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CBD for Neurogenesis and Brain Health!


We always hear about our heart health, how we have to take care of our , keep our muscles strong, and eat healthily. But what about our brain health? Neurogenesis is the fancy word for the production of new neurons. Neurons are the information messengers. They use electrical impulses and chemical signals to transmit information between different areas of the brain, and between the brain and the rest of the nervous system. CBD for Neurogenesis and Brain Health should be stable in your supplement cabinet.

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The human brain is the command center for the nervous system and enables thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions by a complex function that is the highest product of biological evolution.

Maintaining a healthy brain during your life is the uppermost goal in pursuing health and longevity. As we age, the burden of neurological disorders and challenges for the preservation of brain health increase.

Neurogenesis Definition

The term neurogenesis combines the word neuro, meaning relating to the nerves, and genesis, which means the formation of something. So, neurogenesis essentially refers to the birth of new nerve cells, neurons.

At birth, the human brain consists of about one billion neurons.

Unlike other cells, neurons don’t regenerate or reproduce. That means once they die, they’re gone for good.

Previously it was thought the creation of new nerve cells, neurogenesis, took place mainly when a baby was developing. However, research has demonstrated that you can generate new cells in your adult life, this is where CBD for neurogenesis and brain health comes in.

Brain health is so important, and neurogenesis plays an important role in that.

What Are Neural Stem Cells?

Up until relatively recently, it was thought that adult neurogenesis was impossible. It was believed that the birth of neurons happened during development before birth and was restricted to early childhood years.

This idea was challenged a few decades ago, starting with evidence suggesting adult neurogenesis was actually possible.

Now, a growing body of research shows new neurons are born throughout your life in two specific neurogenic areas in the brain—the dentate gyrus (DG) and the subventricular zone (SVZ). These cells are created not from the division of mature cells, but from the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSC).

What are stem cells?

These are basic cells that turn into other cells of the same type through differentiation.

Stem cells can divide indefinitely to create more stem cells, or differentiate to produce more specialized cells. Stem cells can produce different types of cells, that have a specific job through a process known as differentiation.

These stem cells can produce specialized cells such as neural progenitor cells. These progenitor cells can then differentiate into specific types of neurons.

Sounds complicated – but it’s not.

A distinctive characteristic of a stem cell is its ability to self-renew through cell division. This allows stem cells to retain a collection of parent stem cells, which can be used to create new cells in the body.

Neural stem cells are self-renewing cells that have the ability to develop into numerous specialized cells. NSCs can both produce new neurons and glial cells, which are brain cells that help to support and protect your neurons.

Where Does Neurogenesis Take Place?

In an experiment, the researchers placed brain tissue not only in formaldehyde but also in other substances. This made it possible to preserve the tissue, as well as the markers essential to make the right observations for up to 6 months. Time and the type of preservation play an important role in the detection of new neurons. This is what falsified previous studies denying the existence of neurogenesis.

The researchers relied on the detection of markers such as Doublecortin (DCX) to identify new neurons. This is a protein that is very present in young immature neurons. After observation, the production of these new neurons takes place in the hippocampus. This part of the brain area is not only important in the memory process but is also the cradle of neurogenesis in mammals.

But the aim of this experiment was not only to detect new neuronal cells but also to see the maturation process.

The generation of new neurons helps the brain respond to cognitive demands more effectively. The hippocampus is adaptive and may benefit from the integration of new neurons. Meaning the brain can “grow” younger” and more efficient with new neurons.

If you want to keep producing new cells throughout your life, you need to engage in activities that stimulate the brain. Try brain exercises like simply doing things using your non-dominant hand, stimulating your olfactory bulb by smelling new scents, joining an art class, or learning a new language.

Learning and memory are vital for the creation of new cells. Whether it’s speaking another language or learning to play a new instrument, keeping your mind active encourages new cell production.

Active body – Active mind

Aside from keeping your mind active, you need to keep your body active, too.

Research has found that physical exercise boosts neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. This may be useful in repairing brain damage.

Aerobic exercise not only boosts the production of endorphins but also helps in providing more oxygen to the brain and other important organs in the body.

So, pick something new you’ve never done before and start learning how to do it. Be sure to get lots of aerobic exercises to stimulate your brain. Brush your teeth with “the-other-hand”, stand on one leg while queueing, or challenge yourself with a crossword puzzle.

