CBD Oil success stories

The Real CBD Success Stories

Are you looking for inspiration and motivation to try out CBD products? Look no further than our CBD oil success storie page! We’ve gathered real-life testimonials from our customers around the world who have experienced life-changing benefits from The Real CBD’s products. These stories offer a glimpse into the powerful potential of cannabidiol and how it can positively impact your well-being. From managing chronic pain to reducing anxiety, our customers have found relief and improved their quality of life thanks to our high-quality CBD oil. Don’t just take our word for it, read the success stories and see for yourself how CBD can make a difference.

My dog loves the CBD Pet treats

Dog with The Real CBD treats

Our dog absolutely loves the pet treats from The Real CBD. It suffers from anxiety as it was adopted from a dog shelter. But thanks to the CBD treats, it suffers less from stress and is able to relax way better. We are thrilled with these pet treats!


Workout magic

Man dropping CBD oil into his mouth

I take CBD 18% Athletes oil every day after my training session and it’s helping fantastically with recuperation after tennis as well.  I can now train 5 times a week without any fatigue or injury.  BECAUSE IT WORKS.

K. Muro

Solution to Psoriasis

Man pointing to his psoriasis elbow

I suffer since my younger years from Psoriasis (a chronic skin condition that can cause red, scaly patches of skin to appear.) Thanks to the CBD Balm of The Real CBD – I now have an effective tool in hands. The CBD balm is easy to apply, has a lovely smell, and works wonders. I love it!


A magnificent help

Our dog has a lot of energy and in this time of pandemic there was no way to work at home calmly. With the drops for pets he is much calmer and more relaxed. A success to have bought it.

Nekane Goñi

Cbd powder

The Real CBD capsules in 3 flat packs

Super products – and without taste!

Henning Nissen

CBD for Anxiety and Stress

The BEST natural help for my Anxiety and Stress issues

CBD Oil was recommended to me by my best friend who has been using the products for several years.
I saw the wonderful effect it has on her with her joint pain and knew that I could trust the products.
Due to the stress with anxietyof the pandemic and past events, I decided to give it a go. It has been the best decision for me.
I feel so much better and manage much better. It works for me and I am so happy that I am using it. I take the Premium CBD Oil 8% CBG, 6% CBD as well as 5% CBD when I am running out of the other!
Great customer service too.
Thank you for the great products that you are offering.


In love – CBD for anxiety!

Started using the 15% CBD oil and the lollipops a little over a year ago and it made an enormous difference! I have arthritis and fibromyalgia and insomnia. The CBD oil has replaced my sleep medication and helps with the pain. Recently my needs changed and upon contacting customer service, I was very quickly, kindly, and thoroughly informed about which products would be suited for my situation. The lollipops are great too! I always keep one on hand because I’m prone to anxiety attacks, for which they’re really great.

Charlotte D

CBD Crystals

I was searching EU-sites for the best deals on CBD-crystals. And I found it here at The Real CBD.
When the order was delivered I was very surprised to get it within just a few days from Spain til Denmark.
Excellent service and product.

Rasmus A H. Grøn-Iversen

CBD has changed my life

The Real CBD Sleep Solution has changed my life. I sleep better and longer. I used to get up several times a night which made my days full of brain fog and energy slumps. I take a few drops under the tongue every night 1 hour before bed, and I sleep like a baby. Highly recommendable. Their customer service is second to none. Always answeres promptly with useful information and kindness.

Louise Kampmann

Great CBD products that help a lot!

I had very bad chronic pains in the rectum after chemo and also a very disturbed digestion and some muscular and joint pains at different places in my body. In the beginning, I started with low doses of CBD from other manufacturers and it didn’t help me much. Then I talked to you and you recommended I use water-soluble capsules of CBD for my digestion problems as well as 10% CBD in drops against my rectum pains. That works great! And then I just tried your new CBD healing balm with 1000mg CBD on the muscles that were hurting and it helped a lot too. Altogether I’m feeling much better now than before I took your products and I am very thankful for your help and your great products. I can recommend you 100%!


