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Can CBD oil Help Chronic Pain and Mental health?

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Chronic pain can be exhausting and isolating.  Much like mental health problems, chronic pain isn’t always visible, so it’s difficult for other people to understand the pain you feel. Other than the obvious symptom of pain, chronic illness can be massively strenuous on your mind and your mental health. The two often go together, and we are often being asked: Can CBD oil help chronic pain and mental health? Often when you treat one, the other disappears, and CBD oil can take you far in a 100% natural way without any nasty side effects.

Home » Can CBD oil Help Chronic Pain and Mental health?

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How chronic pain can affect your mental health!

Other than the obvious symptom of pain, chronic illness can be massively strenuous on your mind and your mental health. The feelings which you often struggled with are:

  • Isolation: When pain is not in plain sight, some people struggle to understand that it’s there and affecting your life. Nobody feels what you feel, and trying to explain this phantom pain is impossible sometimes.
  • Low mood: Being in pain 24/7 is exhausting, and it can bring you down. Feeling trapped by illness will take its toll on your mood, and you can easily stoop into depressionAnxiety can grow the more you are stuck inside.
  • Anger: Frustrated with many aspects of a condition, you would ask yourself, ‘Why me?’ Chronic pain can be long-lasting, and cures (if they even exist) are not always straight forward. Misdiagnosis can wear you down and make you feel angry at the world.

The pain-anxiety-depression Connection

Studies show that 30 to 50 percent of people struggling with chronic pain also struggle with moods such as depression and anxiety.

“For example, we know that simply having a bad headache or back pain for a day can affect our mood. Imagine having that pain every day for six months. It’s actually quite reasonable to expect anxiety and depression with chronic pain,”

Says pain management specialist Hersimren Basi, MD.

Does pain cause depression and anxiety, or vice versa?

This is like asking, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It can work both ways. Pain can cause depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety can cause pain. This can create a cycle where one condition continually worsens the other.

For example, if you have pain from an injury, and have to cut back on your favourite activity because you are afraid of being reinsured. If the lack of that particular activity keeps you from improving your physical condition, you may actually become depressed because of a lack of the daily dopamine this activity gives you.

In another scenario, “Chronic pain may cause sleep problems or feelings of helplessness and worthlessness, related to missed work or financial woes. This can all lead to depression.

How can CBD oil help chronic pain and mental health?

Because CBD is fairly new, there is very little clinical evidence that cannabidiol can help treat anything. You can find animal trial and a few human trials, but they are all very circumstantial with a lot of “ifs”. But we are going to try and explain how CBD oil can help chronic pain and mental health.

Neuropathic pain

This type of pain arises when there’s damage to peripheral nerves, i.e. nerves outside the spinal cord and brain. Peripheral nerve damage can result in persistent impairment of nerve function even after the nerve recovers from the original injury

Causes for nerve damage may include:

  • Trauma or injury
  • Exposure to neurotoxic substances
  • Metabolic disorder (such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease)
  • Autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis).

Similar to chronic inflammatory pain, neuropathic pain can cause hyper-sensitization to pain signals.

However, while chronic inflammatory pain usually responds well to medications, neuropathic pain does not. Instead, opiate-type drugs (OxyContin, morphine), anticonvulsants, anaesthetics, and antidepressants are often used to manage neuropathic pain, often with a dependency on these drugs with long term use.

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CBD for mental Health

Reducing stress and anxiety

CBD has shown promise in easing the symptoms of stress and anxiety conditions. Researchers think that CBD works with receptors in the brain and changes how neurotransmitters are released. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that control mood and how the body responds to stress. CBD may help lower anxiety and make people feel calmer by changing how these pathways work.


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Sleep Disorders

Getting enough good sleep is important for good mental health. CBD has been studied to see if it can improve the quality of sleep and help with sleep problems like . Its calming effects and ability to control the sleep-wake cycle may help people get a good night’s sleep and deal with sleep problems.

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Depression and Mood Disorders

Researchers are still studying the effects of CBD on brain-regulated mood control. Some studies suggest that CBD might affect serotonin receptors in the brain, potentially making it an antidepressant. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in mood regulation, and imbalances in serotonin levels are associated with sadness and other mood disorders.

By changing how these receptors work, CBD may be able to help stabilise mood and fight the signs of depression.

Get CBD for Depression here

Neuroprotective Properties

New evidence shows that CBD may have properties that protect the brain from damage and improve its overall health. This is important for mental health because many neurological diseases are linked to psychiatric symptoms. CBD may be able to help keep your mind in good shape by helping to keep your brain healthy and reducing neural damage.

Post-stressful Stress Disorder

, is a mental health problem that can happen after a stressful event. CBD seems to help with some of the signs of PTSD, such as anxiety and unwanted thoughts. Its ability to change how people react to fear and how they process emotional memories could make it a useful tool for treating PTSD.

CBD shows promise for improving mental health, but it shouldn’t be thought of as a stand-alone treatment for mental health problems. Before adding CBD to a plan for mental health, it is best to talk to a doctor or other health expert.

How does it work?

The endocannabinoid system controls the transmission of nerve pain at many different places along the pain pathway.

Reducing Pain Transmission

Control occurs at the sensory nerves responsible for transmitting the first pain signals from the damaged tissue, as well as areas within the central nervous system that control the amount of pain that reaches the brain.


One of the ways CBD and other cannabinoids reduce pain transmission is by activating glycine receptors in the spinal cord — which has inhibitory effects on pain messages.

If fewer pain signals reach the brain, we experience less pain.

Protecting Nerve Tissue From Damage

CBD also offers protective effects on the nerves, which may prevent or reduce nerve damage. This has been shown in research looking at the protective effects of CBD on chemotherapy-induced nerve damage.

Lowering Inflammation

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD may prevent inflammatory conditions from causing nerve damage — again, leading to less neuropathic pain.

Supporting Microglia in the Spinal Cord

CBD inhibits the activity of cells in the brain and spinal cord called microglia.

-derived cells take on the role of protecting and supporting nerve cells and tend to accumulate in neuropathic pain syndromes. By inhibiting microglia, CBD may prevent the escalation of the neuropathic pain response.

Unlike some conventional pain medications, CBD doesn’t cause drug tolerance, a process in which the same dose becomes less effective over time, prompting the user to take progressively higher doses.


What is CBD oil and how does it help with chronic pain?

CBD oil is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and contains that are known to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate pain, mood, and immune system functions. Many users find that CBD oil can help alleviate chronic pain by reducing and interacting with neurotransmitters.

Can CBD oil be used to treat anxiety and depression?

Yes, people often use CBD oil as a natural treatment for mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Its potential to calm the mind and enhance mood comes from its interaction with serotonin receptors in the brain, which control mood and social behavior.

Are there any side effects associated with using CBD oil for chronic pain and mental health?

Most people tolerate CBD oil well, but some may experience side effects like fatigue, changes in appetite, or gastrointestinal issues. Experts always recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it to see how your body responds.

How should I take CBD oil for the best results in managing chronic pain or mental health issues?

CBD oil can be consumed in various forms including tinctures, capsules, or edibles. For chronic pain, topical applications may also be effective. The method of consumption can affect the onset and duration of effects, so choosing the right form based on your needs and consulting with a healthcare provider is advised.

The Real CBD oil for chronic Pain and mental Health

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