You want to keep your mind sharp and healthy for as long as possible.

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Neurogenesis and neurological diseases

Autopsies have shown that the inscription of markers such as Doublecortin was increased in the hippocampus in people with disease. The same for people with Huntington’s disease. Markers like e β-tubulin III in this same brain region. These new cells then migrate to the area of the striatum damaged by the disease.


A study in 2021 states in its conclusion: Neuroimaging studies have shown that acute CBD induces significant alterations in brain activity and connectivity patterns during resting state and performance of cognitive tasks in both healthy volunteers and patients with a psychiatric disorder.

Neurogenesis and stroke

To identify the link between neurogenesis and stroke, this experiment was conducted in mice after cerebral ischemia. The number of new neurons increased within 12 days of the stroke. But these cells did not stay in the same place. After a month, the younger ones were separated from the mature cells and went to the granular layer.

Neurogenesis and ageing

We talk about adult neurogenesis, but what good is it all for? And with age, is there still the production of new neurons? Many previous experiments have shown that neurogenesis no longer drops significantly with age in mammals. However, an experiment involving people from 43 to 87 years of age has shown the opposite. It shed light on the production of new neurons in the hippocampus.

This shows that regardless of age, neurogenesis is still present. However, no study on this phenomenon in younger people has been done, making it impossible to compare the two.

CBD and oxidative stress

Oxidative , has nothing to do with the stress that some people feel on a daily basis? After the body has burned nutrients to make energy, there is waste that will be quickly rejected: these are the free radicals. And the environment such as pollution and stress can promote the production of free radicals. Too many free radicals are NOT good.

So, let’s get back to the point. As each of these molecules is equipped with a negative single electron, it will seek its other half. All this to ensure the stability of the famous free radical. To find its other half, it will catch healthy cells to get an electron. Deprived of its electron, the healthy cell will age faster and therefore die.

But this not only alters the aging mechanism of healthy cells but can also impact their DNA.  This is what causes cardiovascular diseases as well as neurodegenerative diseases.

Oxidative stress and antioxidants

How can antioxidants help with the oxidative stress process? Well, because they provide free radicals with the electrons they need. When balanced, the free radical no longer needs to attack neighboring cells to take their electrons. Of course, our body produces antioxidants, but this is far from sufficient to counter the number of free radicals our bodies are encountering constantly. Our body, therefore, needs a booster, and that’s good because this is where CBD for Neurogenesis and Brain Health comes into play.

According to a study dating from 2018, a glimmer of hope for people with cognitive diseases is CBD. Indeed, the powerful and antioxidant CBD contains, could very well inhibit the action of free radicals, responsible for oxidative stress.

CBD and blood flow

To renew themselves, cells need oxygen which they can only get thanks to a good blood flow. A study conducted in 2020 showed that CBD could increase blood flow in the brain area. For this study, researchers chose 15 young participants, all of whom were non- users. They consumed 600 mg of CBD or 600 mg of placebo at different times for one week. This experiment showed that a dose of CBD temporarily increased blood flow to the hippocampus.

In short, neurogenesis is alive and well in adults.  So using CBD for Neurogenesis and Brain Health can boost this phenomenon. This is the reason why CBD can be used to offset the signs of neurodegenerative diseases.


What is neurogenesis?

Neurogenesis is the process of generating new neurons, which are the brain cells responsible for transmitting information throughout the brain and nervous system.

How does CBD support neurogenesis?

CBD supports neurogenesis by promoting the creation of new neurons and protecting existing ones. It also helps reduce oxidative stress and , which are detrimental to brain health.

Can adults produce new neurons?

Yes, adults can produce new neurons, particularly in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory and learning. This was a significant finding that challenged the earlier belief that neurogenesis only occurred in early childhood.

What role do neural stem cells play in neurogenesis?

Neural stem cells are the origin of new neurons. They can self-renew and differentiate into various specialised brain cells, facilitating the continuous generation of neurons throughout life.

How can lifestyle choices influence neurogenesis?

Engaging in activities that stimulate the brain, such as learning new skills, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet, can enhance neurogenesis. Aerobic exercise, in particular, has been shown to boost the production of new neurons.

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