CBD Oil for a Prince

Fantastic product for our Prince. As they say, a dog has got a sixth sense… he knows how good this CBD oil is for him and can’t wait to have them every morning. Thank you for such a great, consistent high-quality CBD oil.

CBD capsules changed my life

Hi The Real CBD – Your CBD capsules have literally changed my life. I am a Bio Hacker and always trying to keep optimal health. The only thing I couldn’t get rid of in a natural way was my knee pain. 60-year-old knees who have climbed several mountains and been a keen skier for 40 odd years – was aching to the point of having to take NSAID pain killers every day! They are now gone…. and been replaced with The Real CBD capsules. 4 capsules a day is doing the same as 2 x 75mg Voltaren! AMAZING! Thank you so much – please don’t ever stop making these wonder capsules.

Alan Campbell

CBD Athletes oil for a tennis elbow

The Real CBD tincture on a tennis court background

I am so happy with this CBD oil. My tennis elbow had me out of the game for months, but now with this CBD Athletes oil, I am back again. 3 drops morning and evening keep the inflammation at bay and I can play tennis again. The customer service at The Real CBD is phenomenal. They are super helpful and reply quickly and to the point. Highly recommendable!

Anton Hillmann

Incredible CBD oil results!

I have seen incredible results in the last 2 weeks with The Real CBD oil for Pets. The 10% Pet Solution has literally changed my dog’s paw in 2 weeks. See for yourself in the picture. Thank you The Real CBD!

Lisa M

CBD Pet Solution for my dogs

I’ve been using the real CBD oil for my dogs (5% Pet Solution) for a couple of months now.

Hanne is very easy to contact and meets me straight away.

One of our dogs has dermatitis that used caused her to itch all the time and was on expensive tablets from the vet. Since having the CBD oil, we have stopped giving her the tablets and she is fine.

Our other dog has arthritis and used to yelp in pain several times a day but seems to be pain-free since taking the oil.

I would fully recommend this product.


CBD/CBN for sleep and relaxation

I’ve been taking CBD for several years now and it has helped me with anxiety, stress, pain, and sleeping. Tried the CBD reishi & ashwagandha capsules and the CBD/CBN/ melatonin and I must say I feel really relaxed and calm and also get a great night’s sleep. Highly recommend The Real CBD products. A really informative website and the customer service is excellent.

Susan Lynas

Premium CBD Oil

The Real CBD Permium CBD oil - Virginia French

The Real CBD premium CBD Oil is a good product that really helps arthritis in my fingers ( though it tastes disgusting ! ). Expensive but worth it and always great service from the real CBD company, very helpful quick, and efficient.

Virginia French

Grata sorpresa – CBD al 5%

Grata sorpresa – CBD al 5%

Hace 2 meses que estoy utilizando el aceite CBD al 5 %. Estoy sorprendido y satisfecho con los efectos. Noto menos ansiedad y me ayuda a concentrarme mejor en el trabajo

I have been using the 5% CBD oil for 2 months now. Very surprised and satisfied with the effects. I notice less anxiety and it helps me to concentrate better at work.

Matias Barayobre

CBD Gummies

These are the best CBD gummies I ever tried, taste fantastic and help me sleep a whole lot better in the Night.

Michael Nielsen

Tried Several CBD products

I have tried several CBD products. I first used 5% oil in 2019 for knee pain before a knee replacement and was very pleased with the pain relief and improved mood. I now have back pain & got the 5% oil with turmeric & black pepper but sadly it’s not helping with the pain but has improved my stress/moods making me feel able to cope better. I have also been trying the CBD patches which have slightly helped with knee pain on my other knee. I might try the 15% CBD oil for my back pain.

Debra Colley

Fenomenal – 5% CBD para Mascotas

El aceite CBD 5% para mascotas que es lo que he probado genial! Muy buen producto.

Patricia López Fernández

CBD for Sleep

CBD for Sleep. Started with the 3% oil, felt not much, and changed over to the 5%, now feel that my sleep at night is better and not waking up until morning. Thanks The Real CBD for my nights of rest.


