, like all other mammals, possesses an endocannabinoid system. This is comprised of a network of receptors dispersed throughout the body and is responsible for regulating feelings such as pain, anxiety, and nausea. CBD can help effectively manage many different forms of pain. Furthermore, give comfort by interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the dog and imitating the actions of cannabinoids that naturally occur in the body.

CBD is an effective treatment for arthritis. Also for other aches and pains caused by inflamed body parts. Here we can mention those that can arise as a result of cancer treatment.

It’s possible that some forms of cancer can also bring on seizures. This can be a very frightening side effect to observe. CBD is a chemical that has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency, length, and intensity of seizures in both people and dogs. One of the most persuasive arguments for using CBD in the treatment plan for your dog’s cancer; is that it can help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.

Does CBD help with a dog’s cancer pain?

Pain and inflammation can be side effects of cancer treatment or a symptom of the progression of the disease itself. Pain management is almost always a crucial part of how to treat cancer in dogs. You will want to ask your veterinarian about adding CBD to your pain management plan. CBD oil for pets is a way to add another layer of relief, naturally and without side effects.


Can CBD help with side effects from cancer treatments for dogs?

Cancer is a terrible disease to acquire. Some patients describe the treatments as even worse than the original symptoms. Since dogs can’t talk to us, we need to assume they feel like humans undergoing cancer treatments.

CBD may assist in treating the side effects of traditional cancer treatments because of its anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory properties.

How do you treat dogs’ cancer with CBD?

To address the side effects of cancer and treatments, give your pet CBD consistently. Typically, relief will be best achieved by dosing twice a day. The usual dosing guidelines are to offer 1 – 5 mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight twice a day, but dosage amounts can vary quite a bit from one situation to the next. It may be necessary to experiment to find the right amount, and how often to give.

What is the best CBD oil for dogs with cancer?

CBD for dogs is available in many convenient forms. They can be given from a dropper directly into the mouth, added to food, dropped on a treat, or rubbed into bare skin or inside the ears. is also available in hemp CBD  capsules, , and topical hemp CBD ointments.

There are three categories of CBD to consider for dogs with cancer: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Each has its benefits, and the ideal choice will depend on your pup’s situation.

Full-spectrum CBD for dogs:


For dogs with healthy appetites, full-spectrum CBD is the best choice because it contains the highest levels of beneficial plant matter. This includes cannabinoids and terpenes, that can boost the effectiveness of CBD. However, this plant matter can make the CBD have a grassy taste that may be off-putting to dogs experiencing nausea or a poor appetite.

CBD isolate for dogs with cancer:

15% CBD oil no THC-The Real CBD-UK-Denmark-Spain-Germany

At the other end of the spectrum is CBD isolate, which is pure CBD and the most refined option. It contains no plant matter, so it has no flavor, making it a good choice for the pickiest pets. Some people choose isolates because they are pure CBD and they contain no .

Broad-spectrum CBD for dogs:

Broad-spectrum CBD is the middle ground; it still contains just enough plant material and terpenes for an entourage effect but has a mild taste. Both the full-spectrum and distillate options have virtually no THC (less than 0.3%) and the CBD isolate lacks THC completely, making all options non-psychoactive.

Make sure you buy CBD from a reputable company that conducts and shares third-party lab test results. Review these materials to be sure that the CBD you’re offering your dog contains the stated amount of CBD (0.2% THC or less), and is free from pesticides and heavy metals so you can be sure you’re giving your pup the best opportunity for natural relief with hemp CBD.

The Real CBD recommends CBD oil for Dogs with cancer

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