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CBD for Kennel Cough in Dogs

Multiple big dogs behind a fence in a kennel

Kennel cough is a respiratory infection that is very infectious and makes dogs cough, sneeze, and have runny noses. It can be scary for both the dog and the person who owns it. Even though most people use traditional treatments, there is rising interest in alternative treatments like CBD. In this piece, we’ll talk about how CBD might help kennel cough in dogs and how it can be used as a natural treatment.

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What’s Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough, also called infectious canine tracheobronchitis, is a common lung infection in dogs. It is caused by a mix of viruses and bacteria, like the parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bronchiseptica. Kennel cough is easy to spread in places like kennels, dog parks, and grooming shops where dogs are in close touch with each other.

Why dogs get kennel cough

Most cases of kennel cough are caused by viruses and bacteria that are passed from dog to dog. Dogs can get kennel cough from infected animals, droplets in the air, or objects that are contaminated. , too many people, and not enough air flow can all make the chance of spread higher. To keep dogs from getting kennel cough, it’s important to give them the right care and get them vaccinated.

What Does Kennel Cough Do?

When you hear the distinctive choking or hacking cough of this illness, you’ll know right away. Kennel cough makes your dog cough in a way that sounds like he or she is choking. The cough is also worse when you work out, when it’s hot, or when the temperature changes.

What Is Bordetella?

Bordetella bronchispetica is a common cause of kennel cough in dogs. Stress and environmental changes like extreme cold and humidity are known to increase a dog’s chances of being infected, as well as its severity. Dogs can breathe in droplets from an infected dog at the dog park or kennel, or even share a water bowl at the dog beach and become infected. Common symptoms include:

  • Spasms of dry coughing
  • Gagging
  • Retching
  • The severity of cough will subside during the first 5 days
  • The disease will last from 10 to 20 days
  • Slight loss of appetite

Severe Symptoms will include:

Fever, pus-filled nasal discharge, sadness, tiredness, loss of appetite, coughing up mucus, and fever. Puppies usually have a cough that makes a lot of mucus, which could be a sign of another infection like bronchopneumonia or distemper. Affected puppies and dogs need to rest in a place where they won’t be stressed out and eat well so they don’t get sick again. Thoracic radiographs will need to be done on dogs with very bad signs.

The time for the egg to hatch can be anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. If you think your dog or puppy may have been in direct touch with an infected dog, talk to your vet to make sure all vaccinations are up to date. Even though you can’t get kennel cough from your pet, you’ll need to keep them apart to stop it from spreading.

How kennel cough has been treated in the past

When kennel cough is found in a dog, vets often give the dog standard treatments to help with the symptoms. These may include cough suppressants, antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial illnesses, and rest so that the dog’s immune system can fight off the infection. Even though these methods can work, some dog owners are looking for other ways to help their dog get better, such as CBD.

Can CBD help dogs with kennel cough?

CBD, which stands for “,” is a natural chemical that comes from the plant. It affects different parts of the body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in both people and animals. CBD is often used to treat people because it might help them feel better, but there is growing proof that it can help dogs as well.

Understanding CBD for Dogs

Before you think about CBD as a possible treatment for kennel cough, you should know how it works and what it does to dogs. CBD works with the endocannabinoid system, which is a key part of how the immune system, pain perception, and are controlled. CBD may help dogs stay in balance and feel better generally by interacting with certain receptors in the body.

What CBD Does

CBD works by changing how the receptors in the body’s own endocannabinoid system work. It can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and change how the immune system works, which may help with the signs of kennel cough. CBD might help stop coughing, calm irritated lungs, and help the immune system fight off the infection. But more study needs to be done to fully understand how CBD works to treat kennel cough.

CBD may help dogs with kennel cough in some ways.

ECS system in dogs infographic

Even though there isn’t a lot of study on CBD and kennel cough, there may be some benefits to with respiratory infections. CBD may help lower inflammation in the airways and stop coughing because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help dogs with kennel cough feel more comfortable and at ease while they are getting better.