Rainbow CBD Gummies & CBD/CBN pills

My girlfriend used to eat painkillers multiple times a day because of pain in her feet and joints. After she started eating 2 CBD gummies in the morning when she wake up and 2 again in the evening before she goes to bed, she stopped taking painkillers and has no pain in her feet or joints.

I had a lot of trouble falling asleep, sometimes it would go 45 minutes of twisting and turning, trying to sleep. But since I started taking CBD/CBN pills – one pill before I go to bed, I’ve had no trouble falling asleep.

Patrick N. Johansen

Brilliant CBD Products. Nice people.

5mg CBD Gummy Bears in a jar - The Real CBD Brand

Recommended by a friend. Very happy with the product’s effect. Brilliant CBD products. Best brand I’ve tried yet. Gummies are tasty and discreet. Capsules are effective and multi-purpose. Not tried the other products yet but I’m recommending CBD Gummies to everyone I know because it’s a great product and has very swift delivery. Nice people to deal with and great customer service. Discreet postal packaging and helpful consultations and guidance were available which really helped me understand CBD and manage my dose

Talia nash

Excelentes Productos!

CBD sleep products on a wood table top in a shop - The Real CBD Brand

¡Excelentes productos!

Está siendo muy beneficios como complemento de la terapia por un problema de ansiedad.
Por la noche tomamos las que tienen melatonina también y por la mañana nos estás.
Toda la familia con mejor humor.
Buen producto: recomendado

Saverio Cannito



Pet Oil Solution The Real CBD

Louie is a thirteen year old much loved - (but then aren’t they all?) Yorkshire Terrier, who has been struggling with an arthritic shoulder for the past two years.  This was made worse by Louie suffering two cruciate ligament collapses - both rear legs - owing to an ongoing weight issue, much to his owner's shame.

The weight is now under control, but until recently his shoulder was still a problem with the vet advising that Louie should only be given short 10-minute walks, and his owner even buying a doggy buggy. She was understandably very concerned about Louie’s future.

Since starting taking the CBD Oil on a daily basis - just two drops a day,  Louie’s owner has noticed a huge difference in his gait and is amazed to report he is even running again. Something she hadn’t seen him doing for at least a couple of years.  He appears more comfortable and is very happy to walk/run quite a good distance.  A marked and very happy change. This success story was shared by a very well-known and reputable dog trainer in the UK who wishes to stay anonymous. She is, for years now, a loyal customer of The Real CBD

Golden retriever on grass

CBD pet oil Solution - 2

This is an image of another lovely dog called Missy. She suffers terribly from sore feet. The poor animal! In the past, it had been frantically chewing at its sore feet to the point they were bleeding. Missy had been in a cone for 2 weeks to prevent her doing any further damage.

Thankfully, Missy was given CBD pet solution. After 2 days of taking the CBD oil, the cone was removed and Missy stopped chewing her sore paws. As you can clearly see in the picture, after just 2 days taking the pet CBD oil, the red soreness is much reduced. Missy’s bosses are both amazed and pleased with the results and it made them decide to continue the dosage of The Real CBD pet Solution.

More information about CBD oil and pets

Please use the buttons to find out more about our CBD Pet solution, the benefits, and ideal dosage for your beloved animals.

Success Stories about CBD skincare

CBD Healing Balm

Another popular product, besides our full spectrum organic CBD oil, is our special CBD Balm. This product is ideal for improving the state of your skin! Our natural healing balm based on organic hemp CBD can be a huge benefit to your skin. In addition to daily skincare, the nourishing and restorative skin balm can also be used to treat and soften the skin in insect bites, blisters, or burns.  Additionally, cannabidiol (CBD) has antioxidant properties and could slow down the aging of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Our CBD balm is very beneficial to acne, psoriasis (see pictures below), and eczema. Apply several times a day in affected areas.  This can also be used free on baby skin, children, or animals. Only for superficial skin treatments.

Healing Balm is effective against most skin conditions

Our CBD balm is very beneficial to acne, psoriasis (see pictures below), and eczema. Apply several times a day in affected areas.  This can also be used free on baby skin, children, or animals. Only for superficial skin treatments.

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