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What is CBD? – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil (Part 2)

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Home » What is CBD? – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil (Part 2)

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View Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil part 1 here


What is CBD – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil part 2 is the continued blog where we will go on with our extensive and informative blog about taking CBD oil the first time. If you haven’t read PART 1, you should head over there before you read on. Here in part 2, we will answer questions like: Is it safe to take CBD oil if you are on medication? Will you get high from CBD? It is an important decision to start a new health regime, and you must make sure you make the right choices. We will guide you all the way when it comes to choosing the right CBD product.

Will you get “high” from CBD?

A common misconception among people is that CBD produces a psychoactive high, because it is derived from the plants.
Although CBD produces some noticeable effects, it does not make people feel high like other cannabinoids do, namely (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is found in high concentrations in marijuana.

Full Spectrum CBD products do contain THC, but it’s possible for trace amounts of THC to be in CBD products, it’s typically not enough to induce a euphoric effect. It is actually important that the CBD product is full spectrum CBD oil – i.e. containing the legal trace amount of THC to give you the best effect – it is called The Entourage Effect.

So the short answer is – NO, CBD won’t make you feel high. CBD in very high concentrations are reported to produce an uplifting effect, but rarely do we come across people needing servings that high.

Taking CBD and regular drug testing

drug test passes

In case you are considering taking CBD oil on a daily basis for your long-term health, then you might be wondering if you could pass on a drug test? As CBD oil is made from the cannabis plant, many people question if it would show up positive on a drug test?? Either by traffic control, in a workplace, or in the sports club.

If you are taking a full-spectrum CBD oil that contains trace amounts of THC, then the THC could build up in your fat tissue and give a positive reading on a drug test. The tests today are so ancient that they “only” test if THC is present or not. It does not test the levels of THC. This goes for urine tests, blood tests, and saliva tests.

So if your job is dependent on regular drug testing, or you are a professional athlete, we recommend you to take a broad spectrum CBD oil or a CBD oil made only with CBD Isolates.

Do you want to know more about CBD and drug testing? click here.

Does CBD have any side effects?

Before you decide to start to take CBD, do the research, and speak with your healthcare practitioner to cover all of your bases. You should look at the benefits, dosing method sand dosage, additives, and of course the risks involved with taking CBD.

At the beginning of your new CBD regimen, some common side effects could be:

In most cases, these symptoms will pass once you have taken the CBD oil for a few days. If they persists you should take a smaller dosage and may be less frequent. Feel free to play around with the dosage and the frequency to find your own “sweet spot”

We can not recommend taking CBD oil if you are on blood-thinning medication (not including Aspirin).

To know more about CBD and its possible side effects head over to our blog: Does CBD have any side effects?

Can you give CBD oil to your pet?

All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, so your beloved pet will benefit as much as
you, taking a daily CBD product. A growing number of veterinarians believe cannabidiol (CBD) products can be effective in
treating an array of conditions in our pets. To name a few:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Appetite
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Deteriorating Quality of Life
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Phobias (Fireworks, Thunderstorm)
  • Seizures
  • Skin Problems

Standard recommended starting dosage: 1 mg – 5 mg CBD per 5 kg (10 lbs) of body weight. Start with a dose on the low end of the range. Occasionally, improvements will take more than one treatment. To control pain, give approximately every 8 hours. For other uses, or to break unwanted behaviour patterns, give once or twice a day. Remember that you cannot overdose
and there is no toxicity associated with CBD.

To find out more about CBD for your pet:

Is it safe to take CBD oil, if you are on medication

When you take a medication or other substance, your body has to metabolize it or break it down. Drug metabolism happens throughout the body, such as in the gut, but the liver does a big part of the job, too. A family of enzymes called cytochrome CYP450 does the important work of converting foreign
substances so they can easily be eliminated from the body.

But some medications or substances affect CYP450, either by slowing or speeding up drug metabolism. That change in metabolism rate can alter how your body processes the medications. If you then take CBD while on these medications, your body can’t work to process the CBD as effectively.

If your body is metabolizing a medication too slowly, you may have more medication in your system at one time than intended — even if you’ve stuck to your normal dose. An increased level of medication in your system could exaggerate its effects.

Look for the grapefruit warning!! Grapefruit warnings are common in several types of medications, but not all medications within a category will require the avoidance of grapefruit. Check your medication’s insert information or ask your doctor.

Read more about CBD and medication, click here

Cannabidiol (CBD) for cancer patients

CBD alone can not help cure cancer. The active in the cannabis plant are like your internal endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your body’s endocannabinoids are responsible for keeping your body in balance. When your body is out of balance and in a state of , your endocannabinoids work, over time, to correct this imbalance. The cannabinoids in the cannabis plant enable your body to restore this balance, which is one of the reasons why cannabis works so well for you if you have .

The whole plant is needed when helping to combat cancer, and this includes THC – high doses of THC. THC encapsulates the cancer cells and makes them “commit suicide” which then keeps them from mutating and grow. CBD oil can give a better quality of life when being treated for cancer. Helping lighten the terrible side effects of chemotherapy- and radiation treatment. Getting back the appetite, so you can eat a healthy, and nutritional diet while fighting the disease.

Make sure you inform your doctor about your CBD regimen if you are to receive cancer treatment, this is including any medication for cancer.

More from our CBD Experts:

7. CBD – A new beginning!

By starting a daily CBD regimen you not only help your body into homeostasis, which is its young natural state, you also create a longer and better life for yourself. It is the beginning of a healthier and happier every day – It could be the end of feeling sick and in pain. Making healthy choices and using CBD daily, will make you realize how you should feel. Making it a habit will be the best choice you have made in a long time. You will thank yourself
in a few weeks and never look back.

Because CBD does not have any bad side effects, you really don’t have anything to lose to try it out. Just make sure that you speak to someone with CBD knowledge, to get the right product for you!… and HAVE PATIENCE!! It is not like a conventional medication that works within 20 minutes – you have to give CBD time to do its magic!

If any of our many returning clients stop taking The Real CBD, they often realize that the CBD drops have actually helped them in more ways than they originally started out treating. An example could be taking CBD for high blood pressure and when having a break or trying another CBD Brand – you could realize that it also helped you to sleep better or keep more calm and relaxed.

What is CBD – Beginner’s Guide to taking CBD oil 1 and 2

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. What is CBD – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil part 2 and part 1, if you want to know more about our products, please feel free to seek information on our website www.therealcbd.com or send us an email on info@therealcbd. You can also give us a call and speak to an expert.

Thank you for reading our blog – What is CBD? – Beginner’s guide to taking CBD oil (Part 2). If you have more questions about CBD, our products, dosage guidelines etc., please visit our special CBD information page. Or get in touch with us for personal guidance!

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