Studying the effects of CBD on kennel cough

At the moment, there aren’t any scientific studies that look into how CBD affects kennel cough in dogs. But studies on how CBD might help other respiratory diseases in animals, like asthma and bronchitis, suggests that it might be useful as a medicine. According to these studies, CBD can help lower inflammation and improve how well the lungs work. This could also be true for dogs with kennel cough.

More about CBD

How to Choose the Best CBD Products

When selecting a CBD product for kennel cough, it’s crucial to choose high-quality, lab-tested options specifically designed for pets. Look for products that are:

  • Full-Spectrum: These contain a wide range of and terpenes that work together to enhance the therapeutic effects, a phenomenon known as the entourage effect.
  • Organically Grown: Ensures the product is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.
  • Third-Party Tested: Verifies the product’s safety, potency, and purity.
  • Formulated for Pets: Products designed for dogs often come in flavors or forms that are more appealing and safer for them.

How to Administer CBD to Dogs with Kennel Cough

The most effective way to administer CBD for kennel cough is orally, either directly under the tongue or mixed with food. The dosage will depend on the dog’s size, age, and the severity of symptoms. It’s advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase it based on the dog’s response. Consulting with a veterinarian familiar with CBD can provide guidance tailored to your pet’s specific needs.

When a dog has kennel cough, CBD can help.

When adding CBD to your dog’s routine, it’s best to start with a small amount and slowly increase it if necessary. CBD can be taken by mouth in the form of food or CBD oil. It’s important to keep an eye on how CBD affects your dog and talk to a vet if you have any worries or questions. Keep in mind that CBD is not a cure for kennel cough, and it should only be used in addition to doctor care.

Think about safety

CBD oil for Pets

CBD is usually thought to be safe for dogs, but there are some important safety things to remember. Make sure you’re giving your dog CBD products that were made just for them. CBD products made for humans may contain ingredients that are bad for dogs. Also, talk to your vet before giving CBD to your dog, especially if he or she is already taking other medicines or has a health problem.

Other natural ways to treat kennel cough

In addition to CBD, there are other herbal treatments that might help dogs with kennel cough. These include making the air more humid to stop coughing, giving the person a lot of fluids to keep them from getting dehydrated, and using plant remedies like honey and herbal teas that are soothing. But you should always talk to your doctor before trying any new treatments or remedies.


CBD shows promise as a natural treatment for kennel cough in dogs, but more study is needed to find out if it works and is safe for treating this condition. If your dog is showing signs of kennel cough, you should talk to a vet right away to get a good diagnosis and advice. CBD should be used as a supplement to standard veterinary care to help your dog stay healthy.

As pet owners increasingly seek out natural remedies for their furry friends, CBD emerges as a promising solution for managing kennel cough. By leveraging its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, CBD can offer relief from symptoms and support overall wellness. However, choosing the right product and dosage is key to ensuring safety and efficacy. With the right approach, CBD can be a valuable tool in your pet care arsenal.

FAQ – Can CBD help treat dog cough?

Can CBD treat Kennel Cough?

CBD isn’t a fix for kennel cough, but it may help ease the dog’s symptoms and help him get better.

Is CBD safe for kennel cough in dogs?

CBD is usually safe for dogs, but it’s important to choose high-quality goods and talk to a vet before giving it to your dog

How long does it take CBD to help kennel cough in dogs?

The benefits of CBD can vary from dog to dog and depend on how bad the symptoms are. It’s best to give CBD some time to work and keep an eye on how your dog reacts.

Can I give my dog CBD oil from a person if it has kennel cough?

No, it’s not a good idea to give your dog human CBD oil because it might have things in it that are bad for them. Choose CBD goods that are made especially for pets.

Does CBD for kennel cough in dogs have any side effects?

CBD is usually well accepted by dogs, but some dogs may have mild side effects like getting sleepy or having trouble with their stomach. Keep a close eye on your dog and change the dose if necessary.

The Real CBD for Kennel Cough

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